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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. Not much for speculation here, but sure am excited for what may come! Frequent updates? Loving it!
  2. A couple weeks should cure anything! Perhaps you put it in a location that did not support curing?
  3. I also would have hoped for an update to mod support from 6 months ago.
  4. Thank you for the Diary! I know many players (myself included) were checking frequently for it and it sure was a treat to sign in today to see it! I am extremely excited about the expansions, but, like others, that is tempered somewhat by the fact that we can't continue using old saves. I proudly have one of my original save games from the very beginning (at 2200 days now) which has lived through all the changes to the game and is dear to me. I was really looking forward to continuing their saga into the future, but sounds like they are finally going to "fade into the Long Dark..." since all my efforts will be in the "new game". Once again, really excited, but also somewhat sad.
  5. You installed all those at the same time?? Unless one of the modders can help you, my only recommendation is start removing/disabling likely culprits (food/clothing/supplies-type mods) and see the effect.
  6. Not sure if this helps or not, but we're all aware zones can have multiple polaroids (sometimes duplicates IME). I would continue exploring the zone to see if you may come across others. Back-burner that for now.
  7. Even if @piddy3825 did doctor up the scene a bit, you'll know he provides some great entertainment for us here on the forums. Glad to see you're back, Pid!
  8. Nice work! Bet your ankles were hating you when you were done
  9. Oh, I'm sure if Raph wanted to, he could keep the story going.
  10. Hopefully, they'll never be done
  11. Can't recall this ever happening to me <phew!> You encountered the "Special Hinterland Wormhole of Level 1" effect.
  12. Everyone..."DEV DIARY, DEV DIARY, DEV DIARY!! Looking forward to it!!!!
  13. tbh, I would rather have HL focus on finishing Story and adding more Survival content
  14. I've pushed on HL to bring 4DON to the Time Capsules, but no luck.
  15. I had to force myself to live there for a long time. It really does grow on you. Once you learn how to navigate it, it's not bad at all considering all the caves & tunnels for shelter.
  16. Yup, limited to 4DON: https://thelongdark.fandom.com/wiki/Pumpkin_Pie#:~:text=6 Gallery-,Overview,consumption can warm the survivor.
  17. Hey @Berniyh. Sorry to hear your frustration. I know you're half way through like you said, but I'm wondering what difficulty you're playing at? Also, for survival, just create a custom game and you can turn them off completely if you want! Hope this helps keep you playing.
  18. Tell ya what, once Starfield is released, you guys won't see me for a loong time!
  19. I've also learned this the hard way but have found a (so far) fail-safe solution - always stay crouched. I've woken up numerous times so close to a sleeping bear, which came back to his cave, I could see the ticks in his fur!
  20. Perhaps it's based on the condition of the weapon?
  21. I don't recall the surroundings of that spawn, in fact, that bear is unfamiliar to me! My standard advice for bear hunting still applies though - find a fallen tree or rock with an inaccessible ledge you can drop to if needed and shoot from there. With a change some time ago, they can get to you on a fallen tree, but not if you are out on one of the smaller branches (in my experience).
  22. Best bet is to stay inside/someplace safe during aurorae.
  23. I've recently been playing Green Hell. I've got about 20 hours in and am still enjoying it (still lots to do). I finished the Story, began SoA and a survival save as well. So far, the crafting system seems more robust and varied. The navigation system takes a little getting used to - until you find your first map, you just wander around (which I guess is what it would be like in a jungle!). The affliction system also seems more varied, or maybe just different than TLD? Anyways, something to pass the time until TLD comes out with more content. Kindda got burned out on it for now.