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Everything posted by odizzido

  1. Twigs and pebbles are the most frightening thing in TLD. When you're trying to position yourself well to handle whatever happens those are the things that are likely to kill you as you get jammed up on them. At least for me.
  2. Alcohol doesn't make you warmer and compasses don't work in TLD world. I still think it might be cool for a compass to be in the game, if only just in the story mode where Will looks at it when he crashes and sees it spinning around uselessly.
  3. It's a single player game, you should be able to play how you want to. It's not harming anyone elses enjoyment.
  4. I think what would be cool for interloper people is simply to have all the clothing options available as rare loot and just drop the temperature by the same amount. The difficulty remains pretty close and it gives a reason to explore
  5. If you run limited ray tracing sure. Otherwise there is no hope. Also how far does the tracing go? 50m, 150m....1km? Is light bouncing off clouds and everything? How many bounces before it drops the ray? So let's be clear, full proper ray tracing is still quite some time off from being usable if it ever happens. The best we can do is apply it to a limited few effects and then limit those effects. Also I don't get the feeling that hinterland will ever play to the strengths of superior systems. It's the lowest common denominator all the way.
  6. Ray tracing has a massive performance hit and from what I recall TLD devs are struggling with performance already. Also until ray tracing becomes standardised and supported across the industry it's likely going to stay a pretty worthless nvidia feature just like physX and everything else proprietary they make. I am not against ray tracing or anything, I like the idea. It's just that is reality as I see it. I think with a little effort the lighting in TLD could be improved quite a lot with standard methods. There is certainly room for improvement. edit----------- Also just for some info, ray tracing only gets implemented in smaller ways generally so the lighting could still be terrible even with it. Unless they did like actual real ray tracing in which case the game would be a slide show.
  7. What you don't open your closet to get out your winter clothing every year and find they're all in useless tattered rags? Strange...
  8. AFAIK they're working as intended. Unfortunately for you and myself wolf behaviour is not very good and could use an overhaul IMO.
  9. odizzido


    Apparently the earth's magnetic field is all funky so a compass wouldn't work. I think it would be kinda neat to have one in the game though, and show it spinning around uselessly.
  10. odizzido

    Paint Can v2

    Yes, I've often thought that it can be too bright outside during the night....much too bright. I wouldn't mind them changing that I am pretty sure. What I don't like is the disconnect between the two areas. The other thing to mention is that in TLD we cannot feel our way through the dark like we can in real life. Maybe if there were a kinda ghostly illumination of objects very close to us to simulate touch that would help a lot. I might care more about it being so dark inside because I turn off fish so I cannot make lamp oil.
  11. odizzido

    Fire Barrels

    likely not, I just find it interesting.
  12. odizzido

    Paint Can v2

    Alternatively they could just brighten up the interiors a little so it at least matches the outside somewhat instead of being completely independent.
  13. odizzido

    Fire Barrels

    Yeah that's pretty terrible. I bet it's quite bright outside too. The inside and outside are very disconnected. Hopefully they eventually take a look at it because it makes no sense and is annoying. Also light actually slows down for us here on earth so it's something less than that. Just sharing some physics for those interested.
  14. Sprinting also increases food requirements. Though since you don't eat unless it's the 700 calories before sleeping I guess that is irrelevant. Plus wolves regularly deliver meat to you too.
  15. I find fishing to be too good so I disable it.
  16. Don't get your hopes up. Consolitis is strong in this game.
  17. Anything above that 75% mark gets eaten right away. Anything below is generally left alone where I find it
  18. I will be interested in seeing continued data if you're going to keep this up
  19. odizzido

    Fire Barrels

    Fires in TLD could use some work. Using a stove in the dark gives a pretty bright little patch right in front of the stove and then anywhere beyond that tiny area is pitch black. If you want to see you have to light a tiny little match because the massive roaring fire does nothing. Every time I see it I am just like geez, how is this a thing?
  20. Getting good at survival is all about increasing efficiency really. I enjoy finding more efficient ways of doing things.
  21. Something they might be able to do is once the game is getting wrapped up they could paste the houses into the maps. That way they only need to edit the maps once instead of having to change a bunch of stuff every time they modify either the map or the houses.
  22. As someone who does hike and crawl around and wear it in blizzards I can tell you that the atmosphere is probably at least 60% sulfuric acid. It's probably why we have to eat an entire deer every 2-3 days, we need to regrow all of our melted skin every hour.
  23. The fact that canned goods decay fast enough that it's a bad means of preservation says a lot...