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Had a chance to play for a bit. Decided to restart my custom save so I can experience Scurvy on at least one game and I was checking out the foods that have vitamin C.  Sardines have a Minor Vitamin C and I HATE Sardines. Doesn't matter what condition I get them in, there is a 80% chance I will get food poisoning.  (worst RNG luck).  Now I need to factor them into my diet bruhhhhh.

Other than that loving the new animations for harvesting and first person POV with the gloves and sleeves.  I'll properly play my save that finished signal void over the weekend when I have time.  But very excited to do a deep dive in.

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18 minutes ago, Dan_ said:

Me, after searching CH for an insulated flask for the last hour:


Did anybody find one of the things? I'm running my old 450 day Interloper run for this search. 

I found one like 5 minutes into a run I started to get the tale done but never ended up getting further than getting the handheld radio

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1 minute ago, Moosemaster said:

Yo guys is it good?

So far? Glorious. The new animations are awesome, and the implementation of the travois is superb. No idea on the Vit C as I have to start a new run to experience it. 

Still on the hunt for the flask, and moving to get to the ZC and start Buried echoes, but so far? Color me very impressed by the update. 

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Just now, Dan_ said:

So far? Glorious. The new animations are awesome, and the implementation of the travois is superb. No idea on the Vit C as I have to start a new run to experience it. 

Still on the hunt for the flask, and moving to get to the ZC and start Buried echoes, but so far? Color me very impressed by the update. 

👍 tried to make a run but couldn’t get very far before just running out of steam so wanted to know everyone else’s opinion on the update

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1 hour ago, Dan_ said:

Me, after searching CH for an insulated flask for the last hour:


Did anybody find one of the things? I'm running my old 450 day Interloper run for this search. 

I'm in PV, and my run is about 200 days now, but I suspect that it may be difficult to find a flask in places that we've already cleaned out.


I don't remember this being the case when the cooking pots came out, or when the skillets came out, but that may be the reason.

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Existing saves should have scurvy, unless there’s a point where you cannot get foods to overcome it who cares if it’s harder because we only have low vit c items 😞 I just hit day 400 on an 9month run don’t want to start over, and thinking about it shouldn’t the trader address this even if it would be an issue at the moment, they could just trade us high vit c items 

Edited by Enigmaecho
More thought
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2 hours ago, GothSkunk said:

I'm in PV, and my run is about 200 days now, but I suspect that it may be difficult to find a flask in places that we've already cleaned out.


I don't remember this being the case when the cooking pots came out, or when the skillets came out, but that may be the reason.

I searched all the buildings in the airfield no luck either, about 8buildings into the zone and nothing there either, hopefully they didn’t have a spawn issue for existing saves 😫

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8 hours ago, piddy3825 said:

lol, you should see how long and sharp my fingernails are now that I haven't clipped them in over 258 days...


Human fingernails are inefficient at long lengths. They are far more likely to snap and break off than they are to eviscerate an animal hide.

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I really hope Hinterland reverts the decision of not adding Scurvy to existing saves, because the purpose of Scurvy makes this decision seem incredibly questional. Why add something that is supposed to challenge us, only to not add it in existing saves where it will affect us? I do understand them not wanting to screw us long save players over, but a one time grace period would have done the trick as well without cutting an entire mechanic from a save. I hope they change their mind on this.

The rest of the update is superb tho. I said this for months now that based on what content we could expect, that this update will be great and it is. They clearly learned from the senseless walking of the first Tale and made the second one so much better (I went in asap on my Interloper save and finished it around 12 hours earlier). The map also looks amazing. Harvesting animations and visible gloves/coat is also great QoL. The flask definitely need tweaking with how fast it cools down compared to how many drinks can be inside of it, but the design choice of making it a container is interesting. Overall an amazing update, minus the big miss on Scurvy. Like I said I hope they change their mind on this one.

EDit: Forgot to mention the Travois. Great tool, I went in with it when I made it in Camp Office first. Overall great too, except the decay rate feels a bit too fast.

Edited by Laika Ivanova
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The flask definitely need tweaking with how fast it cools down compared to how many drinks can be inside of it

Yeah. You just can't drink that many hot teas by the time they're cold.

For ease of use I'd also like to drink directly from it. That would save a lot of time in the menu and clicking around.

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12 minutes ago, Laika Ivanova said:


HL could just implement a new system where existing saves players can tick newly added features ON or OFF and confirm those changes before resuming their save games.

That way it's a win-win for the both of sides.

But, I'm not sure if HL is able to code such feature in this engine.

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1 minute ago, thekillergreece said:

HL could just implement a new system where existing saves players can tick newly added features ON or OFF and confirm those changes before resuming their save games.

I had similar thoughts already, some kind of a one way opt-in thing, yeah. Let's hope they consider these things.

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Re not having scurvy in existing saves:

Yeah, it's not great, but it's the right decision. There are two choices:

1) Add scurvy to existing saves: survivors with 500+ hours in game suddenly have a new way to die and not enough resources to deal with it. A player with a save like that might want to keep it going for 1000+ days and they can't. That save could well be over compared to what the player planned. "Hinterland killed my run." = very bad outcome.

2) Don't add scurvy to existing saves: survivors with 500+ hours in game can't experience every feature of the new release, but they still get to play their run for 1000 days  if they want. That save can continue as the player planned, just with the downside of missing out on one gameplay aspect. "I wish I could experience scurvy on my long run." = less bad outcome.

I'd rather have a less-than-full-featured run that I can play than a fully-featured run that is destined to kill me unfairly.

Maybe there's an option 3) where scurvy is included but needed resources are added in to the existing game, but we know that this never happens, it is presumably too difficult to add new items into a game where the world has already been looted (either technically or from a playing POV).

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42 minutes ago, xanna said:

Yeah, it's not great, but it's the right decision. There are two choices:


Yes, I agree here, I guess the could have com eup woth some hybrid option, but it seems like a sensible solution to me.

We are on our second attempt at 500 day run... first one after 250+ had a corrupt save file, and our new character is at 350, so once we hit 500 we will open a new game and have fun with scruvy!


Edited by chrislacruz
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