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Everything posted by SpanishMoss

  1. The moose can respawn for only 1 day then vanish again for 30 days, so if you didn't check his spawn location one day, you might have missed him.
  2. It can be around 30 days, it varies depending on difficulty though.
  3. While your idea sounds interesting, we would need more details. For example can you craft it, what can you put in it, how long does it keep things hot etc.
  4. On Xbox, to take a screenshot press the the home button, then the x button (not at the same time) then upload it here
  5. I don't know much about cars so I wouldn't know, but in regards to your response to how the tunnel collapsed, you misunderstood what I was describing. Initially, the tunnel was partially collapsed, open enough for Astrid to squeeze through. Later on before Will got there, the tunnel fully collapsed, rendering it impassible.
  6. When the Aurora happened, all electronics got fried. This would include most of the important circuits that allow a car to function. It's unlikely you could repair the boards to a point where the car will function. The only reason the lights work is not because the battery has charge during the Aurora, the Aurora directly powers the lights. (I think)
  7. Also, I see that you are using windows (I assume) so if you right click on your task bar and select "task manger" that program will allow you to see more specifically how you pc is handling the game
  8. Translating what was said above, you gpu sucks, and is surprising that it even runs. You cpu is probably doing most of the work rendering frames at that point. If you have a desktop, you can replace your gpu for something like a Nivida GeForce GTX 1050 to 1080, they will be sufficient.
  9. Mods are not technically implemented yet, this is a base game difficulty increase for the seasoned players who find interloper easy. And not looking at the wiki only works for so long, as you figure things out eventually.
  10. The entire point of The Long Dark is BEING alone, by adding NPCs you would be taking away from that feeling of having to rely on yourself and only yourself.
  11. Introduction - When it comes to a new difficulty level, a lot of things have to be considered, and a lot of play styles taken into account. This post is a comprehensive idea for a harder difficulty than interloper. I urge you to read the full post, and comment on any section that you think should be different. Assume that everything is on Interloper setting (such as no guns no MRE etc...), with these being the changes from those settings. The name - To go along with the theme of "adventurer" synonyms, as the name of the difficulties, I have chosen the Sojourner, meaning "a person who resides in a temporary place". A fitting name, as no place can be home for long in this difficulty. Lets start off with the most obvious changes : - Reduced loot availability - Harsher weather - More hostel animals - Decay rate of items increased These changes are in keeping with the theme of previous difficulty changes, and while I can't really specify the exact amount these values change by, it will be noticeable. The following is the list of all the item changes: FOOD Processed food will be almost non-existent this will include pre-packaged food, canned food, and soda Herbal Tea and Coffee tins will spawn at the same rate as normal Interloper, however the cups of both cannot spawn, just the tins/boxes On average the amount of meat in an animal is 15% less, and the max possible meat of one animal will be reduced 15% Cook times for all items are slightly increased (this includes water) MEDICAL Antiseptic, painkillers, and antibiotics will still spawn, but extremely rarely Bandages cannot spawn and must be crafted Stims spawn at a slightly lower rate than normal interloper Brewed teas take longer to cook, but are otherwise the same FIRE Cedar, and Fir firewood spawn almost never, and have to be harvest from tree branches Firelogs do not spawn (idk if this is already a thing or not) Accelerant spawns less frequently, and does not spawn outside of containers Matches, of course, spawn less often and in smaller packs of 6-10 rather than 12 Mag lens spawns ONCE per game in a random region Firestriker does not spawn ALL firewood adds slightly less time to a fire TOOLS Knife and Hatchet do not spawn Heavy Hammer spawns much less frequently Prybar takes more condition when opening containers, and has a random condition between 25-100% (and spawns less frequently) Lantern DOES NOT spawn Flares (both types), and torches go out faster, but have no change in loot spawning rates Cooking pots are extremely rare Bedroll DOES NOT spawn, you must craft a bearskin one The flashlight spawns TWICE per game only, and on average has a lower condition Lamp fuel (both jerry can and bottle) spawn almost never, and must