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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. Leave, find a hatchet and come back - solution solved.
  2. Been pretty quiet...whatcha got brewin', Hinterland?
  3. Bring a hatchet - problem solved.
  4. Bad luck, yes. Fix? You don't argue the point that a several hundred pound bear won't break through ice but I will? If we could say "realism", this would not be realistic and actually is a punishment for the hard work we do to hunt the bear in the first place.
  5. However, if the bear wasn't there, I would still fall through...
  6. Plane Crash? I believe you're referring to the Mountain Town region.
  7. I love this place! I always look forward to making this my final zone to visit during a run. It has everything I like: TONS of exploration, wildlife, caves, harshness, remoteness... I always feel somewhat...resigned after completely mapping/exploring HRV...
  8. Some small detail I just noticed for the first time tonight. Before hitting the hay for the night in the back of a HRV cave, I reloaded my trusty Revolver and noticed the "clink" sound as the brass hit the stone floor of the cave - Nice touch HL!
  9. Has got me back into playing Witcher 3 - sorry TLD!
  10. Isn't there a fire barrel down there? (just behind the elevator)
  11. I didn't think that was a bear-spawn point. I know a wolf wanders there periodically.
  12. If you're in the right mine, the lift takes you to a lower level.
  13. The pack did follow me to the pier. After I was done, I picked them off from the safety of the pier. If the shortcut was located in the cannery proper, you would still need to deal with the TWs to reach the fabled shortcut, no?
  14. Sometimes the RNG can be cruel.
  15. That doesn't sound right. I would report it.
  16. From what I've read, it appears that all aggressive wildlife can now enter blinds (despite size).
  17. I think we may be taking his quote and reading into a bit too far. I also am leaning towards no "secret shortcut" at the cannery itself. I mean, it takes maybe a minute to run the walkway. I can't imagine HL making a shortcut for a 1-minute trip.
  18. hozz1235

    Easy save

    True, but unfortunately, you cannot force this condition (well, I suppose you could if you gorged yourself to get to 100% chance).