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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. Actually, I did find a small use for this. While making revolver rounds at lvl 4 gunsmithing to get to lvl 5, the 18 rounds I made were at 80%. Once I hit lvl 5, I was able to harvest those 18 80% rounds. So when I revisit the shop, I can use those mats to make 100% rounds.
  2. When I first heard about this, I was thinking, "hmm...I usually don't carry around broken stuff" but come to find out, the machine will also take any condition item, and for 1 scrap metal, make it 100%!! I had a couple knives which were almost broken and milling them put them at 100%. This changes gameplay dynamics a bit!
  3. Just got it. It actually went really fast. I started off making about 400 bullets (all the lead I had acquired up to that point). I then made all the powder I could (5.5 lbs) and then made about 18 revolver rounds (since at that point I was lvl 4 and still had an 80% of misfire) which got me to lvl 5. Now, I can safely make 100% quality rounds
  4. As part of the Gunsmithing skill, we can harvest existing rifle and revolver rounds. Seeing as how when you do harvest (if at lvl 5 GS) you have a 100% chance to receive a casing, .02 lbs of gunpowder and a bullet. These are the exact ingredients to make a round. This begs the question, why would I ever harvest? The only thing I can think of is if I had an abundance of revolver rounds (which I do) and I need some extra powder. Even then, I would still need the rifle bullet and casing to make a rifle round!
  5. To be honest, I'm not looking forward to TWs introduction to all other zones! May very well make me further adjust settings and/or have passive wildlife (which I'd hate to do just because of the TWs).
  6. I suppose "puzzle" may be a bit of a misnomer but only knowing of 2 entrances to the zone, I first entered through FM (since I was there). After scouting the whole area, I then proceeded to the top part since it was inaccessible from the bottom.
  7. Granted, the walkway is a new mechanic to TLD, but it makes perfect sense, and I love it.
  8. I don't believe I had anything stored there. Have you looked for Lost n' Found? Open a support ticket?
  9. I've found 1 book and quite an abundance of ammo-making materials just in BI alone. I plan to re-visit previously looted locations, but in the meantime, I believe I've found plenty of mats to fill up my casings. I would've like to have found more Ammo books before starting to make ammo due to the low-level/high-failure rate.
  10. Really?? Our dogs are deathly afraid of heat/fire.
  11. I've been using lots of rounds fending off TWs. I have all the mats and will descend to the cannery tonight to make some.
  12. Re-spawn times on Timberwolves seems REALLY high. I encountered a pack of 3 when visiting the cannery - killed 2 and ran the 3rd off. I spent maybe 2 days exploring the cannery and come out one morning and there is a pack of 4! I was not expecting that... Killed 2 and ran 2 off. Came back next day and a pack of 4 again! Got up on the walkway to avoid them and just outside the camp, I see a pack of 6...sheesh. Update: killed 2 of the pack of 6 and the rest ran off. Took shelter in the trailer to heal up but will they never stop?
  13. LOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVEE the new feature! I have reported a couple bugs on it though.
  14. So, you've made some ammo already? How much of each component do you need to make 1 round -OR- How many rounds can you make with each 'item' (i.e. How many rounds can be made with a single container of stump remover, lead, etc.)?
  15. I started a new game with Resource Availability set to the highest. Spawned in MT just to see what the loot was like. Out of 5 cars searched, found 1 battery. Found some stump remover at Grey Mother's house so far but only about 10 minutes of play time in. Has anyone else revisited locations that were previously looted to find any of the new items? I want to continue my long-running game in which I've looted everything and continue exploring BI but I'm concerned I won't find much of the new loot. Kind of reluctant to re-visit every location again looking for the new items...
  16. Try contacting support. Maybe the box is somewhere else.
  17. I'd check before jumping to conclusions. Perhaps they put a Lost n' Found there for you.
  18. hozz1235

    Hey Buddy

    He just wants to be pet!
  19. It's all about making the best use of your time!
  20. Two entrances to this new zone: Raven Falls Ravine - Climb done rope to get to bottom then follow the creek to BI (from looking at video) From Forlorn Muskeg - Looking at the existing world map, the "cave" they refer to that links FM to BI must be in the South East area of FM, but could be more North towards the tower...I'm going to look when I get home from work. This is my proposed area for BI with guesses at where zones will tie in (in blue):