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Everything posted by RossBondReturns

  1. If you ask me non map based Navigation system has been part of TLD since I've been playing. They actually Introduced the Charcoal mapping but even I wouldn't call that a navigation system per say. The game still, thankfully, rewards players for learning locations and positions of places in each region. After enough time you can through prior map knowledge traverse even Pleasant Valley, through thick fog or killer blizzard to a location of your choosing- if you are correct in your knowledge of where you are starting from.
  2. Of course I did. The last thing I do is the dam. Once Renewed Hope starts I know I have at least 1 weeks of quests (and Aurora waiting) to do before I head to the Dam. I still had Lakeside Shots, Hanks Hatch and Aurora Hatch (and perhaps one more) before I could head to the dam to really complete Renewed Hope. So I didn't do it during the first 2 nights of Renewed Hope when the aurora are frequent...I made it there on day 4 of Renewed Hope...and spent 3 odd days and nights waiting. They key is to get in the Hatch as soon as you see the Aurora and use the keypad and open the door as fast as possible in case the aurora stops that is the only reason for the inner door to not open.
  3. Plant the spear just before the bear drops after roaring. Then left click till the stamina bar fills it will then be an animated event until it stops. Retreat to safety...heal...recover stamina... do the same two more times. If on the PC and having trouble getting the struggle bar to fill...turn off vsync and lower the resolution.
  4. My best way of approach was to follow the safe spaces on the left. First has a cloth in front of it, 2nd has a stick in front of it you will come back to this the third one has a cloth at the end. Make bandages and tinder plugs. From the end of the cloth you can see the tree...but it's a horrible place to see the bear. And hard to keep track of him. So go back to the 2nd ahead and to the left is another safe zone. Dash and crawl in the backpack. Now you need to keep an eye on the bear...try and wait until he disappears ahead of you to the right exploring the lower level. You are then going to run towards the rock ahead...grab the spear...the closest safe zone will be one ahead and to the left. Duck in there fast. At the other end of this safe zone is a short dash to the last one...I usually move to this one and then come out just far enough to stand up. Engage the bear...fill the struggle bar....crouch back to the safe zone....heal recover stamina...repeat.
  5. Oh yes. There's nothing like waiting a week for an aurora...getting a buffer memory...then waiting for the sun to rise before heading out and getting thrice attacked by wolves to end a run on the way to your last location.
  6. I will be recording a new Episode of the Long Dark Community Podcast at around 10:30 or so this morning Pacific Standard Time. If anyone wants to have their thoughts on Wintermute Redux read "on the air" comment in here and I will add them into the script for the new episode. You will be called out by message board name and then I will read your comments. I will be recording the user review segment on Monday and mixing the episode then as well so if you'd like to thank Hinterland via the community podcast please drop a response here and I will read and record it for inclusion in the Redux Review Podcast!
  7. Just finished the aurora hatch today. Door totally opens. Good loot and plenty of food and water to avoid burn damage if you don't choose to run right through like I did since I have plenty of meds.
  8. No...the bar filling mechanic is horribly bugged for at least half of's not your fault. It was a very poor choice to make it the key to defeating the bear. It's also unfortunate that Hinterland is on their well deserved break and probably won't address this until the New Year.
  9. I found one on the crafting table in Camp Office...but I believe they're random spawns even in Wintermute.
  10. @Raphael van Lierop is the door supposed to open? You'd know my man! Also a big congratulations on Wintermute Redux it has been phenomenal for me thus far!
  11. A new Episode will be coming when I have completed Redux Eps 1-2 and played a bit of survival with the new update...should be a really fun and in depth episode!
  12. I'm pretty sure I know where that meeting took place....but my path through the area...avoided the potential meeting place.
  13. Heck I'm in Episode 2 and am yet to find a knife! But I know of where at least one more hatchet is...and I found my first whetstone.
