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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. I'm guessing there is still some sort of randomness based on the settings. Perhaps the zone you are currently in, you've gotten lucky. Move to the next zone and they could be rampant!
  2. Thanks for posting. Yeah, HRV isn't known for having a lot of useful resources to offer. Given the climate, this is why it is one of the last zones I visit on my runs. By this time, it doesn't have much to offer besides some additional resources and my "completionist" goal.
  3. This is the best explanation I've see so far but the town seems an awful long ways from the nearest coal mine. Historically, the towns were really close by - they weren't as worried/aware of environment concerns back then.
  4. Didn't the quakes happen way after 1911?
  5. I've finished the game and am now grinding some achievements. I do agree with the assessment of most here. Once I've gotten the achievements I want, I will likely uninstall it.
  6. No place in BR really struck my fancy.
  7. Very possible, but there would still be evidence (old gear, timber, collapsed entrance, etc.) of them.
  8. I just saw a loading message saying something about, "...Milton was founded in 1911 as a coal-mining town..." If so, why are there no mines in Mountain Town?
  9. I'm on day 23. My biggest challenge now is remembering which islands I've been to. Took me forever to figure out how to get back to the big ship (where the plane is). I'm trying not to use the compass (for the achievement). I've begun using a ho and coconut symbol to point to my potato patch (where I'll brew fuel) and the 'bird trap' pointing my way back to the big ship.
  10. This game has been out a while, but I've just recently starting playing it. It has TLD-ish elements in it, and then some! The UI takes some getting used to but I'm really enjoying it now. Just discovered smoked fish
  11. This. You can also trigger a save by sleeping or passing time for an hour (if a transition save point isn't close by).
  12. I guess it would be the few places I've posted in this thread
  13. So many great possibilities I can't decide on any one!
  14. I can understand your frustration at those who "cheat" then brag about their achievements. Unless you are comparing "apples to apples", it's impossible to "compare" yourself to others. The only way I can see you comparing equally is to ensure you are playing the exact same "configuration" - meaning, for example, you are both playing vanilla Pilgrim with no mods. Even playing custom mode (once again, unless you're playing the exact same settings), you can't compare equally. For this reason, I try not to let it bother me overly much when people speak of their achievements. Sure, mods "modify" the game in some way, but, doesn't Custom mode also? Couldn't using Custom mode and removing all wolves from the game be considered "cheating"? Guess it's how each of defines "cheating".
  15. Just noticed that this isn't working properly for me. I have a 4lb rabbit in my inventory (which is the heaviest item), yet when I sort heaviest to lightest, it is not showing up at the top. Anyone else seeing this behavior?
  16. TheLongDark 2022-01-24 17-56-11.mp4
  17. Seeing as how this is a family-friendly place, I'll not share mine
  18. This is a great mod - I've been using it for a long time. Be warned, I believe this mod also allows you to break down other items for materials. If so, use at your discretion.