be acquired from fishing Fishing tackle does not spawn and must be crafted yourself Can opener does not spawn Hacksaw spawns at the same rate, but on average spawns with a lower condition REPAIRING Sewing Kit, whetstone, and simple tools, spawn slightly less frequently Using the fishing tackle instead of the Sewing kit takes slightly longer than normal to repair Quality tools do not spawn WEAPONS The bow degrades more when shooting No bows can spawn, and must be crafted The bow takes slightly longer to craft than normal Distress Pistol has a 50% chance of spawning in any of the 3 boxes, and a even lower chance of spawning in the HRV spawn However, at least 1 distress pistol spawn is guaranteed Distress Pistol boxes can have 0-3 flare shells in them Distress Pistol rounds are now much more rare Arrows are unchanged Stones are slightly less common Snares degrade much faster CLOTHING All fur clothing does not spawn and must be crafted The following items DO NOT spawn HEAD ITEMS Long wool Scarf Wool Toque Fleece Cowl Balaclava HAND ITEMS Gauntlets Ski Gloves INNER LAYER ITEMS Cowichan sweater OUTER LAYER ITEMS (Coats) Military Coat Mariners Pea Coat Old Fashion Parka OUTER LEG ITEMS Snow Pants OUTER FEET ITEMS (Shoes) Ski Boots Insulated Boots ACCSESSORY Wool Ear Wrap In addition, all clothing will spawn at below 80% condition All clothing items that couldn't spawn in interloper also don't spawn here Condition degrade rate increased when wearing, and also increases when wearing in a blizzard Repairing clothing repairs slightly less condition then normal The Following are changes to mechanics WILDLIFE Deers, Rabbits and Moose spawn less frequently Wolves and Bears Spawn slightly more frequently Wolves see you from further away Bears have no change in sighting distance Moose, when trying to intimidate you if you get to close, intimidate you for less time before charging Timberwolves on average spawn in larger packs Fish are on average smaller, and less frequent Crows will only be out in mostly perfect weather, and will disappear if it gets windy HUNTING Arrow shots cause less bleed and do less damage Wolves, Bears, and Moose will not run from missed arrow shots unless they are right next to them Bears will charge at you if they have spotted you, and you have drawn back the bow pointed at them. LOCATIONS Buildings with interiors are now slightly cooler than normal Buildings that have a chance of spawning now only have a 5% chance of spawning Items that are not in containers degrade more rapidly than normal Locations that are interior but are not sperate zones (like forestry look-outs) are now almost the same temperature as the current outside temp without windchill Car doors have a chance to be locked, not just the trunk Naturally spawning snow shelters no longer exist, they must be made by you Polaroids have a chance of not spawning at all in a region METERS Condition only recovers during sleep, at a rate of 0.5% per hour, and 1.5% per hour will herbal tea, and 2.5% with herbal and birch tea. Will gets cold VERY fast Will takes 2% condition per hour when hungry instead of 1% Thirst is more deadly All forms of injury caused condition loss on average cause 5% more condition loss TL;DR Lantern and bedroll don't spawn world is colder predator animals are harder to avoid prey animals are harder to find most top tier clothing does not spawn mag lens spawns once distress pistol is harder to find good luck finding matches food is hard to come by meds have to made, not found (they still spawn but not often) no can opener buildings that have a chance of spawning, spawn almost never things degrade quicker have fun trying to stay warm in the mountaineers hut (and any other location similar like the back of caves and look-outs) Hunger is now more deadly Recovering condition takes much longer Conclusion - This is my idea for a difficulty harder than Interloper. I think this is very comprehensive list of changes that would make life very difficult for even the most hardened of Interloper regulars. As a side note, it might be a good idea to have a requirement to unlock this mode due to it's difficulty, something like "survive 50 days on interloper before you can attempt this unbelievable hard challenge", I don't know if that's a good idea though. Thanks for read, please discuss and changes or unfair change to this list, I am open to suggestions -SpanishMoss PS: Ignore any spelling/grammar mistakes, I'm too lazy to go back through and correct them.
  12. Fair point, but I wanted an idea the devs could implement with little hassle.
  13. To be clear, this is not actually throwing things off a cliff, there are no item physics for most objects, this is simply being able to place the item from really high up as a way to simulate throwing it off the cliff. It would be a lot of work to create a physics model for every item in the game.
