Wolf attack inside Mountaineering Hut


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As subject says, I got attacked by a wolf inside of the Mountaineering Hut in Timberwolf Mountain and wanted to check if this is normal?

I 'pulled' the wolf on the lake, put down the camp fire, that of course no longer works, run up to the hut, followed by the wolf. I expected him to break off once I got in, but he happily followed me inside (I tried to close the door but it was too late) and got a bite off me.


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Had something similar happen to me, didn't record it or anything, but it was a case of I actually got inside, and shut the door and you could hear him barking up a storm and still running right outside. Sometimes his nose would poke through the wall. I slept and woke up, no wolfy…..As crazy as it sounds, I actually think it was the same building as yours. o.o

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I've had this happen also. Notably animals seem to be able to path things they couldn't before, wolves going across log bridges to get to you. I think they're just made animal engagements a bit more realistic and dangerous which is all for the better in my book. Now closing the door actually matters!

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Pretty sure this is the new normal.  Wolf pathing AI was improved recently to allow them to enter fishing huts without a door, or the Mountaineering Hut.  Basically it improved their intelligence from that of a newborn infant to about a 2 year old, in terms of their ability to get to you.  They no longer treat tree limbs as "aww gee, he's slightly above ground level, guess he's off limits" and now will come after you.  They also seem to remember that you exist even after you get to an unreachable area.  I had a wolf retain aggro for a few minutes after I shut the door, instead of instantly resuming his patrol.

Now on the other hand, if they attack you THROUGH the door, or through a wall, that is definitely a bug.  That was an issue shortly after the errant pilgrim release, but they added in some line-of-sight logic which should have fixed the issue.  Still, I don't make a habit of hugging the wall if there's an aggroed wolf right outside, just in case.

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Yeah, bunnies and wolves also go into caves, and wolves will chase you in there if they are pursuing you. Same with porches that have open doorways  or openings in the railings. Haven't had a Moose chase me into a cave yet, but I am betting they can and will under the right circumstances. (It is amusing to scare a bunny into a cave and watch it hop around trying to find its way back out, lol. Not that I would try to do that intentionally... Okay. I would. And have. ;) )

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Yep, got to play the game a fair bit lately, and go to grips with some of the changes to wildlife behaviour and pathing, some are marked improvements like this one(close the damn door peeps! :wolf:), and others are questionable at best, when it comes to the quality of the gaming experience. 

The wolves attacking you through fires has a valid objective behind it, but it kinda screws up with camping underneath the open sky, which was one of the activities I used to like the most in this game. Perhaps make them scared of already established fires or define a minimal temperature/duration that has a deterrent effect on wildlife. I'd wager a single wolf would not be scared of a little campfire but would cower at the sight of huge and hot bonfire. This one needs some rebalancing, which I know Hinterland will do given time. 

Also not a fan of the wolves turning when you bait them and point the cursor ( not even drawing a bow!), but I guess this one is universally hated in the community so no point in going on about it.:D

I loved the new region and I appreciate all the hard work and effort that went into improving many of the game mechanics, but I can't help but feel that Hinterland stretched itself thin a bit with this update. I'm one of the Interlopers who just can't die regularly and I continue to do so, since the wolves are just more annoying(gotta carry 10 extra arrowheads on ya from now on) but not necessarily more dangerous if you know what you're doing. I was expecting they tweaked stuff that actually forces you into bad decisions, like making interior temps vary along outside temps, so you got have a fire inside to stay alive in blizzards, or send monster blizzards that lasted weeks to test you ability in keeping a steady emergency supply. Or fixing eating ruined meat with no consequences, etc..

All of these take time to find the right balance and I feel like the game got so much harder for the new player and just more annoying to the 1%'ers. Thank God we still have the time capsules, so I recommended my brother who plays TLD occasionally to keep his game at the Vigilant Flame version. Otherwise he'll just get trounced by the wolves and that's no fun. But I digress, I guess the game will be tuned in time and I'll be able to come back to it again when the itch to freeze returns Hahah! 

Cheers everybody, and please close the doors on whichever hovel you're hunkering down. :coffee:

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3 hours ago, wizard03 said:

Yeah, bait is practically useless now....why even drop something if they just ignore it?

They don't just ignore it, once you figure out how to use it now. The old "2 steps back, 1 step to the side and stop (to line up a kill) no longer works. 

Decoys are meant to give you a chance to get away... and that's how they do work now. Keep moving away. Don't stop and point a weapon at the wolf, keep moving. And don't turn your back to them, or run. They will aggro and chase if you try to run, if you are still in detection range. Still playing with it, to get it all worked out, but this approach works *most of the time* for me, in Stalker and Voyageur right now. A few failures, but more successes than failures so far. Playing with it more right now, to see what dropping, backing up and crouching does.  Biggest thing in my (limited) experience so far has been not moving to the side. If the wolf is locked onto me, moving to the side will draw the wolf to the side as well, breaking their direct line of sight on the decoy, at which point they ignore it, completely.

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Iv not had them ignore the bait for me in about 4 or 5 instances now, every time they start towards me, Iv dropped and run, and in one instance I had to kill the wolf as I couldn't run....the bait was in the way of the wolf to me, and I didn't have a gun in hand until he was past the bait.....I didn't want to use ammo, but at the last minute, whipped out the rifle and took a quick shot. I got lucky and hit him in the noggin, but the fact that there wasn't any other option {Fires and torches do not work anymore either} I had no other option. 

Im sorry, but if carrying anything that increases your scent and does nothing to help prevent wolf attacks, its a big worthless in my book.

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  • 1 month later...

On the other hand... I know the baiting is now working different way. But one could maybe place bait inside the hut and theoretically it should be possible to trap wolf there.

Only managed to trap its growl sort of. Put some raw rabbit on the floor, closed the hut door on the wolf's nose so he stayed outside and growled. Not only did his growling get inside the hut but inside Will's head. It stay to growl through aiming with a rock, mending and some 9 hours of sleep. Half an ingame day later, when carefully sneaking out of the hut, I realized the danger was long gone while its soundeffect had stayed. 



Edited by manolitode
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1 hour ago, manolitode said:

Only managed to trap its growl sort of. Put some raw rabbit on the floor, closed the hut door on the wolf's nose so he stayed outside and growled. Not only did his growling get inside the hut but inside Will's head. It stay to growl through aiming with a rock, mending and some 9 hours of sleep. Half an ingame day later, when carefully sneaking out of the hut, I realized the danger was long gone while its soundeffect had stayed. 



Loving the thought of the wolf's growl "getting into Will's/Astrid's head", but this should be reported as a bug really...

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10 hours ago, Hotzn said:

Loving the thought of the wolf's growl "getting into Will's/Astrid's head", but this should be reported as a bug really...

Haha yes, they (edit: Will & Astrid that is) sure have enough trouble as it is. Indeed, created a support ticket as it may affect gameplay to some extent. 

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Wolves can now enter buildings/caves without doors and cross log bridges? All the better, I say. But I do believe they should stay a few meters away from lit campfires (if they don't anymore).

As far as I know, animals still can't climb stairs... which is kind of weird.

It would also be interesting if bears could push over dead, fallen trees that you're hiding under. Right now, squatting under a fallen tree makes you almost immune to attack... which I'm pretty sure wouldn't work in reality.

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