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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. Good Point! Perhaps HL could make a new achievement for it
  2. Great reading, thanks for sharing. I try to avoid ropes as much as possible. Were you aware of the path up? Just passed the burnt-out building on the river.
  3. I doubt we will get to know the inner-workings of the code and how aurorae are determined. That being said, there has got to be a RNG component to it, so it's always possible to have really bad luck, but it also sounds like others have also had REALLY bad RNG too so could be something broken. I believe if you go 44 nights without an aurora, use the dev console to force it! Like you said, I doubt HL intended that.
  4. I need to play this again - don't think I've touched it since it first came out.
  5. I've actually never had ketchup chips and I've been to Canada multiple times.
  6. If it's coming, should be getting close!
  7. I'm sure you're aware but thought I would point it out anyways - aurorae can occur anytime at night. I've seen some start early morning, so unless you're staying up all night or sleeping in 1-2 hour increments, you may miss it.
  8. Do you mean the satchel? Not sure if you knew it, but one can be found.
  9. tis the spirit of the deer seeking revenge for it's untimely death.
  10. My recommendation would be to start removing mods until the issue is resolved. Pretty weird though.
  11. Depends on your usage of the shotgun. They really only "obliterate" something if you're at point-blank range.
  12. Headset on so I can hear everything in the game. May occasionally glance up from the game, but have my focus on watching the game. Too easy to die otherwise!
  13. I can't guarantee this is true, but in my experience, I've had more kills disappear after I've gone inside a building/transition than not. I now try to my best to somehow stay outside, pass time for a few hours and begin searching for crows. I generally head the direction the bear ran off to and search that general area. If I don't find anything, I pass time for a few more hours. I've had pretty good luck with this strategy.
  14. As much as I like the detail of that video, I also believe the TLD's art style is unique and should remain. Let other games go for realism.
  15. The Wish List forum is your place! Many of your ideas, I believe, have been suggested and I'd love to see some implemented.
  16. Have to admit when I read this, I was thinking dog s**t.
  17. @peteloud, I seem to recall you are opposed to mods? Anyways, there is a mod that enables the dev console, which you can use to activate an aurora. Just an option. Hate to see people give up the game (even for a time) because of an issue such as this.
  18. Not that I'm aware of, but you can create your own "difficulties" to make it harder? Get creative
  19. I like to work on maxing my skills.
  20. hmm...you have inside knowledge on how long it takes to find & fix bugs? Do tell!