TFTFT3 Bugs and Feedback Thread (Merged)

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6 hours ago, Renn said:

When it happened to me I had also just placed my first tip-up. On the Steam thread people also seemed to get the bug often after placing tip-ups, really seems like they're at least part of the problem. I really hope it's fixable and doesn't entirely corrupt your save

Yeah there seems to be a connection, although I tested it a lot and I can't seem to reproduce the bug. 

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9 hours ago, Laika Ivanova said:

However, I did some testing on new saves with the fishing tip ups and they do not seem to be the issue. I really hope Hinterland is on this bug right now, it is messing with saves at random times very frequently. 

It "appears" there are some issues with existing saves vs new saves.  One I've been observing is the absence of ptarmigans in my existing saves but I do see them when I do a new run.

Edited by hozz1235
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26 minutes ago, hozz1235 said:

It "appears" there are some issues with existing saves vs new saves.  One I've been observing is the absence of ptarmigans in my existing saves but I do see them when I do a new run.

I can definitely confirm that Ptarmigans do spawn in old saves, however, what I noticed was they ONLY spawned in Mystery Lake in my old save.

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Ich habe von meinem alten Spielstand aus beim Rätselsee die Schneehühner schon mehrfach gehabt einmal beim Seeausblick, vorm Lagerbüro und auf dem oberen Gebiet nahe von Daves Stille Lichtung wo auch der Bunker ist. In anderen Maps habe ich sie im Idyllischen Tal gesehen nahe vom Funkturmhügel

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42 minutes ago, Laika Ivanova said:

I can definitely confirm that Ptarmigans do spawn in old saves, however, what I noticed was they ONLY spawned in Mystery Lake in my old save.

I'll have to check more thoroughly.  I've only been to the camp office and did not see them out front as others have.

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I got myself a console command mod and noticed that the game is throwing A LOT of Null Reference Exceptions upon trying to load a broken are within a save file (look at my posts earlier in this thread). Does anyone here have an idea what this could mean in terms of "fixability"?

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8 minutes ago, Laika Ivanova said:

I got myself a console command mod and noticed that the game is throwing A LOT of Null Reference Exceptions upon trying to load a broken are within a save file (look at my posts earlier in this thread). Does anyone here have an idea what this could mean in terms of "fixability"?

Just putting an update here. I managed to get a more proper error, I am no expert in these kind of things tho but this is what I got:

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
 at IceFishingHole.UpdateFishing (System.

After that dozens of NullReferenceException lines (Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Maybe someone who knows coding can shed some light onto this but my gut feeling suggests that you stay away from fishing for now until a hotfix arrives.

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13 hours ago, ajb1978 said:

Finally located my first Burdock root in Ash Canyon. So they are spawning in existing games, just really, really sparingly I guess. I have hope to find a Ptarmigan at some point.

I was in Ash Canyon when the update dropped and was blessed with everything this update has to offer right away ;) 

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I seem to have trouble getting over the smallest stoops, thresholds, or bumps on the road. Getting into a fishing hut is a struggle now, I'm not sure but I think it has something to do with lumps of snow 

Edited by bysinda
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11 hours ago, Eli said:

Ich habe das Problem dass beim angeln mit den neuen Ködern mein Spiel sofort abstürzt sobald ich auf 1 Stunde angeln drücke. Ich habe Kletten am Rätselsee gefunden beim Nordzugang Richtung Damm. 

Danke – wo auf dem Damm hast du die Kletten gefunden? War es bei den Wohnwagen oder näher am Fluss?
Ich werde das nächste Mal, wenn ich dorthin reise, noch einmal nachsehen.

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15 hours ago, ajb1978 said:

Figured out my issue with the fire barrel and my clothes continuing to get wet. Slight detail I left out, it was during a blizzard. Apparently the game forgets that you're now supposed to be warming up if you just walk up to a fire. You have to drop your clothes on the ground first before they will start to dry. Once you do so you can immediately pick them back up and put them back on and they will continue to dry as usual. The game remembers that you're supposed to be drying off, and at that point you can even leave the radius of the fire and will thaw/dry as normal when you return.

