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Everything posted by ajb1978

  1. Late to the party so I'm going to assume all the basic stuff has been covered. If it hasn't already been mentioned, try to carry a burning torch at all times, and use stones as distraction devices. If you don't know how to effectively use stones, maybe don't jump straight to Interloper just yet. Stones are best used when you don't know the wolf is even there yet. i.e. as a pre-emptive move to flush them out into the open, before they get a chance to ambush you around a blind corner. If you can make it to say day ~100 on Stalker without a single wolf struggle, I'd say you're in good shape. Wolves are so numerous on Stalker that making it that far without getting attacked once means your stone kung fu is strong.
  2. ajb1978


    Peripherally related to this because it involves lenses, but I wish I could harvest a fresnel lens from the lighthouse in Desolation Point. Something like that would be large enough to start fires even on a cloudy day.
  3. I wouldn't mind a badge being added to coincide with the Faithful Cartographer achievement, which adds a feat enabling the GPS compass in Survival mode. It already exists in the game in Story mode, and earning this through diligent mapping kind of makes it irrelevant anyway. Like by the time you earn the achievement, you already pretty much know the maps backwards and forwards anyway. So what the heck, at that point just throw an arrow on the map indicating your position and heading and call it good.
  4. The "clutter" was added when Ep 1 and 2 first launched. Prior to that, the dam was pretty much mostly open space. That was also when the wolf was removed from the dam. There is no wolf in the dam anymore regardless of which mode you play.
  5. I for one do this every time I play. It's the last thing I do before I leave a region and move on to the next.
  6. And how marriages end.
  7. Way longer than that even. I don't have the numbers in front of me anymore but I had a run a couple years back where I harvested everything, including every piece of scrap cloth in the game. Curtains, towels, scarves hanging on hooks, chairs, etc. It was thousands, and I used on average one bandage per game month. So at that rate I would use approximately 6 pieces of cloth on bandages per year, meaning I would've had enough bandages for like 500 years worth of survival. And that's not including additional cloth acquired via beachcombing. Also this was before Ash Canyon and Bleak Inlet so that base number has only gone up.
  8. Based on those load times I'm assuming you're playing on a Switch. The Switch is the lowest specced console on the market today, and frankly the fact that Hinterland even got the game to run on the Switch at all is pretty impressive. Comparing the Switch to a gaming PC is like comparing a bicycle to a Ducati. They're on entirely different levels. And keep in mind this isn't me hating on Nintendo either, this is just a statement of fact: The Switch simply isn't on par with any other console, and especially not the kind of gaming PC a YouTuber would use. Now if you're NOT using a Switch, then I would suggest clearing up some space and see if that helps the situation. Xbox and PS have fairly moderate loading speeds, unless of course you're playing a game that's on like day 1500 and you've broken down every object in the world. Load times suck for those kinds of runs even on a gaming PC with an M.2 NVMe SSD.
  9. Sadly I do not, it disappeared at some point. It was called "Pocket Weather Trends", although a brief Internet search hasn't turned up any hits that match the thing I had. It may be one of those things lost to antiquity.
  10. I used to have a cardstock weather forecasting kit back in the 80's. You select an insert based on where you are in the North America, then look at the pictures that match the current cloud pattern in the sky. Then you move the insert so the black marker aligns with the current wind direction, and it would give you a brief little 2 sentence forecast. And damn if that thing wasn't accurate as hell!!
  11. Reminds me of old D&D games where I really tried to allow total player freedom, but at the same time if things just started to get too far off the rails I'd be like "Look guys let's try to rein this in. I'm not saying you can't raise an army and wage war against the Emirates of Ylarum...I'm just saying I'm not going to allow it. So if you insist on pursuing that route your character will be retired and you can roll a new one more in line with this story."
  12. Yeah I tried keeping a journal and after ~500 in-game days the results were consistently inconsistent. I mean so wildly inconsistent I decided to just screw the whole thing and go with "it's totally random". For instance, I once shot a moose in Milton Basin, another at the Marsh Ridge, and a third outside Carter Dam. All three kills were within a 48-hour period. And on the flip side, I've also gone over 100 days without a single moose sighting.
  13. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Instant kill spots have no place in survivor mode. Story mode sure--they're necessary to keep people like me from going out of bounds and breaking stuff. But not survivor mode, where exploration and going places you're not supposed to are pretty much the whole purpose of the game.
  14. Take off your clothes and walk through the waterfall naked. Put your clothes back on when you get to dry land on the other side. You will be Freezing and have Hypothermia Risk, but if you put your clothes back on right away that Hypothermia Risk will go away in seconds. Then just hang out in the cave for a bit to warm back up. Maybe start a fire and cook some tea if you're in a hurry, but really all you have to do is place a bedroll and sleep an hour and you'll be warm again. Edit: If you're looking for a way to pass through a waterfall and NOT drop to Freezing, there's not one. You just have to plan on dealing with the problem.
  15. One of the convicts cut her, as evidenced by Hobbs telling Will that she wasn't bleeding too bad ("Aw we barely clipped her wings"), and by the bandages Astrid is seen wearing at the start of episode 3. She was running from the convicts, but evidently had enough time to write the word "Perseverence" in the bus using her own blood as ink, prior to crawling through the collapsed portion of the bus and escaping to Pleasant Valley.
  16. Actually I have seen diesel mods for commuter cars colloquially known as "grease cars". You need to be very careful about filtering the oil of course because any impurities can seriously gum up the engine. But you can run cars on things like recycled fryer grease from a restaurant. The only caveat is the oil needs to be preheated to reduce the viscosity, but it burns comparably to diesel. And I'm not sure if this is a boon or a bogey but any time one of these cars passes by, it smells like a Chinese restaurant.
  17. The flare that brought Will's plane down is the same flare that caused the prison bus to crash. The crash caused the tunnel to collapse, mostly crushing the bus. Astrid was small enough to fit through the crushed part and escape the prisoners, but the prisoners (and Will, with his ginormous backpack full of junk) can't squeeze through. As for electrical, complex electronics are mostly fried, but simpler analog stuff does still work. While it's rather silly that battery powered flashlights only work during an aurora, we do see that party line phones are still usable during the day. Thus it would stand to reason that a simple diesel truck from the mid 1900's that has no complex electronics could still run just fine, provided you were able to pre-heat the fuel. Diesel engines don't rely on spark plugs, they rely on the sheer force of compression in the cylinders to ignite the fuel. So hypothetically you could roll start it too although you'd probably need to find a truck that's parked at the top of a big hill first. And even then you'd only get one shot at it. In normal use you start the engine first, then put it in gear to provide power to the wheels. Roll-starting turns that on its head--the wheels are already in motion, and you put it in gear to transfer energy from the wheels to the engine in an effort to start combustion. But depending on how fast the truck is moving or what gear you have it in, it's possible that the engine won't start, and will instead bring the vehicle to a halt. (This is known as engine braking--where you put the vehicle into high gear and let the engine absorb the energy to slow you down, vs. normal braking which puts pressure on the wheels to stop.)
  18. ajb1978


