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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. I have been to this cave dozens of times, and this guy (with his firepit) was not here!!!! TheLongDark 2022-04-19 17-49-55.mp4 (watch the whole video :))
  2. Great event! Hope they bring it back this year.
  3. Also, if you're not quite into custom games yet, you can always pick one of the pre-defined game settings. Play enough and you'll figure out what settings you tweak on your next custom game. Good luck!
  4. Regardless of difficulty, I always hunt them from a position where they can't reach me (fallen tree, cliff face) or from a rock where I can drop down to an inaccessible area.
  5. No, this isn't a post about consuming alcoholic beverages! Ever notice that however thirsty you are (according to the thirst meter), it takes the same amount of time to drink water? I would think this works similar to the mechanics for breaking ice on a fishing hole - the less frozen over the hole is, the less time it takes to free of the ice. If I need to drink 3 cups of water vs 1 cup, shouldn't it take 3 times as long? This is assuming that the protagonist drinks at the same rate regardless of quantity.
  6. While working on gathering stats on fishing, I kept a fire burning for 331 hours.
  7. I don't think I've every full searched all the logs chained together on the ice. Has anyone ever found anything hidden among them? I'm doing it now, but have yet to find anything.
  8. Love it when that happens @piddy3825, especially after as many hours we have in! I can't recall finding anything new in quite some time. I do remember way back discovering the pipe you could climb up and through and the boat on the high shelf in Hibernia.
  9. Well, sounds like you're been pretty exhaustive in your search. If you haven't found it after searching each spawn area 6 times, it must not be there. I assume you have the locations memorized by now? On new runs, I have an established "route" I take, which has always turned up the cache.
  10. @UTC-10 did a good job of "surmising" 😉. If there are factors in the game which affect this, I believe it would be so minor as to be imperceptible. There are also many other RNG which I'm sure play into these, which makes a conclusive answer very difficult. I imagine only the HL designers could answer for sure. Personally, I only go for the headshot on a charging wolf. The rest of the time, I go for the lungs/heart.
  11. I can't recollect my first encounter, but I'm sure it ended badly for me! 🐻😵
  12. I haven't had a chance to confirm this, have you?
  13. Not what I was expecting. That's one use for a scraper but unless you have those power tools, might be hard to do the transformation.
  14. Thank you very much for the fixes!! I didn't see anything on items dropped on the Blackrock workshop floor possibly sinking into the floor?
  15. As others have pointed out, the OP has suggested not to use maps and given good arguments in favor of that viewpoint. That said, I also agree with others, that each person should do what they want to maximize their enjoyment of the game. I'm not afraid to admit that I used maps pretty heavily when starting out. I event went to the effort of printing them (full size) on 8x11 paper then taping them together at overlaps to make a nice, big paper map. I mainly used them to plot routes or annotate things for various purposes. Doing that did not take away my enjoyment of the game; in fact, I'd like to think it kept me interested to keep playing...2,000 steam hours and counting!
  16. Good to see more 'ol timers on here like me. My first exposure to PC games was a Basic programming language course I was taking my freshman year in HS (84). The class ended as lunch break began. As I would leave, I would notice a flood of guys coming IN. Curious, I stuck around one day while they loaded up Ultima III on the Commodore 64s in the room. My life was never the same... On the topic of the OP, I do make an attempt to "work out things on my own" nowadays, but I have to admit, I don't spend too much time on a problem, just because I have so little free time to play. The games are so massive these days (playing AC Odyssey now) and I'm such a completionist, I don't have that much time to devote to a single game. There are so many great games these days and I want to experience them. I guess this is my justification for "cheating" sometimes. By the way, I booted up a dosbox of the original Bard's Tale - whole party died in first encounter! Anyone play the AD&D Gold Box games back then? I loved 'em.
  17. Thanks for pointing that out, but I wasn't considering spawns. If we are, I would have TWM's cargo containers dropped in the zone!
  18. I was just thinking about what HL has given us over the years. Sure, they are working on delivering on their promise for 5 episodes, but I don't recall any promises of survival mode updates or special events without asking for any more money. Thank you - I appreciate it.
  19. Big? Naw, just need a little ol' cottage for me.
  20. Bleak Inlet - the one map with it all! 6-burner stove, fishing, forge, workbench, ammo-bench, deer, rabbit, bear, moose, caves, indoor areas...am I missing anything?