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Im not worried about the Trader. The world is vast, we're certainly not going to loose any chance for solitude based on one potential NPC. Im excited to see how it works, how it impacts the resource economy.

Im also really curious if the shortwave radio will have anything to do with the shortwave radio towers in Forlorn Muskeg. Like if you have to be near them or something. Theres also radio towers in Mountain Town, Pleasant Valley, and Bleak Inlet, though those arent described as "shortwave" like the forlorn muskeg ones are. Then again, radios work even in regions without radio towers, so maybe it wont matter :)

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Guest jeffpeng
7 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

Any chance there's a new bigger one ??

I have the feeling that that's the reason we'll also get a travois. 😅 I know I'll need it. Maybe two.

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Dear Hinterland, Dear Raphael,

thanks for the news and all the information. They are cheering. 🙂

But I have some long aged thoughts about developing the world of the game.

1. New region "National Reserve".  I really don't understand, why we lack this in the game. I've been only once to Canada, visited two Reserves and they were great experiences for me. Just a large forest, like the size of Pleasant Valley, with river, lake, etc. And a few buildings like Reserve Rangers HQ, small accommodation hotel for nature observer scientists, plus tiny shelter houses and scientists' huts here and there. I understand the activity of forest talkers, but exactly the huge differences between the Reserve and the industrial areas give fuel for them. And a bonus idea here: this could be the only region without any wolves - "The really quiet apocalypse" 😀 . Why not.

2. Ice fishing anywhere. So, we have prybars and hatchets, but we can fish only in the fishing huts with the fishing holes cleared. Making holes on the ice anywhere would be a nice addition - imagine the present standing, Coastal Highway(yes) - Crumbling Highway(no) - Desolation Point(no). (I think knives are too weak for this, while heavy hammers too dangerous to break the ice uncontrolled.)

3. Walking speed is too fast in the game. I realized this in January this year, when I've been to northern Norway (Sappmi). Walk using snowshoes in the (almost) untouched winter nature is slow, but without them is very slow (and exhausting). It would be a nice addition in the Main Menu - Settings a "Walk speed" option, where Default=1 is the current value, goes down to -2 with 0.5 steps. And the harder settings would drain energy similar to sprinting. Thus, even a Pilgrim walk from Mistery Lake Camp Office to Carter Hydro Dam, could add a little spice to the gameplay.

This post became longer than intended, thank you for patient reading. 🙂

Best Regards,

Edited by palbi
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19 hours ago, Raphael van Lierop said:

My comments re: trust aren't targeted at anyone in particular, so please don't make it about any individual and certainly don't make it about yourself. It's just a comment, and an opportunity for reflection about how you respond to developer updates.

(Ducking back out now, so don't look for further responses from me.)

I have debated long and hard whether to respond to this, however it does need to be said.

This and your previous posts have been hugely disappointing in their attitude. Everyone here has been overwhelming positive in their responses to the update, and expression of concerns have been considered and intelligent.

Had they been insulting or unjustified then I could understand your responses. If you want yes men you won't get it here.

What you will get are people who hugely value you and all at Hinterland for the magnificent game you have created, one of the best in my 35 years of gaming.

However, having true support also means being able to listen to constructive criticism and concern without resulting to out of place and unjustified anger.

To be frank, the need for reflection on how to respond does not lie here.

We are excited about what the new game will bring; the talent, creativity, excellent ethics and hard work at Hinterland deeply appreciated. This has been said throughout the thread, so it is intensely saddening for such responses to an adult conversation  being made.

All that said, my heartfelt thanks to the team and roll on December.

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30 minutes ago, Sgt Socks said:

I have debated long and hard whether to respond to this, however it does need to be said.

This and your previous posts have been hugely disappointing in their attitude. Everyone here has been overwhelming positive in their responses to the update, and expression of concerns have been considered and intelligent.

Had they been insulting or unjustified then I could understand your responses. If you want yes men you won't get it here.

