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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. I have flown down to the bottom floor of the Blackrock power plant. There are some items to break down but that's about it. If I remember, I'll fly to those other locs when I get home.
  2. Interesting, but doesn't plankton only live in water (either salt or fresh)?
  3. Would the bayonet then be used as a struggle weapon or introduce a "jabbing" (such as with a spear) animation? The 2nd option would require A LOT (IMHO) of work on HL's part. Then again, I haven't played Wintermute for some time. I seem to recall the bear spear was a "set the spear and let the bear impale itself" vs a jabbing weapon.
  4. You got wayyyy more patience than me when it comes to placing items!
  5. I've never heard of a bear or moose killing any other animal - even accidentally. Didn't think HL made it possible.
  6. You'll likely find them later on when you're least expecting it. In the meantime, just go make more.
  7. They used to be a lot more predictable and would always run directly away from you, which made it really easy to herd them. HL changed that and now sometimes run right through you - OUCH from the antlers?!
  8. Yup, they can fall out. I often find, when re-visiting areas, an arrow just laying on the ground. Who knows how long it was sitting there from the situation you describe?
  9. Will it even work on wolves? I had thought not.
  10. I see it as kind of a mini-game if I'm bored at that particular moment.
  11. That's because I'm zoomed out so much to show the whole map.
  12. I'm not complainin'! I love new stuff showin' up on my super old runs! But, it's like that scene from I-robot where Will Smith notices a mannequin that is misplaced, and he freaks out, ya know?
  13. Benn revisiting my 2400+ day run and am encountering things I'm pretty well darn sure I've looted/broken down: 2 trailers in CH had all their gear re-spawned, and just came across this is PV: Derelict Cabins:
  14. Mine (by far) has got to be the transition between CH & PV.
  15. To the studio and all those who support it, thank you!
  16. If I could choose one industry to be in in TLD, I think I would choose porcelain cup fabrication. Ever wonder where all those "cups" of tea/coffee come from? 😉
  17. My mind was going someplace entirely different after reading the title of this 😲
  18. Those are imperial weights (lbs).
  19. I've tracked some of my latest rabbit weights: 2.8 2.7 2.5 2.3 3.3 3.2 3.1 3 2.4 1.8 1.7 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.1 2.0 1.9 3.0 1.9 2.7 2.9 2.4 1.9