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Everything posted by xanna

  1. I like having an affliction that isn't such a harsh effect. It could be a real problem when condition is very low, but otherwise it's easy to ignore. I think that it's cool to have a range of different intensity afflictions.
  2. "Wait 12-24 hours for the affliction to pass" Damn, even in a game my insomnia is way worse than they tell me it should be..
  3. Anyone else ever been starving and wanted to try eating the fish?
  4. Floating coal, too. This is in the cave on the NE(?) of the Forsaken Airfield. (Well, NE if the top of the map were north, which it's not, but YKWIM)
  5. Did we used to have an option to turn off sounds when on the main menu screen? I'm not seeing any option now in TFTFT, and I'm not sure if I'm misremembering.
  6. I know what you mean, but I think that breaking immersion by reminding you you are driving a video game not wrapping bandages, and breaking it by taking away the 'I am completely alone' certainty we're used to are of very different natures. (Though I know that's not the only thing people are concerned about.)
  7. Calculating the expected condition is a great idea
  8. Maybe a hole has the effect of turning a patch of adjacent ice into weak ice?
  9. I had thought it would be more, like 20kg, but from the picture it looks smaller all right.
  10. Leaning across the bench? I think that's the new rifle, is it? I've never thought about a walking stick before. It's a fun idea!
  11. Got my cup of acorn coffee ready... 🌳
  12. Yes, rose buds are compacted petals and stuff, not shiny like a berry. Right, I think very likely rose hips, then! I don't make rose hip tea IRL, but I do make rosehip jelly. It goes great with roast dinner, or a cheese plate
  13. I absolutely love it. I wish I could upvote it again. A thought I had is that the crafted firearms will have to be better in some way than the bow, or players don't have an incentive to craft it, since the bow is quicker and easier to craft, as the milling machines both require a lot of work to get to and to unlock the first time. Is there an aspect that the pen gun and musket do better than the bow? Scaring Timberwolves, anything else? Oh, I see pen gun in a wolf struggle, that makes it an attractive option.
  14. I love this! I don't think it would be a good idea to bring in, I think The Long Dark is what it is, but maybe if it were something a bit separate like a (very extensive) mod or side mode like the challenges are. The game play you describe sounds very fun indeed, exactly my kind of thing.
  15. You'd miss a lot by using that as the fix, though. It's not equal accessibility if the thing you're accessing is that different. Hopefully a specific accessibility feature can be added.
  16. I think of the fox mod more like an extra piece of scenery. A visual version of the owls and other birds (hundreds, I believe). But I concede the point about a pet that helps you hunt feeling video-gamey; I completely agree. I'm not sure I knew it did that (I couldn't get the mod to work on my machine ). I'd like a pet to have as a pet but not in a way that actually affects gameplay at all, just something nice in the environment. I often feel the survivor's loneliness and wish I had a dog for them.
  17. I love the idea of making the milling machine uniquely useful for something. It feels like it's supposed to be for something, this is perfect. It also feels like it's a long quest to aim for, given the effort needed to craft, which is awesome, lots of fun. The lead balls and lead shot: are you proposing a new loose ammunition type, or are we perhaps crafting these from car battery lead, on the ammo bench?
  18. @k0s0ffI wonder if there's anything Hinterland can do accessibility-wise for players with this colour perception issue? @Admin
  19. I'm not sure but I don't think so? This might sound like a daft question, but were they on a rosebush? Thorny stems?