What you will get are people who hugely value you and all at Hinterland for the magnificent game you have created, one of the best in my 35 years of gaming.

However, having true support also means being able to listen to constructive criticism and concern without resulting to out of place and unjustified anger.

To be frank, the need for reflection on how to respond does not lie here.

We are excited about what the new game will bring; the talent, creativity, excellent ethics and hard work at Hinterland deeply appreciated. This has been said throughout the thread, so it is intensely saddening for such responses to an adult conversation  being made.

All that said, my heartfelt thanks to the team and roll on December.



31 minutes ago, Sgt Socks said:

However, having true support also means being able to listen to constructive criticism and concern without resulting to out of place and unjustified anger.

31 minutes ago, Sgt Socks said:

constructive criticism

How can you possibly constructively criticise the idea, about which you only know its name? Like... There's no information about this trader at all. What is there to criticise?

I mean, seriously, for all we know this "trader" could be referring to a boat (obviously, it doesn't, but this is LITERALLY how little info we have). I get trying to guess what this new feature is going to be, proposing ways for implementing it, saying which implementation won't work, BUT there is no criticism in this whole thread whatsoever.

Honestly, I don't see the reason to worry so much, as
1) The addition of one (1) NPC won't impact your gaming experience that much. We already have them in wintermute, and the fact that there's father Thomas waiting for me at the community center doesn't make exploring Pleasant Valley much easier
2) MOST LIKELY those new features (trader / electrostatic fog / shortwave / tales) will be limited to the new regions, and if you want to go for a "vanilla" run, you can simply avoid the Far Territory.


I don't know, this hostility... It seems a bit unwarranted. All Raph said is basically "Hey guys, don't worry about this new thing, when have we ever failed you?"

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1 minute ago, Ghurcb said:

Don't know, this hostility... It seems a bit unwarranted. All Raph said is basically "Hey guys, don't worry about this new thing, when have we ever failed you?"

I won't be commenting any further. Opinions are divided, that is the nature of things.

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On 10/23/2022 at 8:52 PM, Raphael van Lierop said:

For anything in the recent announcements people might be feeling anxious about, like the Trader for example, I can probably find 10-20 other similar things we've added over the years that inspired forum posts that started out with, "well...I sure hope Hinterland doesn't break the thing I love about this game. I sure hope they know what they are doing". Most of those things turned out fine? (You can always find a thing you personally don't like...) I promise you that it's 100% possible to still enjoy a game you love "as it is" and still let it evolve and be interesting for the devs to make and for players to experience. Many of you have been doing it for years. It's also possible to discover that things you didn't think you wanted, might actually add something meaningful to the experience, and give it new life, new meaning.

For me, the most important feature that's ever been implemented to TLD since I started playing it has been the Custom Survival Mode. I honestly don't think I'd still be playing the game without it.

As long as the Custom mode continues to support allowing players to tinker with which features they want to include or exclude from any particular game start, I will never have any concern about whether or not some new feature will 'break' the game for me. (I personally always play with Timberwolves switched off, for example, because I don't like them.)

If the new Trader feature changes the game for some players to the extent that they lose some fundamental aspect of their enjoyment (the feeling of total isolation and aloneness, perhaps), then I do think it's important that we're able to disable it in the Custom menu and play without it if we choose to. That way, no-one need have any complaints or concerns.

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This sounds huge! I'm especially excited for the new cooking recipes! I have one question: will players be able to go back and forth between new and old versions to play their old saves using the time capsule or once you make the switch is all said and done? Appreciate everyone at Hinterland for working on this, really an amazing team of people ❤️

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On 10/23/2022 at 6:41 PM, UTC-10 said:

I will ask the question:

Will the Time Capsule version of the current survival game (once TftFT becomes operative) allow for the addition of Episode 5 areas, such as Perseverance Mills or will the (Time Capsule version of the) game as it currently exists be the end of the road?  I really would like to get my existing games to Perseverance Mills as that was one of my main objectives in survival play.