Throw it on the ground, pick it back up. Weird bug but at least easy enough to work around.

Thanks for adding that detail about drying off coins at an outside fire.  I will remember to drop wet clothing items and then immediately pick them up to let them dry as my character wears them.

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1 hour ago, bysinda said:

I seem to have trouble getting over the smallest stoops, thresholds, or bumps on the road. Getting into a fishing hut is a struggle now, I'm not sure but I think it has something to do with lumps of snow 

Yup, can't step over those lumps. Same was on wooden stairs 

Inkedscreen_(653, 53, -420)_61f1f4f1-515b-422f-af62-94cb459a7529.jpg

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5 hours ago, Laika Ivanova said:

Just putting an update here. I managed to get a more proper error, I am no expert in these kind of things tho but this is what I got:

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
 at IceFishingHole.UpdateFishing (System.

After that dozens of NullReferenceException lines (Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Maybe someone who knows coding can shed some light onto this but my gut feeling suggests that you stay away from fishing for now until a hotfix arrives.

I'm a C# developer (non Unity) and it just means that IceFishingHole object was null (empty) so it can't call the method UpdateFishing. It's a definite bug.

My experiences so far

I have seen Ptarmigans in an old save outside the Mystery Lake camp office. That's the only time so far in a couple of hours play.

I have also encountered the rabbit audio bug - the rabbit was caught in a trap outside Trapper's Cabin.

One bug I have encountered that I haven't seen mentioned yet: Potatoes disappearing from my inventory.

I picked up some potatoes from Mystery Lake Camp Office and took them to Trappers. They were only 5% condition so I cooked them which raised them to 55% condition but as soon as I went outside of Trapper's cabin they disappeared from my inventory never to be seen again.

Edited by curtmantle
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I'm frankly astonished at the number of bugs with this release. It's unprecedented....I've never seen anything like it. I try to be positive but I'm honestly asking myself "was there any playtesting at all?"

Edit: Of course yes there's internal playtesting, I know this, but just.. Wow. How did all these bugs slip the net? That's where I'm coming from. The ones I mentioned practically leaped down my throat. There's no avoiding them. Even the one I thought I was mistaken on, turned out to be legit. I'm just really struggling to figure out how ALL these bugs slipped the net, all at the same time. Like, in all of the playtesting, nobody ever pressed J? Really?

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Thank you for reaching out. We have received reports about this issue, and we are working toward a resolution in an upcoming hotfix. We will provide more information as soon as it is available.

In the meantime, we have also updated the Known Issues list to highlight the top priorities:

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5 hours ago, ajb1978 said:

Like, in all of the playtesting, nobody ever pressed J? Really?

I'm pretty convinced that most of the play testing (and development) takes place with a controller. It's the only excuse for the awful side-scrolling interface when you try to cook things without a cookpot, or the repeated centering of the mouse cursor when you're doing repetitive things and have to keep picking the mouse up off the desk to avoid sliding right off.

And while we're at it, why doesn't the game remember the last tool you used to harvest a carcass, or break down branches, or light a fire. Having to choose every. single. time. is a pain in the butt.

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Tried fishing just now with multiple different lures. 36 hours at Level 5 Fishing at Crystal Lake....not one single fish caught.

Fishing is abso-friggen-loutely busted to the highest degree at present.

Edit: For testing purposes I had no bait. I've never needed bait IRL when fishing with lures, didn't think I'd need it here. Especially at Level 5.

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We continue to receive bug reports, and we are working toward resolutions for many of these issues. We will provide more information as soon as it is available. In the meantime, we have also updated the Known Issues list to highlight the top priorities: 

Please note that the best way to report issues is via the Support Portal, and we strongly recommend filing a ticket if you have not already done so: 

Thank you for your patience, and we will follow up with you directly if we have any additional questions about the bugs listed in this thread. 

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