Dev Diary - March 2019


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I think that the revolver is going to be .44 caliber. If its in the story mode i think it might be found on the prison bus in Astrid's playthrough. With the meat soup idea i had, when the soup cools it turns into a sort of jello like substance that is said to be very delicious according to some people and high in nutrients also. I think that the new clothing item might be Astrid's poncho for story and a handmade poncho type thing in survival mode, but that's just me. Maybe snow shoes who knows.

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Watching ''The Grey'' right now and saw a man get mauled right, deep cuts and lacerations. I know some people wont like this but there needs to be some sort of stitching mechanic added for ''deep wounds'' and such. Not just bandage and walk it off. ''Deep wounds'' from a bear attack or a double wolf attack. Bandage the wound and get to safety and un-bandage and stitch. It might be to much to code into the game but it would be something for those ''hardcore'' fans out there.

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I am waiting till the next episode comes out before buying because something tells me i will no life this game. Since im new and dont have the game yet and havent read all the forum posts i was wondering. After all the episodes/chapters have been released will there be any talks about a possible co-op setting or anything like that? Would be kinda cool to survive with someone or with a team.

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As a firm believer in the benefits of delayed gratification it makes me sad to hear you won't be giving us release dates further down the road. I loved looking forward to updates and releases weeks and months ahead ... BUT I can 100% understand how that makes your job easier and shields you from expectations. Gamers are a greedy bunch and we just love your game so friggin' much, we can hardly contain our feelings ^^ You guys have the way-too-rare situation of loving what you do and doing what you love, you should protect this any way you can. Props to all of you.

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A revolver is going to be a HUGE boon. I've often found myself wishing for a classic .44 "bear gun" in TLD to complement the rifle; less useful for hunting, much more useful for self-defense. Lighter, with six rounds on tap. (Or five.) 

"No bear spear in the next update, sorry, but in the meantime, have a bear GUN." Yes. YES.  

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"Astrid, I told you that slope was dangerous! Now look at those four sprains you've got!"

On 7/3/2019 at 1:01 PM, Skavenger416 said:

Lol I sprained my wrist while in the cooking menu the other night!!

I got a sprained wrist walking on the Forestry Lookout balcony. I convinced myself I slammed a hand against the railing because it was night.

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the axe blow Will took was unlikely to kill him

based on the position Wills head was in, the axe hit him somewhere between the shoulder and the neck. This is an artery that connects to the heart, so it was likely that it clotted before he lost too much blood, not to mention that fact that the heavy clothing would have assisted in the clotting of the blood. He is most likely unconscious 

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22 hours ago, TheUnknown said:

I am waiting till the next episode comes out before buying because something tells me i will no life this game. Since im new and dont have the game yet and havent read all the forum posts i was wondering. After all the episodes/chapters have been released will there be any talks about a possible co-op setting or anything like that? Would be kinda cool to survive with someone or with a team.

Raphael and team are not much for the word "never," but let's just say there have been multiple strong assertions aimed at steering players away from hoping for multiplayer.

Maybe actually try the game sooner than later? Worst case, you wouldn't like it, but you'd stop yourself from waiting around for something that's not likely to ever come. And you might have a lot more fun than you were expecting. :-)


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27 minutes ago, Hadrian said:

Raphael and team are not much for the word "never," but let's just say there have been multiple strong assertions aimed at steering players away from hoping for multiplayer.

Maybe actually try the game sooner than later? Worst case, you wouldn't like it, but you'd stop yourself from waiting around for something that's not likely to ever come. And you might have a lot more fun than you were expecting. :-)


I could have sworn I saw someone say "never" somewhere ... in so many words ^^

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Gotta say, 1.) Thank you all at Hinterland for making my favorite game EVER! 2.) I dont really know if I like the Revolver idea... I dunno why, but it just makes the game more FPS-y than I like? I dunno. I think the Rifle, Bow, and (hopefully in Survival soon) Spear make the game just fine the way it is. We should be given less to make us work harder to stay alive. That being said, I'm not developing the game, and I've been proven wrong on things I thought I wouldnt like to be implemented before, so I'll leave it to the professionals ^_^ Much love to Hinterland and all y'all in the community!

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2 hours ago, Sceh said:

I could have sworn I saw someone say "never" somewhere ... in so many words ^^

Me too, but I thought it best to stop short of putting words in others' mouths. People nowadays love to take statements from 3 months, 3 years, even 3 decades ago and assume they're still gospel truth. Sentiments change. General consensus, though, so far seems to be that it's highly unlikely to happen. :-)


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 Hey all!!

 Ive played a lot of games in the past. Some from the beta start up tests.  I have never seen/read, such awesome, communication , from a development team before!

Just wanted to say, I love the game, the story and your dedication too the game and  its users..  Thank You!!  keep up the Great work....

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Gotta say, @Sceh had an amazing thought/idea on being able to use the Revolver during animal struggles! Since it's a one handed weapon it is feasible, but... can you spare the bullet? *DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUN* (Dramatic sound que) Anyhow, for those of you that missed the Mailbag #25, here's her post in it's entirety:

1. Will the revolver have separate shooting skill from the rifle?  

2. Will it always spawn in a hunting bunker?

3. How rare will it be compared to the rifle?

4. Will it be possible toi use it in a bear/wolf/moose strugle?

*See mailbag for Ralph's answers

(And thank you @Sceh for your awesome line of questioning. I'm really hoping for the struggle implementation :) )

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On 2019-03-07 at 12:56 PM, Coleman H. said:

when the soup cools it turns into a sort of jello like substance



When life gives you bear hocks you make ...


image from Bareskin's diary

Astrid's Amazing Aspic



Boil down the hocks strain and the results is a gelatin liquid that congeals when cooled.

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