Would players who embarked on TftFT expansion be able to get to Perseverance Mills?  

I am prepared to be disappointed at the answer.  

We'll have more information to share on this in the future, but these are excellent questions. 

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6 hours ago, KBear said:

I have one question: will players be able to go back and forth between new and old versions to play their old saves using the time capsule or once you make the switch is all said and done?

"For anyone who has the game on Steam, you will be able to continue to use your current Save Games on an older version of the game, using our Time Capsule feature. You’ll be able to keep your “old” save games going using the older Time Capsule build (any build before the Expansion Pass release, actually). But since this is an older version, you won’t have access to any of the new content or enhancements that are going into both the Base Game, and the Expansion Pass."

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Raphael seems to have a good handle on the community and the game market, in addition to actually caring about TLD, so I believe we can all extend a little trust.

He hit the nail on the head when he spoke about understanding that people are afraid of losing something they love. Anyone used to purchasing a product is then used to it being the same product every time they go to use it. It's familiar and always lives up to expectations. It never requires a learning curve for a new feature or becomes incompatible with existing equipment.

But the days of purchasing products are slowly falling behind we subscribe to games instead of owning them. Total loss of control and lots of people don't care for it. I don't mind admitting, I am one of them. I hate the whole subscription thing. I prefer to own what I pay for - mostly because too many times I paid money for something that later became worthless to me. However, when a company does it right, it means we gain instead of lose. The game evolves and becomes more and better than it was before. Unfortunately, most game companies get it wrong.

So that's where the trust comes in. I have learned to trust Raphael and his team over the past years because they have consistently worked to keep TLD from becoming a mainstream money muncher and have remained true to the TLD story and vibe. They even went the extra mile to create that time capsule so that people could still play older versions of the game. That isn't just about nostalgia, but also help if computer specs can't handle new code or graphics. Most companies would not have done that...they would have waited 5 years and put out a "vintage edition" and charged extra money for it.

So yeah, I am a total control freak gamer and if I am willing to have a little faith in the TLD / Hinterland team, you can too. :)

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Now I have to find my Astrid place for retirement. She lived in the Great Bear more than a year. I am still not decided between Coastal Highway and Mystery lake. I would like to know exact date of the world change called update. So I could make a fire, sit her beside it and vanish from her world by logging out.

I wonder what will be the hanheld radio for? Listening for some local news? Or it will be something Sam from Death Stranding is using? You know, call out and if there is another player on the same place, at the same moment, Sam would receive call back.

If we will get some cooking recipies... Will it include fermenting rosehips with maple syrup?

About date of releasing EP5. I measure this differently. I wanted entertainment. So I got this game and played it for more than 500 hours. Did I get my entertainment? Hell yeah. I love both sandbox and story. The story is not finished yet? No big thing. I have my survivor and I can make my own story meantime.

BTW when the story is finished. It is end of something. Nothing more will come to story. Isnt it little bit sad?

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Well people. I read all your angst and worries and speculation, and I held off from commenting until now.

I fully trust Hinterland to deliver something fantastic and true to their ethics. Every update and enhancement they have made over the years has met with angst. Torch, cooking, fire starting, etc. But after a while we all loved it.

The game that they have developed over the years is truly remarkable. There is nothing like it. Now they want to deliver more for a few pennies per thousand hours of play.

Take my money Hinterland. Take it!

And thank you Raph for your vision and for the studio that you run. And for all your developers that put their heart into this awesome immersion that we live in.


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50 minutes ago, James Hickok said:

I decided that on the day of update i will retire my (at least 1500 days till update) Astrid in her home - Coastal Highway, outside Jack rabbit hut sitting by the fire, drinking hot teas and burn the fire untill i fade away to darkness form exhaustion. She will just go to final sleep...

NO Astrid must live. She earned that. Since you will be in Coastal Higway. I will let mine to retire at Trappers cabin in Mystery lake. When I see red dawn I will know...

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