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59 minutes ago, Dr. S. said:

I understand why people who mostly or exclusively play interloper are disappointed that some of the new content is absent in that mode. I don't understand why other people feel the need to tell us we're living our lives wrong.

Pot calling the kettle black?... instead of answering the question... why not advocate for greater liberty to define "tone" in the game through custom options rather than questioning HL's right to control what goes into a "standard" difficulty?

I never said I couldn't understand why they would be disappointed.  In fact, I said, you're welcome to try to change their minds.  Still, the question remains, if you're unhappy with the standard as a standard, why not ask instead to be able to deviate from that standard in an expanded way?  HL doesn't have to have any more reason to set the standard they want beyond that's the way they want it.

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8 minutes ago, UpUpAway95 said:

why not advocate for greater liberty to define "tone" in the game through custom options rather than questioning HL's right to control what goes into a "standard" difficulty?

Because I don't want to.

But I've already said what I came to this thread to say, that I am (yet one more) interloper player who would like to see the new content available in interloper.

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4 hours ago, Leeanda said:

Any news on the disappearing limbs bug, @Admin.  . I've just spent a few very uncomfortable nights in twm!  Again.    Plus I briefly had an issue with the black screen at the main menu. The htl logo didn't show so I had to remove the disc and try again.   

Thanks guys! Still loving the game 😊

I reported this probably 8 months ago with a video and telling them exactly what was causing it. I'm a bit sad it still hasn't been fixed. 

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1 minute ago, RedFox said:

I have not. With all the large updates going on and everything else the devs are working on I figured they would get to it when they could.

They have been very busy lately.  I'm sure they'll get to it as soon as they can.

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15 hours ago, Mia Matsumo said:

Hi Brandon, 
I did.! The buttons on the controller changed, instead of pressing A for the torch it changed to RT, maybe you have something similair with your PS controller.


Thank you 1,000 times!

Was there any notice they changed this? I may have missed it.

You really saved this Interloper, have a great weekend!!!

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10 hours ago, Renn said:

Or, let me guess, it's "not the same".

Of course it's not the same. As an Interloper player myself, I can play on Stalker without any problems. Maybe I'm getting bored over time, but if I want to play the tale, I can. Players who have only experienced Stalker or less will have problems to survive for 24 hours or more first time they play on this difficulty. It would seem impossible for them to play the tale if it was only available on Interloper.

Every Interloper player went through this and we all chose to do so. Push the limits. Survive one more day. Until we learned every detail of this game by heart. So "we" Interloper players can play the tale without any struggle, while players of Stalker or below couldn't do this on Interloper.

Remember: Interloper is an especially hard mode. We are not the majority of players who play the game. It might seem so, but we are not.

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I took another day to contemplate the matter, and I have to say...

I understand the disappointment and all... but all things considered; I'd say that Interloper was never "feature complete" (in terms of game content).  I might remind folks that rifles, revolvers, hunting knives, hatchets, top tier "manufactured" clothing items (Expedition Parka and so on...), and the majority of TWM cargo containers were always absent from Interloper.

With the idea presumably being, that not only did we face harsher weather, more deadly predators, and fewer resources in the world... that the "best" clothing and equipment were nowhere to be found.

The handheld shortwave receiver... is in my estimation, purely a "Wayfinder" leading our survivor to yet more gear and supplies... which in my mind would be sort of counter to the point of Interloper.  So... I completely understand and support Hinterland's decision.  :) 

On the other hand...
It's probably not so much the loot that the "lopers" are lamenting, but I'd venture to guess it's most likely the lore... That I'd perfectly understand and sympathize with.

@Admin - Perhaps there might be consideration in the future for the team to find a way to incorporate the shortwave receiver (and associated activities) for Interloper?

  • Perhaps all the bunkers and caches are bereft of food/gear/and supplies...
  • Perhaps they had been already raided by the last remnants of the Forest Talkers... and only the bits of lore remain.

Might that possibly be a decent way to incorporate those elements without compromising the rigors of interloper? 



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Thank you, Hinterland. You have provided an incredible amount of content over the years.

As a long-time interloper player, I am not bothered by the exclusion of interloper from the Tale. You have earned my trust in your good judgment.

Keep up the great work!

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Where is the Tale? I don't see it in the game menus. I have the pass.

Is this like a challenge available as a separate campaign or like a quest where you have to go somewhere to find a note in the free roam mode?

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6 minutes ago, Serenity said:

It's integrated into Survival mode. Go to Forsaken Airfield in Stalker or below and look around the control tower

Thank you.

Does it work in Custom mode or only stalker/voyager/pilgrim? I know it's not available on Loper.

So it's more like a quest than separate campaign.

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2 hours ago, tulkawendark said:

Does it work in Custom mode or only stalker/voyager/pilgrim?

It works in custom so long as you set the Base Resource Allocation to anything other than "low" (which is the Interloper setting). I have done this on my usual minimum-loot custom and found the Tale.

