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Everything posted by Ape88

  1. I hopped into this thread, did I not? I've been looking for tips, knowing that we need to balance fighting off those timberwolves and carrying people. Of course, those people could be dead or alive but based on the bit you shared I still have no idea which until I reach that part of the game. I still don't know how to hide spoilers. It could be impossible when posting from my phone.
  2. We have to carry people back? My goodness. I'm glad I am doing the side quests ahead of time!
  3. Thanks for the info. I just spent the better part of the evening redoing the first part of the episode and am doing the side quests before I even touch the community center. Easy way to avoid Timberwolves... As they don't appear to be present until after you talk to the priest/father. It's a little cheaty but I'm a wuss.
  4. I swear that most of the audio is a lot better. I noticed we can hear woodpeckers again but it isn't the ear-killing sound it used to be. However I do think there might be some audio/dialogue glitches. The first time I tried to play the episode I ended up with the audio cutting out completely after I had to access the Xbox Dashboard... I am going to try and capture a possible glitch in the first bits of dialogue. However I'm not sure if I'm going to play when I get off work this afternoon.
  5. Hello! I just have a couple questions about Episode 3. Those who don't want any spoilers need not read any further. SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!! 1: Are the main objectives at all affected by how long it takes me to complete the tasks? If so, should I focus on the side quests first? I know in Episodes 1 and 2, it didn't matter but I would rather be safe than sorry if I just assumed. I do like to take my time in these episodes. In Episode 1, by the time I decided to leave Milton I could have had Will completely dressed in furs. 2: Do you have any tips on dealing with those Timberwolves? Are there any areas I should be extra cautious in due to them? I chased them off the first time but either I flubbed up and accidentally quit the game or the game crashed. The second time I waited until morning to venture out and in the daylight I couldn't manage to keep them from taking swipe after swipe and by the time I did, it was too late. Any other advice, perhaps without too many specifics regarding plot is welcome!
  6. I would like it if we could co-op with maybe 2-8 people. However the way I understand it a game has to be built from the ground up with Multiplayer in mind and TLD was never built with multiplayer in mind.
  7. Devs have said in the past that the system can't really handle spawning stuff from that far off.
  8. Once I get the firestarter feat, I'll be exploring the area for the first time. Whether I utilize certain fan-made maps or not will depend on the weather.
  9. You can still cook ruined meat and eat it. However huge stockpiles seem like a good idea for a short time.
  10. I definitely try to play with my headset, audio and video settings set up for maximum potential to hear and spot aggressive animals before they detect me. However even with every step I take, there are still plenty of instances where I get caught unaware until the aggressive animal is stalking or attacking.
  11. Er... I prefer the game as it is now. Back when I first started playing, I died repeatedly because I expected to need a cooking container to boil water in. Now that we do need an empty can or a cooking pot to melt and boil water in, it actually makes sense. The layering system is broken though... Because putting a toque on over a ski mask should add to the windchill protection, not reduce it.
  12. I would just like more craftable stuff to use animal skins for period. Not just clothing either.
  13. Ever since the most recent updates I swear spawn locations have changed.
  14. Ape88

    Tipi (teepee)

    It would be cool to be able to build a shelter that is more useful and longer lasting than a snow shelter. Now, how warm would one of these be without a fire going. How warm would they be in a blizzard sans fire? It can be pretty tough to keep a large enough wood supply to manage a fire overnight for several days if you end up being unable to go out and collect firewood due to weather, dangerous animals, illness, injury, or not having a hatchet. I ask that because in my voyager survival game I've gotten pretty much stranded inside the garage in Coastal Highway because there has been a blizzard going pretty much non stop (except for in the dead of night both with and without the aurora) and even when things are somewhat clear, I'm having trouble getting past the wolves and am running low on ammo. Really though, I'm one of those here who are all for more long term survival play.
  15. It took me countless times to manage it. But eventually I did it. I think I had to take a break from the game before I actually managed it.
  16. Hello again, Raph! The images of the new wolves give me the chills just thinking about dealing with them. Just knowing they are coming eventually makes me wonder about a couple of other things. Will any other animals and/or food sources be added? I feel like the threats are beginning to pile up a lot to the point of being unbalanced! Also, when they (the new wolves) are added to the game will they be present in all regions? Will they be a bit more like the moose where they spawn more rarely like the bears and other groups of wolves where their presence is pretty much an everyday thing when they do spawn?
  17. Okay, sorry for what seems like a double post but I wanted to make sure ya'll saw this. I just got back home and onto the game. I think there may indeed be a bug regarding feats. While I have started a total of 3 fires in the voyager run I started this morning, the game does not add them to the total fires started in voyager mode overall.
  18. I really wouldn't mind seeing the ability to break down campfires added to the game.
  19. I thought I would try to be helpful and decided to start a new Voyager game this morning since the only feat I have not completed is the one to do with fires and I had about an hour before I needed to get ready for work. I only started one fire and it did register within the current game log for sure. I need to double check if it shows on the all time log as I did not check beforehand but I will do that when I get home today.
  20. I mountain goated up to a spot to test if it was that. No dice. I think it's a bug.
  21. Easy fix for that. *Pay attention* to the slope indicator. Don't make a habit of traveling whilst encumbered. If you must traverse travel whilst encumbered and/or up or down a slope slow the heck way down. Also, try not to travel while exhausted. If you do, again, slow down. Do those simple things and you should rarely get a sprain. Hinterland gave the slope indicator and the sprain risk warnings to help us know when sprains were a real possibility.
  22. It is quite immersion breaking when you take the time to make sure to put on those wool mittens but every time you see your hands they are bare.
  23. Ape88


    I just did some research and irl one could make candles of tallow from bear fat and cotton string. Maybe in The Long Dark in this particular bit of the game it wouldn't be done... The Devs have said they're pretty focused on their own goals, but maybe they could consider it for the future of the IP.