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Everything posted by Bimbobjoejr.

  1. Don't think I heard scratching, but they were still after me when I went into a building and left it a while later. I'll have to start a voyageur run to double check because I've been running around on my pilgrim run that was meant for exploring blackrock.
  2. No, I've had timberwolves wait for me in Bleak Inlet as well. They are all extremely persistent if you simply take cover in a building. Best thing is to throw a marine flare at your feet and then try to shoot them.
  3. Aight, I know the quality for the image isn't the best, the revolver will usually sit between the wall and the pillar.
  4. Yeah... I just found this atop the mountain near the washed out trailers in bleak inlet. I hiked up and found this on my way back down.
  5. In the workshop of bleak inlet, if you go around to the left, there will be two large doors, like garage doors. In between those doors will be a pillar/ support with a slight crack between it and the wall. If you look in that crack, there will be a revolver in that gap. I'll send some screenshots when I get back home.
  6. I'm going to insert a way to implement it without it seeming to be RNG as some put it. How about the risk shows up when the fatigue bar becomes only a quarter of the way full, notifying the player, "hey, you need to get to bed." When it hits 0, is when the countdown begins. A red bar similar to the stamina bar becoming red with heavier clothing, would start to fill the fatigue bar. When it reaches full is when you would pass out. When you wake up, let's say you would have a quarter of your fatigue bar filled regularly and the game progresses an hour or two. This way, you may have a set warning of how much time you have left. Let's say the red bar would take 5 IRL minutes to fill. Of course I know some won't agree, but I will say I like the idea. Even if it doesn't get added, I want to share my piece about the topic.
  7. I'd love a little chuckle each time they land a hit. Just a little, "heh ha". Maybe also give a little, "uh oh", or "oh no", when they start getting charged by moose or bears. Imagine shooting a moose and hear Will go, "Heh ha... uh oh"
  8. I didn't want to be the one to say that, but also, with the weapon affinity idea. You already have that just by leveling up the skills related to the weapon. If you mean, have high weapon when starting, as feat, that makes more sense, because most of the things you mention are achievable by leveling up the skills. I do agree with the insomnia one and partially agree with the tracking. I like the idea of having a penalty for staying up too long or maybe having too much coffee, or something similar. With the tracking, I think it would be nice to have either larger blood spots for a more damaging, better placed shot, or less for a bad shot.
  9. Great video, but what about the hidden revolver in the bleak inlet workshop? I'm sure a lot of people don't know it is there.
  10. Genuine question here on a side note. What does frostbite do? Does it just decrease the total HP you can have or what? In all my time playing I've never gotten it, so I guess that's a good thing? But still, is that all it does, reduce overall health?
  11. If you're talking about playing on custom mode, then yes, it seems like it doesn't work towards feats.
  12. No, I had it happen to me and I was on a voyager run, or maybe it was pilgrim... but I had to reload my save to try again with a higher quality hacksaw. But in regards of loot, I find the same type of tools or food in each container I open, making me think it's the same no matter what.
  13. I like PV, simply for the huge storage cabinet in the community center, 440 lbs of storage? Yes please! I think my second up would be MT for the number of buildings there are to loot. Lots of cover around there.
  14. That captures the look of The Long Dark so well. I love the blending for the sunset as well. Very good job, so vibrant yet so lonely!
  15. yes, trying to climb down a rock face by just catching yourself on edges of the rock geometry to stop yourself from plummeting to the bottom. I'm pretty sure everyone on this forum coined it as "Goating"
  16. I tried to goat down into the chasm at the ravine connector for ML and CH without attaching the rope first. It was before BI was added so it killed me instantly. Wasn't happy with that.
  17. Bear: *Spins around you * Nothin' personal kid. Monch
  18. molotov cocktails, for when you need to preemptively cook your prey.
  19. Maybe so, but I'm entitled to call them an idiot as well. Science and medicine has saved many lives, and has been proven to do as such. But back on topic, I think we will be fine, long as we play our cards right and if we do what we are supposed to do.
  20. Except for the people that think, "MoDeRn ScIeNcE iS fAkE! *unintelligible stupid noises *"
  21. I gotta say the recycled cans are lifesavers. Boiling water, brewing coffee or medicinal drinks, etc. Besides the cooking pots they are the only thing that can provide water aside from hitting the royal throne.
  22. : / Sorry for assuming, but that is funky. They have the same spelling in english, why do ya'll have two different spellings in Russian. I don't know, but I'll leave this thread alone since I don't belong, ya'll have fun
  23. Better rifle sights. I would really like a pointed tip of the sight rather than the boxy shape. I lose my target so many times, that or I miss completely.
  24. That's what it is supposed to be, a tablet. As in: a small disk or cylinder of a compressed solid substance, typically a measured amount of a medicine or drug; a pill.
  25. I guess I did a good job of hiding it. It's a big tear on the side of Astrid's cheek. It would be more noticeable in the light