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On 3/31/2023 at 4:03 PM, Renn said:

To everyone saying that us "hardcore" interloper fans can just create a Stalker game and experience the Tale all the same, or just make a custom game, I have to ask:

What if it was the other way around? What if, in the update video yesterday (and not any time before that) they announced that the Tale would only be available in Interloper, because they felt the lower difficulties didn't need extra loot and incentives. Would you be responding the same way you are now? Would you be like "Well, we'll just create a completely new run on Interloper for one time to experience the Tale! It's no big deal!"

Or would you be upset that you didn't get to experience the Tale the way you wanted to?


Or, let me guess, it's "not the same".

If all I had to do was create a custom that matches my usual game and change one setting, keeping everything else the same, then I'd definitely do it. It would be pretty much the same, yes.

I am very sympathetic to all sides of this discussion, but because the Tale is affected by a single custom option, it's not equivalent to say that if it were the other way around, people would have to play Loper. They wouldn't. Maybe changing that one option is a big deal - that's fair - and/or maybe playing custom at all is a big deal - that's fair too, especially if folk are pursuing Feats - but let's keep in mind that it is just one setting.

The thing that's a big deal is that it wouldn't apply to a current run, I suppose, and that's definitely a significant thing.

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In fact you can emulate loper with the Tale included but this is not just enable or disable an option.

Using the resource avaliablity at "Medium" means you are gonna find ALL non avaliable items on loper like tools, better clothing and indeed, a massive amount of resources. So there is not a "loper with tales" settings, it's more like an "Stalker with some parameters of loper".

90% of the Interloper challenge comes from the lack of certain tool or items and very low resources early, and you can't experience this playing "loper with tales".

If an option to enable/disable could be present, i think no one should be complaining but people with very long runs.

I have my survivor still alive from the day 1 of the DLC and at day 470, and i wish to keep playing and enjoying the content every patch. Four months of playing to be unable to access contents just because i like the interloper settings. And i can't even emulate well my gameplay in another run!


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21 minutes ago, xanna said:

but because the Tale is affected by a single custom option

The problem is that the "single custom option" does not just affect the Tale. It affects ALL the available loot. I've done this, and found so many non-loper items without even looking for them I was all decked out in 3 in game days and stopped. Insulated Boots (no need to hunt deer), a Hunting Knife (skip the forge), a Mariner's Pea Coat (Blizzards be damned), Peanut Butter and Condensed Milk (goodbye scavenging)

Specifically saying without looking because I wouldn't mind finding an op gear or food item as a reward on the Tale.


I guess I'm just going to be playing The Last of Us until Hinterlands comes out with some kind of communication on the matter, or modders fix it for them. Sucks that this update is basically worthless for me, especially after waiting much longer than was promised already, something I overlooked because the updates used to be so exciting. Now I'm all of a sudden going to have to pray I didn't waste my €20 on this altogether.

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1 minute ago, Renn said:

The problem is that the "single custom option" does not just affect the Tale. It affects ALL the available loot.

Yeah, that sucks. I wish the Base Resource Allocation was less overarching. It feels like it increases amount of loot, too, which it shouldn't do, but it quite clearly does because of how loper loot tables work. As I said, if that's a big deal to people, that's totally fair. I just don't want people thinking they have to play actual Stalker/Voy/Pilgrim when the custom option is there, albeit imperfect in the way you identify.

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A mod to enable the tales on loper games could be great 😁

In the past, various mods enable custom parameters for interloper like choosing the initial region or enable certain items.

I still remember the "cannery workshop" mod, basically an interloper overhaul with several features.

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13 minutes ago, bladerunner900 said:

The only thing stopping me playing a Custom Loper is the fact that it would not give me the TALES: SIGNAL VOID badge on completion.

Oh, I didn't spot that there was a badge - that sucks.

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1 hour ago, Glacia said:

90% of the Interloper challenge comes from the lack of certain tool or items and very low resources early, and you can't experience this playing "loper with tales".

"early" being the operative word. You generally aren't going to do tales early and by the time you have tools, weapons and decent clothing, the low loot isn't an issue anymore. The main challenge is the cold, the high damage from wolves and your own complacency. The cold + wolves are a real risk when you walk around outside during an aurora. More so than on Stalker.

Putting some basic items into the caches and bunkers can definitely be balanced. It's not going to change the overall balance at a point where you can be swimming in meat. I really like the new food items, but corn only has 300 calories for example. Otherwise I do like the idea of having a bunker with a couple dozen sticks and maybe some coal and cat tails 🤣

And getting some flares from a cache for example doesn't make your game any easier either.

57 minutes ago, Glacia said:

A mod to enable the tales on loper games could be great

It was just released :) According to the author the bunkers and caches are even in the game already. They just took away the radio and the first note. The mods adds the radio.

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