    The aspirational road map (back when it existed) did list survival mode NPCs as well as a barter system, among many other things. Frankly I think that could be a good way to acquire otherwise nonrenewable resources. Merge the two, and have it operate like the wounded Forest Talker in Episode 2. You never actually see the guy face to face, but you can barter supplies. Like I'll trade you a small vial of gunpowder (enough for 10 bullets) in exchange for 20000 calories worth of any kind of food. Just leave it in the bin outside, and 24 hours later the meat is gone and your rifle ammo is there instead. Or I'll trade you a brand new unused firestriker in exchange for 200 hours worth of fuel. Once you get settled, the game becomes fairly routine anyway, and something like this could provide additional late-game activities, especially on Interloper. Like if this hypothetical barter NPC is willing to trade you a near-ruined Expedition Parka in exchange for 100 hours of fuel, that would certainly motivate me to nab sticks and coal moreso than usual.
  19. Looks like your graphics card has... (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) ...met its match.
  20. ajb1978

    Dried meat

    To be fair you certainly CAN use sodium chloride to cure meat. You would just want to make sure to get the non-iodized kind because the iodide in regular table salt can make the meat taste a bit off.
  21. Wouldn't fit the environment, those are migratory birds and this is winter. All the waterfowl are half a content away.
  22. You need to have the sewing kit in your inventory when you use the crafting bench. This is a very common mistake for new players. The fact that the sewing kit shows up as an option in the crafting menu does not mean you actually have one in your inventory. If you did, the sewing kit's condition would be displayed, and if you have multiple sewing kits you can cycle between them. The same is true if you have fishing tackle in your inventory. Frankly I think this should be fixed because of how frequently this comes up, but I guess there are bigger fish to fry.
  23. Depends primarily on skill level. Once you've gotten everything to level 5, blizzards are actually something of a blessing.