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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. If I were in your position, thinking on how to prepare, perhaps carry a couple Marine flares? Sounds like repeatedly throwing and picking up the Marine flare may reduce morale to the point where you can flee. https://thelongdark.fandom.com/wiki/Marine_flare
  2. There are caches at TWM? The only zone I knew of them was HRV.
  3. There's a cave really close to the fuselage where I will rest in each night and typically don't need a fire.
  4. Like you said, sounds like a "flag" gets triggered when you pick up an item. For example, you can find a 0% can of peaches on a shelf (that you have never touched), but the moment you pick it up, that flag is set so if you put it back on a shelf (aka drop it), the "clean-up" code kicks in and removes it from the game. Just speculation...
  5. I'm guessing the key is to reach the fuselage ASAP?
  6. Yup! I wouldn't really get upset if it was a deer (those are everywhere!) but hunting and killing a bear or moose is much more rewarding when successful.
  7. Once you get to the point when you feel that way, you need to start setting goals for yourself: obtaining all feats, badges, challenges, achievements, trying harder game modes, etc. That should keep you busy for a while
  8. Bit late replying here, but, load a prior save?
  9. I've played enough to where I can orient myself pretty well...with one exception...PV - that darn map still messes with my head!
  10. I Just made a post here on my strategy:
  11. Wolf spawn (as with most factors in the game) does have a RNG aspect to it. Could just be unlucky with the large pack. I would just try to pick one off at a time. A tactic that has worked well for me since the changes to wolf behavior, has been: Get close enough to get the growl and they start approaching you. Find a nice open (preferably flat place), wait for them to get fairly close, raise your bow/rifle (this will initiate a charge from them). I've noticed they weave a bit then come straight at you. Once they start their straight charge, that's your cue to line up your shot and (hopefully) get a head shot. I've gotten to where I can effectively do this @ 90% of the time. Good luck!
  12. Ahh, yes...that one...no easy way but just do a google search and you'll find some methods. That one is mainly earned as you just play the game, but I guess if you really wanted to grind it, you could just keep creating new Pilgrim games until you reach it. https://steamcommunity.com/app/305620/discussions/0/276237094322380148/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/305620/discussions/0/133261124639307302/
  13. Start a new game on Pilgrim difficulty. If you're having trouble with any particular feat, let us know.
  14. From my experience, the most I've found concentrated in an area is: The Ravine, PV - around Lonely Homestead and FM - Marsh Ridge. I'm sure there's others.
  15. Wow, what a story! 2 lucky headshots.
  16. HRV for me. I like the diversity, the intertwining caves and hunting for caches. Plenty of exterior caves and wildlife.
  17. Yup, that "mystery smoke" is common.
  18. If you are playing custom difficulty, there is a setting for aurora frequency. I usually jack it all the way up just because I love the way they look.
  19. Matches - No. Coal - Yes. Mushrooms - No. Depending upon your difficulty and your resourcefulness, you can easily go over 1,000 days.
  20. I tie a string between 2 of them, hold 1 can to my left ear, run the string around an object or through another room, hold the other can to my right ear and alternate cans talking to myself - does wonders for the loneliness! 🤗
  21. Sounds like a blast! Wish my family members were into TLD like I am. 😢