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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. Oh yeah, @Lord of the Long Dark is a notorious troll. I just ignore him.
  2. Hey @Catlover, I'm catching the gist of this thread, but I'm unfamiliar with the use of that phrase - would you mind including some links to threads that have used it so I can put this in context? Thanks. Regarding mods, players choosing difficulty levels, playstyles, etc., I've been a staunch supporter of mods, but more importantly, letting people choose to play the game the way they want. It's about having fun, right?? You have to feel sorry for those who sit and pass judgement on others because that don't play the game the way they do. Mod on!!
  3. I try to pick them off with the rifle from distance before they detect me. If detected, I try to find an inaccessible place (tree, ledge) and pick them off from there. Course, those are ideal situations, otherwise, other tactics to hold them off as others mentioned.
  4. Yeah, kinnda weird huh? Normally, our bodies give us warning signs to keep us alive - in that case, our mind is trying to kill us!
  5. Reminds me of my question regarding corpses found in the "cold zone" at the front of caves vs. the "warm zone" at the back of the cave. I had a persistent replier who was adamant it was due to hypothermia...
  6. https://youcelebratelife.com/products/custom-photo-rug?variant=32705672577103&currency=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_campaign=gs-2022-02-17&utm_source=google&utm_medium=smart_campaign If you get it made, make sure to post a picture of it when it arrives!
  7. If you're interesting in "expediting" your progress, there are several methods which have been proposed. Or, you can do it the old-fashioned way and let it come naturally.
  8. Thanks for sharing! May I ask what prompted you you to limit your daily RL play time to only play a single day game per day....make sense? 😋
  9. Oh yeah, you can reach that area from up above. If I recall, there is some stuff to break down up there as well.
  10. If it becomes too much for you, there are always mods as an option.
  11. Looks like my writing after I've had a few too many.
  12. Hmm...most common for me would have to be BI near the Hunter's Blinds. Most rare....lol, lots of ties there!
  13. 1. Yes, there are game settings that will affect gameplay the longer you survive, but at 70 days, the difference should be trivial. 2. Not really sure about the slow walking. That is usually caused by a headwind. Perhaps post a video and let us know which cave(s)?
  14. BRR has too many wolves for my taste. I will usually rush through and get out. My favorite for spending time? TWM. Love that hut on the lake.
  15. I'm really a proponent of Custom games. You can tweak it just the way you want to suit your play-style and maximize your enjoyment. Good luck!
  16. Not sure if you were referring to Survival, Story Mode or Both? Found this thread on Survival. I'm sure there are more.
  17. TBH, I really don't mind TLD not having cutting-edge graphics. Graphics seem to be aiming for realism (and they're getting pretty darn close!). I like the art style HL has chosen for TLD and don't really see much reason to change it.
  18. Sure, this would be nice to have, but with regards to HL dev resources and where I'd prefer they spend their time? New areas Finishing up Ep5 Mod support
  19. The one game I found impossible for me to play successfully on PC was Mad Max. Ended up getting it for the Xbox so I could finish it.
  20. Yes, @Leeanda, it is probably the most difficult map to navigate initially. I forced myself to spend all the time necessary there until I felt comfortable with it.
  21. I'm not sure if "catching a large fish (Salmon) vs. a small fish (Trout)" is affected by any game setting. It seems pretty "clear" that the custom settings we do have seem to only affect how often you catch fish in a give time period. I could be wrong here. Large fish seem to be somewhat rare for me (I'd have to estimate 30%?) so catching 6 in a row was very unusual for me.