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Everything posted by SpanishMoss

  1. Revolver Mechanic Change One change that should be made to the revolver is a way for it to jam. Similar to the jamming of a Hunting Rifle. Of course this jam cant happen when cycling bullets due to how they are cycled (although maybe it could). It should instead occur when trying to fire, when you press the trigger, the hammer will not have enough force to cause the bullet to fire. This means that if you have say 4 bullets loaded, and the first bullet doesn't fire correctly, you can still fire the next 3 bullets, but you have to cycle through blank slots to get to the loaded shot. With this change, the UI would need to be updated as well. (this "jam" would only occur with low condition revolvers, similar to the rifle) Gun UI Changes The revolver bullet count UI should instead of being a line of bullets, be a back view of the revolver cylinder, with holes for empty rounds, and white spots for loaded rounds. At the top of the cylinder, there can be an icon to indicate that hole as being the currently loaded shot (if there is one). A similar change can be made to the Rifle UI. Instead of a line of bullets, the bullets can be stacked vertically, and closer together, with an icon at the top to indicate the loaded shell. This UI could be taken further, using different colors or symbols to indicate which bullet is hand made (and therefore more likely to misfire), and which bullet is currently jammed, or need to be otherwise fixed. (see below for how to fix revolver "jam") Fixing a Revolver Jam To fix a revolver jam, you would have 2 options, say you had 1 bullet loaded and it "jammed", the revolver would just cycle to the next empty hole. To put the bullet back in place you could either reload, manually rotating the cylinder to align with your bullet, or you could dry-fire (firing without ammo), thus cycling through all the empty holes before you arrive at the loaded hole. This is why you would need the updated UI, so you know which hole is at the top, so you can cycle bullets properly without firing by accident. If you choose to reload, the animation would be simple, either put the revolver out a view and have the bullet aligned properly (similar to the standard reload animation for removing any spent shots), or rotate the cylinder in one motion to the correct hole, then procced with the normal reload animation. Note: I am not a gun expert, and have a lay-man's knowledge on guns, the jam I have described may not be possible, but with my limited knowledge, I don't see why not. If it isn't possible, please explain why, and (if there is a way) describe how a revolver could actually "jam" (hopefully with a similar effect to my idea, ie not firing a bullet, but cycling).
  2. The fact a player can't sleep anywhere is an intended gameplay feature. If you don't have a bedroll, you should take into consideration where you are going and how far you are away from the nearest bed. That takes a lot more skill than just sleeping anywhere. If we could sleep anywhere, a bedroll we be a less useful item, and more difficult feats, like summiting Timberwolf Mountain would not have the same difficulty.
  3. This one got a few of you, here is the answer in spoiler tags 12) Here is your next one, good luck Hint: Is there something else to the waterfall? (note: because there are so many waterfalls, just the region will not do, indicate the region and general location of this picture if you don't know the name of the waterfall)
  4. When pressing tab (by default) it will show extra helpful information, most notably the time of day. I propose that when you press tab, it will also show your current afflictions (positive and negative) in a similar fashion to when they come up when you for example sprain your ankle. This makes it easier to quickly fix afflictions on the run with full visibility, so you can see if a wolf is sneaking up on you while you bandage up a sprain for example. It also eliminates the need to press more buttons. (I know there is a button to look at your stats directly, but console players do not have this.) Looking at the stats in the inventory could be reserved for more information about an affliction, like the treatment and time to heal which would not be shown with the tab button. If the list of afflictions is too long, the HUD could stack similar afflictions, like Pain x2 and Infection Risk x2 for example. Let me know your thoughts on this thanks!
  5. I was walking around ash canyon on pilgrim to do some exploration, and I found a revolver spawn that was not mentioned on the wiki. I took a debug screenshot for the exact location, and another with more context. It is located near the gold mine entrance, if you follow the river to the waterfall, you will find a corpse with the revolver in his hand. Good luck with your journey in Ash Canyon!
  6. Nice job on the previous one, here's your answer in spoiler tags 11) Here's your next one, good luck! Hint: no hints
  7. Nice Job on the previous one, here is the answer in the spoiler tags 10) Here's the next one, Good luck! Hint: Wow! I'm on top of the world! (Side note, the name of this location is not what you think it is, please also indicate the region if you don't know the actual name)
  8. Yes! Bunkers do spawn! They are present in the Mystery Lake and Pleasant Valley regions. These "preppers caches" have different themes of loot, such as food, hunting or firewood, but only one cache spawns per region in one of ~8 locations. The cache looks like a hatch from atop, but once you go inside, their is always a bed, lots of containers, and lots of loot. Then sadly never have a firebox. In Pleasant valley there is a cache that will always spawn in the same location in addition to the random location one. This cache is "abandoned" and has little loot. This cache spawns by the TWM rope. On interloper, caches do not spawn (but the abandoned one does).
  9. Here is your answer to the previous picture, see spoiler tags 9) Here is your next one, good luck!
  10. Congats on this hard one to the people who got it, if you still don't know, the answer is in the spoiler tags. 8 ) Here's the next one. (Hint: I seem to remember this house not being destroyed at one point...)
  11. Here is your answer to the previous picture, see spoiler tags 7) Here is your next picture, good luck! (Hint: in front of me is an enterable cave)
  12. Here is your answer to the previous picture inside the spoiler tags 6) Here is your next location, good luck (no hints, to make it harder, these have been too easy)
  13. it can't be, the 45kg would be red if you were under 50% fatigue
  14. Here is the answer to the previous picture, see spoiler tags. 5) Here is your next picture, good luck! Hint: I wonder what's on the other side of this sign?
  15. Here is the answer to the previous picture inside the spoiler tags 4) Here is your next location, Good luck! (Hint: I wish I had a rope, so much good stuff down there!)
  16. yeah idk why it isn't working either
  17. 3) Here is the answer to the previous picture (spoiler tags not working, highlight the area below to see the answer) [spoiler] Gatehouse in Maintenance Yard in Broken Railroad [/spoiler] Here is your next image, I will give you a hint, its not in Mountain Town, good luck!
  18. In the Spoiler Tag is the answer to the First Picture, if you want to figure it out for yourself, and from now on, I will number the pictures. 2) here is the next image, good luck! (side note, all images will be in/next to a named location, otherwise it would be very hard to guess) Also, try to put your answers in spoiler tags so other people will have to guess for themselves, format (remove *'s): [*spoiler] words here [*/spoiler]
  19. As far as I know, they have not gotten to fixing any of the major bugs for 1.92, mostly because of the holidays. we should see 1.93 being released soon as hinterland are just coming back from holiday break. Give them some time to catch up on all their support tickets about bugs, i'm sure they have a few. I've submitted a few myself.
  20. To be more clear (I rushed through making this post) I will say the location of the picture a few days after posting it. I will make sure the pictures are not overly hard (like just some snow bank it a random region) I will try to include some important landmarks in the photo I will post the next picture at the same time I post the answer to the previous one. The answer will be in a dark color so you have to highlight it to read it (if you want to guess before you see it) |test| <<here is what it looks like, highlight that area to see it. (if anyone's knows how to, if possible, add a spoiler tag over it, that would be great)
  21. Can you guess the location of this picture? Post your response, I will updated this thread once in a while. (Post your own locations here as well)
  22. It is easiest in a controller, move to right while looking left to compensate.
  23. I'm having this issue too. I only had unlocked 2 feats but it was still a lot of work... I was playing on Xbox 1 tho