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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. Hey @Admin, there was an update some time ago that elongated save game times to offset some save game issues. Any idea when our 'save game times' will be reduced back down to previous levels?
  2. I was enjoying a night at one of my favorite spots when I stepped outside to enjoy the magnificence of the Aurora. Off in the distance, by what should be the Delta (where there is nothing), there was a flashing light. Guesses? TheLongDark 2020-07-22 19-49-43.mp4
  3. 5 shots, 5 kills! TheLongDark 2020-07-19 17-57-08.mp4
  4. I'm male. I prefer a female character. Why? I'd rather hear the grunting sounds (such as when climbing) of a female vs a male. 'nuff said.
  5. hozz1235


    Necrophile? 😉
  6. I've found that having a "Shelter" icon would be really helpful. This could denote an unmarked cave/enclosure or a snow shelter.
  7. "I like me badges!" 🤪 For me, they're like quests from other games - gives me something to achieve and a sense of accomplishment.
  8. hozz1235


    Hmmm...do I want top or bottom bunk?🤔
  9. Okay, here's a placement I haven't seen before.
  10. Got it last night after consuming 28 syrups. If you want it, you will have to do multiple runs. I wanted to get it and move on so here's what I did: I discovered that PV Farmstead always had a least 1 syrup and 1 ketchup. Create a New save with location of PV (hopefully you spawn close). Make a beeline for the Farmstead making no stops along the way. Find the syrup and ketchup, pass time if you have to (to get hungry enough), consume them, stet outside and back in (to force a save - not sure if this step is necessary or not but I did it just in case). Rinse and Repeat. Delete previous saves if you run out of room for saves (25 max). Good luck!
  11. I'm really starting to get frustrated with the low amount of syrup. I've spent more hours than I like on throwaway saves and my main WE save which I got the 25 day badge on. I'm currently still at 27 syrup and 38 chips with no badge. Guess it's back to more throwaway saves.
  12. First of all, I'd like to state how much I appreciate HL continuing to make improvements to the game! Events are always a welcome bonus to encourage us to keep playing. Now my criticisms: Regarding syrup and the badges - How many really found all 25 in one save? How many of you created multiple new games so as to harvest the syrup? <raises hand> Instead of grinding for the badges on saves I will never play again, it would have been nice if I could have progressed my existing save(s) towards badge progress. Just kind of feels like wasted time, ya know?
  13. PV Farmstead is guaranteed to have at minimum: 1 syrup and 1 ketchup chips. I've found 2 chips and 2 syrups on some saves. Everything can spawn in several places, so look around.
  14. Anyone notice our cozy cave on the summit of TWM now has a snow wall blocking most of it?
  15. I've been making tick marks on a piece of paper (or you could do it in game too).
  16. Be good to hear the official answer from HL.
  17. In your situation, i would go with rifle (easier to hit at long range).
  18. I love using this method for canned goods. I find a 6-burner stove, and while I'm cooking meat, water, w/e on the cooking surfaces, I will drop all my unopened canned goods in front of the stove and they cook there.
  19. Another thing I've never noticed before, the shadow of the radio tower way down on the ice...
  20. I KNOW I've never seen this building before. BRR near the bear cave.