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Everything posted by RossBondReturns

  1. Wait to you see...we'll all be wrong. I kinda hope we will all be wrong.
  2. I think BRR will eventually be built off...Raphael has hinted as such. I just feel it will be North or Northwest this time...making a connection through a reopened rail tunnel in CH very likely...or if not that...opening up the end of DP by fixing that bridge...or Scruffy's cave becomes a Transition cave to where ever the first travel region is.
  3. Exactly, and a while back Raphael was stating that the Ravine in BRR was designed to be opened up later much like the Ravine between ML and CH was opened up to let us into the upper reaches of Bleak Inlet.
  4. I like your map! I can see what you're certainly is a strong possibility. But an argument can be made for placing the Travel Zones and Hub Zone...and 3 new Regions to the North as well. Edit thanks to Kai for making this version of his Great bear Island Map Specifically for a post on my blog about the upcoming DLC!
  5. Yes it was part of the Press Kit that stumbled it's way onto one of the Many TLD discord servers, one I happened to be a member of. I found it last week. The kit contained the Trailer, key art pieces, and the two screenshots.
  6. Yes the outdoor rail image. I just feel as if this image show rails and scenery that is more akin to being Northward then Southward. And that the rails are in much greater disrepair to the North which was abandoned much earlier than say the Rails in BRR.
  7. I expect the majority of things like new cooking recepies, Burdock, Visor Notes, Travois and many others to be across all of the Regions (except for the ones that non-DLC users won't get) obviously. I'd at a guess state that the Radio/Trader that I think are connected will only be available through the DLC. Also I think the Travel Region that leads to the Hub region will be either off the opened rail tunnel in CH....or continuing up from the Broken Bridge in DP. See my other response for why.
  8. I dunno. Something tells me that it will be North and contrary to popular belief MT is not North...Coastal Highway and onward to DP is actually North (Technically NE)...and BRR is as far South as you can get. I hope you're right though. The reason I think North is because it seem most logical to me that the more broken down rail lines would be to the North since the lands to the North were abandoned even longer ago than the territory we discover during the time of story mode. Also FWIW the rails that we've seen thus far don't look nearly in as much disrepair as those in the image of the Hub that I've seen about. Yes they're broken...but not broken as if they've been smashed by angry trolls with giant rock clubs.
  9. I will start a new sandbox using Hadrian's Against All Odds Code...and play my game as a normal survival sandbox. In other words with great care and inquisitiveness. I'll go where the world lets me.
  10. Well, I have no idea why I had to introduce myself again, hopefully my old account can be accessed again- I am the person formerly know on these boards as RossBondReturns! However due to weirdness...I can no longer access that account or get it's password changed. So if that is unable to be fixed I guess I'll just start climbing through the ranks again! I started playing TLD in 2015 on my i3 laptop...and just last year was gifted an i5 for Christmas. Across my two laptops I have logged nearly 5,100 hours in the Quiet Apocalypse. Over 5 years ago I was one of two people to figure out a way to summit TWM by going up the front face and without using a rope. Just recently another route was found that's a lot easier...but the old one is still available for those who are vertigo free! You'll find a lot of user created challenges under my old Board Name...and a lot of screenshots and animated .gifs in the Screenshot thread...and I'm currently recording a Survival Sandbox that switches Time Capsule builds every couple of in game days. Anyhow...back to surviving! Nice to be sort of back!
  11. This idea reminds me of the camera you get in Firewatch. In Firewatch you find a cardboard point and shoot in the game...and then can take pictures using up the rest of the film. It even has a counter letting you know how many shots you have left. At the end of the game...during the credits...the images you took (along with time images already on the camera) are shown as the credits scroll. Also you can send off to have them developed as well (not sure if that's still a thing though). I'd love a Polaroid to be included in would be fantastic.
  12. I'm just doing quick test runs for a TLD Tournmanent I'm taking part in starting Nov. 1. And It started min in BR...and I slept the night in the Maint. Shed...and for the first time ever ran into the Moose down below...first time since BR was introduced I've ever had the Moose spawn there.
  13. The Moose in Broken Railroad can also spawn in the woods between the Maint. Shed and the gate to the Lodge Section in Broken Railroad as well. Also another way to tell if a Moose is around is that if other wildlife crosses it's will react causing all other wildlife...including Bears to scatter.
  14. My best guess is early December- that will give them plenty of time for a hotfix (or 2) as needed before Winter Break.
  15. My pleasure. I've found often times at the Hunting Lodge in BR that if you get up there and there is no moose (even if there are no markings on the trees) that if you clear out all the wolves...the Moose more often then not will just spawn there for no good reason.
  16. I think one thing us survivors fail to remember is that the markings on trees just show where a Moose has potential to spawn there during that doesn't meant it will spawn there...right now. It could be at any one of the marked trees in any of the other regions. Very rarely will you get back to back Moose spawns in the same region but it's happened to me in Mystery Lake.
  17. My preferred route: HRV (Page)---> Milton (Page)--->FM--->BR (Page) -----> FM (Page) ---->BI (Page) ----> FM -----> ML (Page) ----> Ravine Transition---> CH (Page) ---->DP (Page) ----> CH----->PV (Page)----> TWM (Page) ---> AC (Banish) If I have to I'll use my Dispel glyph in CH.
  18. The only bear I saw was from much safety high on a log bridge. Maybe in my current run I'll have a more up close and personal encounter. Also in the frisk they only ever take your outer clothing layer so just go there wearing or carrinyg one. Go to your dump zone and unload. May favorite episode so far.
  19. Nope that's a bug. This teleportation thing is only for the player.
  20. Falling through the ground is not normal. But that system of teleporting you back to a secure place is.
  21. I did not use the term trial and error. I listened and moved the handles with purpose. Made a mistake here and there...and fixed those with purpose. And move onto the next it down to 2 mistakes. After which I didn't make any further mistakes. I'm sorry to break your narrative but I certainly didn't use trial and error as I made clear in my first post. Perhaps you need to borrow my glasses.
  22. I knew that I had to move something from one location to another by closing and opening pipes. So I simply started from the left and worked my way right...too quickly so I made some mistakes. But eventually I got everything lined up and thawed my pipe and moved on. I simply used my eyes and ears to get me through the puzzle, that's all. I call doing that logical.
  23. Funny how when I did this puzzle...especially the first did take a lot of time. But after a lot of careful looking, and careful switching I was able to logically deduct where I had gone wrong and fix the first part of the puzzle. The rest was much simpler once I'd logically figured things out in the first section. (And I would've been done much faster if I had slowed myself down and carefully looked at the puzzle rather than rushing at the start and making hasty moves without taking the time to think things through first).
  24. There's no footage but it does describe how things work in the Special Event.