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Everything posted by Bimbobjoejr.

  1. I don't mean to be rude, but the idea of a shotgun has been done to death here and I doubt that hinterland will add one. The only practical use of a shotgun would be hunting birds, but that would require more birds to be added to the game and then the mechanics of the shotgun and.... Well it'd be a time consuming process. The weapon assortment has a good range and a shotgun doesn't really have a place among that due to how the weapons suit the bases of what the game has to offer so far. The rifle is a wonder at killing but has scarce ammo, revolver is weak but good for defense, bow is a long term alternative to the rifle, stones are good for rabbit hunting, noisemakers are one bang wonders that scare off everything, and the flare gun is a defensive get out of jail free card. The shotgun doesn't have any use that doesn't repeat what other weapons do. It would need the introduction of bird hunting to be a viable enough addition to the game and that is even if hinterland adds more birds. So I politely say that although I myself would like to see a shotgun in the game, it doesn't have its own place to be useful without stealing the job of another weapon. As the game stands it isn't a good addition, but maybe that will change in the future.
  2. Gimme a minigun with unlimited ammo, y'know. For them pesky rabbits and meddling timberwolves...
  3. I would so love to see a hallucination mechanic in the game, from either being too tired or maybe even low condition mushroom tea???? I also really thought when I heard say that fainting line, I thought he'd actually faint. But lo and behold it never happened and I got kind of disappointed. It'd would really add to the sense of urgency and awareness in this game.
  4. I remember someone saying they shot a moose in the hoof just about and got a one shot with the bow.... I think it was @piddy3825 actually.?
  5. If I had to pick a couple, it would probably be the one that plays when timberwolves attack, or when it hits nighttime and you're still outside. ( I don't know the song names, help)
  6. That revolver is holding onto the table with the trigger guard and nothing else. what a champ
  7. Doing my own thing, I just don't do much on here. Just see what people are doing and whisk away. Reply to something if I feel like it
  8. I don't go to hushed river valley, so I couldn't help ya even if I wanted to. Maybe RnGesus isn't looking down in your favor.
  9. The places I've seen moose spawn are the trapper's homestead, near the bridge by the carter hydro dam, on the marsh overlook(i think?) in forlorn muskeg, a patch of trees near the maint. shed in broken railroad, near the hunting lodge in the clearing, by the lake past the trailer in mountain town(moving towards Spruce Falls Bridge), I think the birch grove in pleasant valley, the bridge between the lighthouse and the processing facility in desolation point, and by the washed out trailers in bleak inlet. Hope that gives an idea of where to look, if they even spawn.
  10. My favorite has got to be the thomson's crossing community center simply for that huge storage cabinet. You can fit so much stuff into it it's insane!
  11. I've noticed that bears do a smaller roar when they detect you.
  12. I lost a military jacket the first time i returned, and after that I only left on a pair of pants, socks and boots, and a shirt. That seemed to work good enough for me
  13. Episode two, so much happens and there's so much movement. The ending battle as well was icing on the cake
  14. Alright, thanks for clarifying! The main thing I love is how he's just hobbling around with a bunch of those noisemakers. I can hear the gremlin laughing from here!😆
  15. I have an explanation for this. The game automatically kills you because you wouldn't have any way of getting out. You need to hook up a mountaineering rope at the other end of the chasm.
  16. You also forget the hunting group.
  17. For me, it was just confusion. I could see how the puzzle was supposed to work, and I got through the first section with only a couple of errors, but at the second part, I got confused with some of the pipes towards the end. How I thought I should have gotten enough pressure to a valve, and it would still say it's frozen. The second section was the only one that tripped me up, but I still knew the premise of the puzzle. But I get why people disliked it, and I think the changes suggested above would improve the QoL for the puzzle.
  18. love the art! The only thing that confuses me is, are those his teeth? or what's on his face there?
  19. Just because you say you're posting silly stuff, doesn't mean you're doing it out of actual silliness. Everyone here can tell that these suggestions you've made were forced, therefore making it counterintuitive to what you say. Just because you post silly ideas, doesn't mean they are true to the meaning.
  20. I feel @Lord of the Long Dark is the equivalent of a salty, tryhardy spy, sniper, or scout on tf2, feeling superior and thinking he has the highest iq out of the server.
  21. The irony... You don't like to waste time, so why are you here? Willing to argue and waste your own time arguing with people having a laugh and joking around. You sir are extraordinarily sad. And you also say you focus on things that are relevant here, but I've only seen you post on silly topics about how "unreal" they are, more times than you suggest stuff on it's own in the actual wishlist. Please, find another way to spend your time and learn to lighten up or you're going to find yourself in a mine with how ironic you are sounding right now.
  22. Oi captain, have you ever considered letting people have funny little images in their heads? This was meant to be a little joke post from what I can tell, but you're over here taking it as seriously as a nuclear apocalypse. So I'm going to ask that you focus on your interloper fantasy and let the rest of us screw around if we please. Quit being such a debbie downer, smh.
  23. I didn't think too much of it, since I use profanity..... waaay more often than I should. But I feel like that would make sense here since it's all criminals and such. But if some have an issue with but there's that profanity filter, I think it'll be fine.