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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. Not much to see but some break-downable items. TheLongDark 2022-05-04 17-39-23.mp4
  2. I sure as heck couldn't find the carcass they were circling! TheLongDark 2022-05-02 18-50-30.mp4
  3. This has been happening recently. When loading the game, when I get to the main menu, my mouse is unresponsive. I can see the pointer but moving the mouse does not move it. If I alt-tab out and back in, it's fixed.
  4. Not sure what setting you would need, but you could always use the milling machine in BI. If you're not averse to it, there is always the save game editor you could use to add them too.
  5. Thank you for the well-written diary @Raphael van Lierop. Lots of exciting stuff! I look forward to the season-pass and new content. I also anxiously await the next project which comes from your quiet musings
  6. Flashback to 1980.... Now, on to topic! I did a run through each "indoor" area which is known to spawn coal. I counted the number of coal collected in each zone. I made sure enough time had passed to fully "respawn" the coal. The results are below. Settings Lose Item Availability very high stick, branch & stone respawn frequency low Harvestable plant availability High Cave Quantity CH/OIC --> DP 21 DP - Abandoned Mine 8 DP - Broken Bridge Cave 2 CH --> PV 46 PV --> Dam 15 PV - Misty Fall Picnic Area 5 TWM - Secluded Shelf Cave 7 TWM --> AC 8 TWM --> BR 11 AC - Mining Camp Cave 5 AC - Long Falls Cave 8 BR - Mine (drumroll...largest mine) 1 KP North --> South 0 ML --> MT 6 FM --> BI 5 FM - Marsh Ridge Cave 9 MT - Plane Crash Trans Cave 3 MT --> HRV 10 HRV - Valley View Cave System 16 HRV - Reclusive Falls Cave System 14 Let me know if I missed any. I did not track any "outdoor" caves. The BR Mine low count may have occurred because re-spawning does not occur there? I'd have to do a fresh run to confirm.
  7. After removing the "fireplace framing" and adding a few moose hides.
  8. I did another 210 hours in AC to verify my results and the average fish per hour was 1.01 which confirms the significant deviation from other zones.
  9. This should help keep out the snow, wind and cold. TheLongDark 2022-04-23 08-32-13.mp4
  10. Good Morning. I hadn't seen any updates in this thread for quite some time and wanted to follow up on the future of the MM? Thanks.
  11. Would it be feasible to somehow add all these events (4DON, WE & DW) to the Time Capsule builds?
  12. I'm sure HL will let us know if they do decide to do it this year Another interesting idea I just thought of is to add those types of events to the Time Capsule builds.
  13. That's a great start! I like to challenge your creativity
  14. Thanks for the update! I'm really excited to try it out! Any idea on when you may have some early access?
  15. Build one of your mannequins @piddy3825, put him in the chair and see if you can "tie" some sticks together to look like a fishing rod!
  16. Yes, at the signal fire. Apparently, the larger, scorched wooden structure has fallen down. You can make out the remnants of it under all my fires.
  17. I typically do the same. Really, the only exception to this is when I'm getting ready to sleep for 8+ hours - then I will top off my thirst meter.
  18. No, but in my experience, seeking shelter such as that affects the arrows.
  19. I wanted to answer the question, "Does the zone you are fishing in affect your catch rate?" I fished in the following zones, 30 times in 7-hour increments for a total of 210 hours of fishing. My fishing level is 5 and Fish Spawn Chance = Medium. The average fish caught per hour are: TWM .743 AC 1.05 BR .769 PV .799 BI .817 CH .812 ML .788 Overall, the rates seem pretty close - exception being AC, which was significantly higher. Perhaps my sample set was too small. I intend to go back to AC and see if the rate is consistent with my findings.
  20. Near Mammoth Falls rope climb.
  21. Notice the temperature meter doesn't change even though I take shelter in the hollow of the tree? 1522859013_TheLongDark2022-04-1918-11-37.mp4