  14. Just to make it clear I'm not calling anyone out or a psychopath or anything else for doing whichever option they chose. Yes when I play a story game I tend to project myself onto the protagonist I am playing as. Hobbs as the antagonist reveals quite a complicated story, and as I as Will listened, I had to listen carefully and re-evaluate my position more than once. The choice was not something I made quickly. Afterwards I sat weighing Hobbs words before I made the choice. This sequence was simply more proof in the pudding if you will that Redux was a brilliant and welcomed overhaul in writing in this case, and world building over Predux! And me entering Broken Railroad for the first time later today will I'm certain only continue to affirm how much Wintermute has been improved.
  15. As a Christian gamer (and Pastor's Kid) it was my choice in the game to give him a chance to live. No one is innocent, we're all guilty, but the amount of times God extended grace toward me- before I as a PK was saved I will probably find out is much more than I think. So I gave Hobbs mercy, pulled the knife, in reality giving him a chance to survive longer...and perhaps find salvation. Yet pulling the knife in reality could've unplugged the wound speeding up his death. I felt the moment was incredibly powerful either way one chooses- Redux is amazing!
  16. The Aurora outside never get old but tonight I want to share Aurora from within the Hunting Lodge! With animated .gifs of course!
  17. Yes in Episode 0 my microphone was my gaming headset...and it came out poorly. In Episode 1 I use my Samson Go Mic...the sound is far better as a result. Also I'm currently feeling very crap (got blessed with a voice killing bug at a family thanksgiving get together) so I might start to edit the slideshow version for upload on youtube sometime tomorrow.
  18. I am a Mod on The Long Dark Community on Facebook, and a while back other mods and the group owner floated around the idea of doing a podcast for the community. I volunteered to put something relatively simple together, as host...the only voice you hear at the moment. I use simple editing software, and Mixcraft7 to put together each episode. I basically discuss the new Dev Diaries, Upcoming updates, User Challenges and anything else I manage to think of- there's nothing "Official" about it and is not affiliated to Hinterland Games in any way. But we did miss their podcast and wanted to do something simple to fill the gap. In the future we hope to have special audio guests like popular TLD LP'ers, and who knows what else. Below you will find the Pilot Episode- Episode 0- which I originally uploaded to Buzzsprout the day before the Vigilant Flame Update. But is now only available on Youtube for now. And a link to Episode one, just posted yesterday on Buzzsprout. I'm certainly not a professional podcaster or editor for that matter but I am a huge The Long Dark I hope these will be appreciated and welcomed with that caveat in mind. I hope you enjoy! Keep on Surviving! Ross
  19. I copied and pasted it so hmmmm. I'm not going to trash the box...but I might try another copy and paste. I copy and Ctrl-V it into the custom code box. I started another the same ML start near the animals from Clearcut all the way to trappers.
  20. Currently I'm subsisting off prepackaged food...with which I've been blessed. Then there's also carcasses....I haven't tried fishing yet...since all I have is hooks. That said perhaps all the animals are waiting in TWM...which is where I'm heading next. What I'm wondering about Deadman this no wildlife thing normal? Is it very rare but exceptionally deadly? Might it only be in one region? If so...maybe my sandbox is working right.
  21. An update...yeah my first Deadman Box for whatever reason apparently has absolutely ZERO living I will update and get caught up to Day 15 or 17 or whatever I've made it to...but I will be calling subsequent updates to Box One Omega Man rather then Deadman. I will be starting a brand new Deadman Box and hoping it doesn't wig out and gives me the true Deadman experience with wildlife.
  22. Here's my blog post covering Day One of my Deadman Challenge! Deadman: Attempt One: Day One
  23. Finally found my heavy hammer...still haven't seen a single living creature. Heard them plenty though. Just entered the Raven Railway/Ravine Connector...on my way back to the Riken.
  24. Got all my ingredients if you were ready to forge...except the heavy hammer. So I heard rumors of one near the fishing I guess I'll backtrack to there. At least all my stuff will be cured should I make it back to hiberina...if I make it back and do my forging.