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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. Whatever format is best for you so that we can continue to get regular updates would be good!
  2. Very cool video (especially the first part with the transitions)!
  3. One of the small details I love about this game!
  4. TWM - for the solitude...I know, I know, I'm the only person alive anyways, but just the reminders of people is kind of the same thing.
  5. I'd have to agree with this but it's also a tie with Quonset. Both, purely because of the number of wolves.
  6. We (I) understand and support you! Take your time and continue to deliver excellent material like you always do! Thanks for the update. Luckily, I'll have enough games to keep me busy - Wasteland 3 and Baldur's Gate 3 both coming out soon!
  7. I managed to get it all, which is surprising, because I don't typically beach-comb because I always fall through.
  8. I was getting ready to head up to one of my favorite cooking spots (BI Lighthouse) and said, "Hmm...have I ever explored the other side of the island?" My curiosity paid off!
  9. Don't get me wrong, I love some of the locations everyone has pointed out (esp. HRV) but I think without a workbench, LONG term survival could be difficult.
  10. Boardwalk = Trailers, boards, platforms, etc. you need to take to reach the workshop.
  11. I can honestly say, despite my drunken playing, I have not.
  12. Sorry, I had to quote this since this is something you rarely read 😋
  13. Many mods are now back and work with the current build.
  14. Interesting perspectives - thanks for sharing!
  15. Since I'd rather sleep in a bed each night vs. a bedroll, I can now navigate the house at night to find my way... TheLongDark 2020-08-11 17-00-40.mp4
  16. I considered bleak inlet (especially the area around the abandoned lighthouse - can't beat an outside 6-burner stove) but just couldn't stomach the Timberwolves.
  17. Mine: my longest run is coming up on 1600 days on a very old Voyageur run (my original). One feat activated. Pretty much cleared all the maps. Looking for someplace to hang my hat for a while. After considering many places, I believe I've found my favorite: BRR Hunter's Lodge. This is why: A single wolf Possible Moose spawn (near the lodge and near the lake) Bear spawn (just below the rope climb so I can sniper him from safety then climb down to harvest him) Consistent rabbit spawn (2-3 every day with 6-7 snares) 6 burner stove Workbench Caves nearby (if necessary for Cabin Fever) Plenty of deer down the rope climb
  18. This is back as an un-official mod.
  19. Somewhat true...the vantage point was an advantage, but I guess the reason I termed this "exploit" is because he got stuck. A normal bear would not sit there being plucked full of arrows.