  14. You've probably been in this scenario. You're at the top off a rope, and you are encumbered, but nothing you have you are willing to drop, so you have to make a choice: leave something a value behind, or make 3 trips down the rope, drop something, go back up the rope, pick up something, and go back down the rope. I propose a solution to this problem. When you drop and item then right click on it you can move it to a new location, but the distance that you can place it away from your character is very short. Because The Long Dark has no item physics, the only way to "throw" something off of a cliff would be to drop it at you feet, then right click, and move it down to the bottom of the cliff. This would mean that the distance you can place objects has been increased, but in only the vertical direction. This would allow you to right click and place an item at the bottom of a cliff. To prevent objects from accidentally being placed in the wrong locations, when dropping from your inventory, the item will be dropped as normal. It is only when moving the item that it can be placed at increased vertical distance, allowing you to put stuff at the bottom of a cliff. There will be no measures to prevent players from placing an item in an inaccessible area, as this would be the player's own fault. The only preventative measures would be "killboxes" invisible boxes that instantly kill the player if they try to go past them, people who do a lot of goating down things will understand what these are. These boxes will prevent items being placed inside or behind them. Not only is the feature realistic, it is also very useful, allowing players to move more items down ropes, or place materials at the bottom of areas that will soon be traveled to. To balance things out, a new max weight limit will be imposed when climbing ropes. Weight over 35kg/77lbs will have a small risk of falling off a rope, even when above 50% fatigue, and weight over 40kg/88lbs will prevent the player from climbing ropes, even if unencumbered. This means players will have to drop items over cliffs more often to get below the max carry weight. What are your thoughts on this idea? -SpanishMoss
  15. One of the highlights of going to Ash Canyon is the Technical Pack, a permanent +5kg/+11lbs to your caring compacity. But what happens to your old backpack? This is what I propose happens to it. When you pick up the technical pack, your old backpack is dropped on the ground by your feet. It is not know what your backpack looks like, but presumably it is the same green backpack found all over the world. However, it would look more weathered and worn than the normal green backpack, to distinguish it. It's name will be unique too: "Old Backpack". Attached to it will be a note that pops up when you click on it (similar to a cairn), that reads, This was your old backpack, it served you well for xx Days xx Hours xx Minutes. (this time being the time since the start of the game until now) It will forever be a milestone to signify your progress. The backpack is non-openable and cannot be interacted with otherwise. It will spawn either at your feet when you pick up the technical pack, or where the technical pack used to be. -SpanishMoss00
  16. Look at The Long Dark wiki, and search for hatchet, it will show you possible locations near you
  17. Ok the location of the setting it pause menu > options > display > HUD type > switch to "always on" . This will allow you to always see your temp, fatigue, food, water and condition (health bar). I would also highly recommend looking on the wiki for more info on afflictions, how they are caused, and how to avoid them. The Long Dark has a big difficulty curve, playing story mode to get a feel for the mechanics is important. Survival mode is extremely difficult for new players, so get acquainted with the game before trying it. Good luck out there! -SpanishMoss
  18. If you go into your inventory and select the first tab at the top, it will indicate all the affliction you have, negative ones are either yellow or red in color, hovering over each affliction will indicate the cause, and treatment. As a new player I would recommend turning on HUD to always on. Idk where it is in options ill send a message when I find it
  19. One-shoting a moose with rifle and skill level 2, right next to trappers
  20. A compound bow is an interesting idea, with a few changes to your original idea, I think it could work However, I have one big problem. Archery Skill. At level 5, because the compound bow is better than the normal bow, it will be unbalanced. I assume the archery skill affects both bow's equally, so the increased damage will apply to both bows, and increased damage on the compound bow might be powerful enough to start 1-shotting most enemy's, which is of course not balanced. To fix this, there would either need to be a separate skill, or the within the current skill, each bow is affected differently, such as Bow: +15% damage, Compound Bow:+5% damage etc. At archery lvl1, I think it would be balanced, but not at 2 and above.
  21. To summarize everyone's points, No, it is not impossible to make TLD multiplayer. Yes, it would be pretty cool. Is it practical? No. The amount of game mechanics that would need to be modified would be monumental, in addition, Hinterland is a business, not a charity, and while they value their game more over money, profit's are still a big factor in success. If the dev teams dropped what they were doing and attempted a port to multiplayer, we could expect that in a few years. But that would mean no updates to the game, and without updates, people would be less interested in buying the game (or rebuying it). Ok, but what if they did updates WHILE working on the multiplayer port, well, if about 25% of staff was devoted to multiplayer work, it would take ~3x as long to complete or about 6 years, which is quite a while. Not only would it take longer to finish multiplayer, but it would also take longer to make the regular updates. There is no logical reason to attempt a multiplayer port, it would either take a while but have lost interest from the community, or take a lot longer but still be relevant (maybe). Even if they did attempt it, with decreased sales because of the lack of updates would mean it would be hard to pay the employee's without some other DLC or update to keep it going. I hope you now see while it isn't impossible, it IS illogical. -SpanishMoss
  22. huh i guess you have to lower your master then