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Everything posted by Moosemaster

  1. I think we should all accept that it iz what it iz
  2. Yes I know I could just look at what was previously posted but I’m lazy
  3. 👍 tried to make a run but couldn’t get very far before just running out of steam so wanted to know everyone else’s opinion on the update
  4. I found one like 5 minutes into a run I started to get the tale done but never ended up getting further than getting the handheld radio
  5. I just started a new costal highway save in stalker difficulty a few days ago, after having done some looting at the island I stopped off in the Quonset where I found barbs rifle propped up against the 3 lockers and slept. Looted a house but got forced back into the Quonset by a bear and blizzard and slept then quit for a day or 2. Skip to today and I wake up leave remember that there’s a blizzard and immediately come back to find another rifle in the same exact spot as I found the first one while I still had the other rifle in my inventory. Has anybody else experienced anything like this? I don’t know what exactly caused it as I know before quitting I did some inventory management then quit withought sleeping but when I came back all the management was still done so maybe the saves glitched?
  6. I know, I explained my point in the dm 🙂 I appreciate it though
  7. So update. I tried and I failed. I never ended up getting to it sadly. thanks for the support though ❤️
  8. Looks like I went to far and the mask finally slipped huh
  9. That’s the problem, I’m not feeling overall. It’s been about a month since I’ve really felt anything besides numb. I haven’t done anything except wake up go to work come home and lay in bed every day and I’ve been having issues sleeping, I have insomnia so I usually end up staying awake until 2 am before I finally fall asleep and when I can get good sleep I still just always tired.
  10. Maybe I am just down because it’s been about a month since I’ve done any of my hobbies I used to love and they still don’t feel fun. I’m gonna try and get something done today and if something interesting happens I’ll update you guys
  11. I mainly play stalker but I just can’t find any interest in gaming anymore. I’ve noticed this in my other hobbies too but I want to play the game I just can’t bring myself to be interested in it for more than 5 minutes
  12. How are y’all finding the motivation to keep doing this for so long? I’m running out of any will to keep trying and honestly I need some advice on how to rekindle my spark
  13. I wouldn’t call it civilized per say, but close enough
  14. That has been my plan all along ahahaha!
  15. Fr this last episode bouta be chaotic as all hell if they manage to tie up all the lose ends
  16. What if I pull up with my fire extinguisher
  17. When they announce the final update lets see how long of a chain we can get of people posting this gif
  18. Compile your fond memories of playing and/or watching this game If you can pls provide pictures or videos