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Everything posted by SpanishMoss

  1. I have not seen glitchy behavior with normal wolves, only the timberwolves are a buggy mess. I played on hardend survivor, so I didn't get the flare gun in the beginning, and couldn't get a gun until getting the one by the power station in the broken down house. Let's just say lot of torches snd crouching were required to get anywhere. I personally thought it was pretty fun to dodge all the wolves, but if people don't like having to crouch everywhere I can be annoying.
  2. The best way is this: light a flare/torch and drop it on the ground in front of you. Wait until the wolf walks up to you and start snarling. Hold out a stone/gun/bow . Aim at the wolf , but don't fire/throw. Boom, the wolf will run away in fear. For timberwolves, use a campfire and actually shoot the wolves/ use noise makers
  3. I understood the puzzle fairly well, except for the first time when I tried to solve it. The puzzle was bugged and unsolvable, so it took me 20 minutes of trying to get no where, until i reloaded a save and restarted the game and that fixed it. As for the color of the dials, I also initially thought it was backwards, until I saw that where the levers were frozen, it was red, thus meaning red=no steam.
  4. @Admin Are you going to be adding achievements to the epic games store version of TLD? Epic games recently announced support for achievements so I was wondering if that was in the road map. If you are adding them, will they apply retroactively, or will we have to start from scratch? Thanks! SpanishMoss
  5. For finding your save game files, they are in %appdata% go back to local> hinterland > and some of those files are your save game files. Ask for 2 TLD instances, check task manger, (right click on task bar > task manager) in the processes tab, show more programs, and look to see if you find 2 TLD instances
  6. Yes, sprinting DOES make you warmer, but only by a small amount, usually not noticeable with the temp arrows. Also as a gentle word or reminder, please make sure you submit your questions in the correct subform. (For example this post should go in How To Play subform)
  7. I assume it has something to do with there not being any windows 11 compatible drivers yet
  8. The game is meant to run at lower pc specs, so there is no way to enable it.
  9. And the worse version, picking up a revolver shell casing, and shooting the ground because you forgot to put away the revolver
  10. D. Have TLD on epic games launcher so there aren't any achievements.
  11. It's random, only if you're lucky will you get a long duration torch
  12. This would only work if you had low enough fatigue to sleep that long
  13. If you have a bedroll in your inventory, you still get the warmth bonus of said bedroll while passing time / sleeping in the car.
  14. I should clarify that I meant possible bear spawns, there can be up to 4 bear spawns in mystery lake. The lower the difficulty, the less likely it is that a bear cave will be active.
  15. The number of bear spawns per region depends on difficulty. Mystery lake has 4 bear spawns. One by the lone lake cabin, one near trappers, one in unnamed pond, and the last one in the clear cut near the entrance to the destroyed lookout. You can check if a bear cave is active by looking for animal bones.
  16. Then you use it as a base, or leave back to forlorn muskeg
  17. Both of these issues have already been addressed, but I'll restate them here. The heater: When the aroura hit, it fried all electronic components, meaning the heater would be incapable of working. The Gas: It is assumed that all the gas tanks of the cars are run dry, so there is not gas to harvest. Running the car: while not technically impossible, it would be very hard to start the car, as even with the aroura, the starter wouldn't work. Thus meaning the car would need to be started manually. This would require the know-how to start an engine without power. Why the starter wouldn't work: as far we've observed, the only thing the aroura powers is lights, the starter is a complex electronic component that could not be powered by the aroura. The battery is also incapable of being powered.
  18. No, the long dark is single player only.
  19. I made a similar suggestion a while ago that didn't get any attention. Instead of new challenges, there would be additional difficulty's for each challenge
  20. This is an intended feature. Hinterland made it this way for a gameplay reason. They thought the revolver would be too good if you could move while aiming, since you can already fire without aiming. "You sacrifice mobility for accuracy"
  21. Most of the mechanics in The Long Dark make sense, whether that be from a gameplay stand point, or a realism one, they all make sense. One of these outlier mechanics is Salvaging. I mean come on, how do you break down a Prybar, with your bare hands, in 1 hour? It doesn't make any sense. I propose a solution to this, a rework on how you salvage things. The biggest change would be the ability to use tools to salvage certain items. For some items, like the prybar, a tool will be required for salvaging. I will go down the list one by one, for each item, and list the changes. Prybar - Can only be salvaged by a hacksaw (1hr). Lantern - Can be done by hand, but take twice as long (2hr). To speed it up use simple tools (1.5hr) or quality tools (1hr). Flashlight - Can be done by hand, but take twice as long (2hr). To speed it up use simple tools (1.5hr) or quality tools (1hr). Can Opener Can be done by hand (slow). To speed it up use simple tools (fast) or quality tools (faster). (wiki doesn't say how long it take to salvage the following items so the highest listed speed is the current salvage time.) Hacksaw - Cannot be salvaged by hand, but can be salvaged by Simple Tools, or faster with quality tools. Hatchet - Can be salvaged by hand (slow), heavy hammer (fast), or hatchet (faster), no scrap will be rewarded, only wood. If you use the hacksaw, you will receive scrap and wood, at the same speed as the heavy hammer. (and no you cannot use the hatchet to harvest itself, you have to have a second hatchet) Heavy Hammer - Can be salvaged by hand (slow), heavy hammer (fast), or hatchet (faster), no scrap will be rewarded, only wood. If you use the hacksaw, you will receive scrap and wood, at the same speed as by hand (because a solid steel head takes a while to cut with a hacksaw). Knife - Can be salvaged by hand for 2 tinder plugs (fast), or with a hacksaw to get a scrap metal and 2 tinder plugs (slow). Improvised Hatchet - Can only be salvaged by a hacksaw. Improvised Knife - Can only be salvaged by a hacksaw. Hunting Rifle - Can be salvaged by Hatchet (faster) or Heavy Hammer (fast) for 1 fir firewood. If a hacksaw (slow) is used, 2 scrap can also be acquired. Quality Tools - Can be done by hand (slow). To speed it up use simple tools (fast) or quality tools (faster). Simple Tools - Can be done by hand (slow). To speed it up use simple tools (fast) or quality tools (faster). All Clothing and animal skin items - all can be salvaged with hand (slow) or with a knife (fast). Snare - can be salvaged by hand (slow), Heavy Hammer (fast), Hacksaw (faster), or a Hatchet (fastest) In short, most items can now be harvested with a tool to make it faster, and some items now require a tool to salvage. Thanks! -SpanishMoss (please ignore spelling and grammar mistakes, I'm too lazy to go back through and fix them)