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Everything posted by odium

  1. one will spawn on the hill next to trappers cabin, facing toward the hunters blind.
  2. its by far my least favorite region, and i dont plan on visiting on my loper run till the very end when im ready to die anyways. its cold and the timberwolves are awful in my opinion. there is nothing special to craft with the pelts so there isnt any reason to risk it. the workshop is ok but on loper you dont need bullets anyways so its easier to forge new tools. any lower difficulty with guns its a neat place, the gunsmithing is kinda cool if you are into that
  3. too much to type tbh, there are tons of great guides out there already, most of what i could say would be redundant. here is a great one on weight management, this would be a beneficial read https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1953538782
  4. i wouldnt mind an upgraded water system but i dont know that they are looking to get crazy complex with it. we suspend belief all the time in long dark and water is no exception.
  5. its been suggested time and time again, tho i dont recall hinterlands response. i pretty much ignore corpses and just view them as a (usually terrible) loot drop. in my opinion they should always drop a good bit of clothing, seeing as they are fully clothed, that part always bothered me more than not being able to move them.
  6. what difficulty are you playing on? that strategy will certainly work but playstyle depends on what your end goal is. i shoot to explore and clear all maps, then im usually bored by 300-400 days (only done this long in voyageur). on interloper, it seems birch saplings and metal will eventually be limiting factors if you intend on surviving forever. there is always beach combing but i feel the average player gets bored well before its an issue. other than for clothing repairs i only hunt bears, they are incredibly easy to bait and lure into a nice harvesting location. trapping rabbits you can basically live forever but its incredibly boring to tend snares day in and day out. fishing is great but on interloper it requires a fire much of the time, so its an opportunist activity in my opinion. i keep a fishing hut loaded with wood and hit fishing outings to stave off cabin fever or if i have nothing pressing to do and the sun is out (free fire). there are many many ways to survive long term in TLD, and no playstyle is inherently right or wrong, just whatever floats your boat! you can certainly exist as a nomad and leave supplies all over at various bases, hitting some food supplies and moving on. once you have level 5 cooking that ruined pile of bear meat will always be there for you if you need it lol
  7. if we are going to go the route of diet based afflictions then they will need to rework the entire food system to include renewable sources of fruit, vegetable, grain, or whatever you propose we need to balance a diet. the options given to us on interloper are very limited already and they degrade fast, i dont see any way we could survive with a system like this, and franlkly i think its a bit too much for this type of game, its not an ultra-realistic survival simulator and it never will be
  8. i agree that painkillers have become largely useless, i carry a few and use them rarely when the pain blur is annoying me but i could certainly complete a whole run without 'needing' them, which imo means the system could use a tweak. i do believe pain should be more debilitating so painkillers and rosehips have more value (right now i view rosehips as more of a food item in teas). whether they implement a tiered system as you suggested or something else i dont care really but i would like to see a bit of overhaul to pain system
  9. i have one of these Estwing prybars at home that always reminds me of TLD https://www.lowes.com/pd/Estwing-15-in-Steel-Wrecking-Bar/1000398257?cm_mmc=shp-_-c-_-prd-_-tol-_-google-_-lia-_--_-hammersprybarsandcoldchisels-_-1000398257-_-0&store_code=426&placeholder=null&gclid=Cj0KCQiAhojzBRC3ARIsAGtNtHXmvnImEE4t_1eKx8P4b3vhFFri82jrmgmD7efyTpIVQvnWFenWa0caAv-EEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  10. you must have never been to the mountains, trees will grow damn near anywhere
  11. from CO to trappers, straight up the tracks but stay far left, then turn right and follow the rocks all the way there. best way ive found. unless youre carrying meat its pretty safe
  12. i cant imagine this is intended. if baiting wolves was considered 'an exploit' and too easy then what the hell is this? takes every bit of challenge and risk out of hunting a bear
  13. to my knowledge the only resource that is renewable (short of beachcombing) is game/animal protein. as far as i know, cats, reishi, rose hips, dont respawn. birch bark does i reckon but i hardly consider that a food source. edit: oh and fish of course
  14. no thanks, unless they plan on implementing a variety of natural and renewable food sources. the current system isnt realistic but its just how the game is built. i dont forsee this getting a huge overhaul this far into the release
  15. odium


    +1, make it hard to craft and need repairs with guts and new saplings, but this would be great
  16. i would like to see this but given my choice i would rather have the resources needed to provide it, put into more well crafted regions and game mechanics. as stated earlier too, i would love to see loot spawns more randomized, seeing that same flare in voyageur under damn near every living room bench in CH seems silly. also the idea behind guaranteed spawns in loper seems silly. maybe regions have a set amount of matches for instance but theres 20-30 locations they could be, and no single spot always gets them
  17. i tested snares in voyageur recently, i wanted to see how they functioned and if i were to put out 100 snares would i get 'X' rabbits a day as a % of the total. i got up to ~30 snares in one area before i got bored of processing them all. i noticed i would only get 5-6 per day checking them once a day. best i can tell, put about 10 in two places and you will get around 6-10 per day, specifically right behind trappers, then around the corner in that flat area by the bear
  18. bad luck for who? looks like easy kill to me!
  19. i believe that would work, i think they just boil off and leave you the can
  20. looks like bandages over soda cans but i have no idea what the significance is
  21. this is a really thorough guide to shedding weight https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1953538782
  22. some days they are there, most times not. i dont believe moose spawns last more than 1 day. if you need the hide/meat, my best advice is to find some way to down them when you see them, it could be a long time before u get another chance. it took me 160 days to see my first moose on my current voyageur run. approaching 400 days now and i have only seen 2 more since then, 1 which i took and one in BR that i had to play chicken with and run away cause it was night time and i was exposed
  23. check out the Trailer just off the road outside of Milton, its up by a moose spawn, the bear is up the road with cars nearby to hide in. the workbench is indoors and there is a firebarrel outside, its also right next to the HRV entrance, so its the best jump off to go there and fall back when you need to craft. the only downside is storage, but neat little piles on the floor works for me. i always find myself spending the most time there when in MT
  24. CH by far i enjoy living at the most, you can do everything you could want without venturing much away from fishing camp. TWM i also really enjoy, tons of action and adventure, and the no loading screen home is a huuuugggeee plus (i play on an old potato xb1). mystery lake always feels like home but i get bored there very easily. bounce back and forth between trappers and camp office but it just gets old for some reason. BR and BI are my least favorite, BR is small and feels much like an afterthought, it goes nowhere and there isnt any great loot you wont have already by the time you get there. BI has potential but i really dislike the direction they went with the EP update, i went, i crafted ammo, i fixed some tools, but the entire idea feels cheesy. people were surviving years before ammo crafting, so why did we need that instead of interesting crafting that gives us new gameplay options? also the timberwolves feel very rushed and just overall a waste of resources. there isnt anything special to do with the pelts, why would i want to risk attack to kill them? you can survive an eternity on bows/arrows alone, the only reason u would have to craft ammo would be to deal with the timberwolves constantly. i would have rather seen an entirely new foe accompanied by a new pelt/crafting option. lastly, the little obstacle course to get to the mill feels out of character for TLD, and in general the idea of the aurora producing enough electricity to power lights and machines seems silly to me