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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. I've seen this video before on YouTube and it made me chuckle. What amused me the most was the survivalist constantly commenting on how if it were he, IRL, he would be taking stock of the situation and be thoroughly looking around and assessing the situation before acting. All the while never stopping to assess his characters condition or even once check his inventory and doing practically the opposite of everything he was saying in game. I blame whoever staged the video for not having explained the basics of gameplay to the guy... Never the less, he did bring up some salient survival points that certainly could be applied to the game mechanics. I liked the hollowed out haybale idea as a temporary storm shelter. I could see that being incorporated into the game, much in the way the snow shelter was added. I think a lot of players sometimes forget that TLD is a game, first and foremost and not a survival simulator. I would however, would love to play a survival simulator game based on all the real life possibilities mentioned in the video and maybe one day the good folks at Hinterland, might take that on as a project. Here's to hoping that the do! 😉
  2. I was out and about the other day looking for those Polaroid pictures, I found this backpack leaning up against a tree. Picture found! As I was getting ready to leave the area and continue my search efforts, I spied something behind the rocks... Is that what I think it is? Holy Shazbot ! Can this possibly be the legendary clothing bunker of lore? Having never seen it before, I was just hoping it wasn't going to be another food hatch. Climbing down inside and peering upwards as I reach the base of the ladder I can smell the stagnant mustiness of the air that has been trapped down here for a very long time. The constant drip drip drip of water can be be heard echoing off the damp walls and floor. As my eyes begin to adjust to the gloom I notice a couple of lockers to the left of the ladder and some metal utility shelving. I check the boots first to see if they are my size. Score! Turns out they are my size although pretty worn and beat up. But that can be fixed, right? I check the leftmost locker and am rewarded with a can of spray paint. I hope no one needs this anymore... The rightmost locker was locked. Luckily I have brought my crowbar along and I make quick progress breaking the lock and opening the door. Find a long woolen cowl scarf and an old worn Mackinaw jacket. This will come in handy too! So far this bunker is looking pretty promising! There's a pair of woolen socks on the shelf, some more spray paint. Matches and a whetstone are always good to find! Apparently the previous owner was planning on repairing the boots as there were also some cured leather patches on the bottom shelf along side a firearm cleaning kit and a few other useful items. The file cabinet remained mostly empty except for this pair of ratty old fleece mittens. The were practically destroyed and in that condition I just decided to harvest them for the cloth. Against the back wall is another metal utility shelf. Not much on it that's immediately useable except for the lantern. It's beat to hell but I can still hear some fuel shloshing around as I'm checking it out. I turn my attention to the air duct grate and pry the face open! Found a Knife! Always check the grate! I peer down the hallway into the gloom and before I head into the main body of the bunker, I grab the lantern and fire it up. I transition from the hall to the main chamber. I pan left as I enter the room. Shelving, lockers, crates and boxes are arranged on the left side of the room with a nice big metal desk as the center focal point. I check out the shelf first and find some food items. The can of coffee is looking pretty good. There's some fabric on the lower shelf, so immediate repairs can be made. Checking the metal storage container yields a bottle of accelerant and a bottle of disinfectant. That's gonna come in handy... The sweater on the box turns out to be in good condition. I break down both the crate and the box but nothing inside. I turn my attention back to the lockers finding a decent pair of work gloves, some bottled water and an unused set of fishing tackle. On the desk I find some sewing kits. Those should come in handy as there's lots repairs and mending to be done to get these clothing items wearable. I pop the locker and find a useable woolen cowl scarf and a brand new pair of Cargo pants. Just so happened to be my size, so I promptly put both of them on. Score! seeing as I forgot to search the desk, I do so only to find an old copy of the Island's fish wrapper. As my gaze shifts to the right, I find a little stockpile of food and some medical supplies. The canned good were in good shape and the MRE was delicious! I slowly turn to find a decent Maple Leaf Toque and an Expedition Parka! This is turning out to be a great bunker! The heavy down filled parka was in amazingly good condition. I immediately put it on and smiled at my good fortune. Checking the chest of drawers, revealed next to nothing. An old cotton toque which I almost immediately harvested for it's cloth component. Under the bed was another metal container. Alas it was empty. The bed was decent, offering 5C+ benefit. I think I may spend some time down here, making a few repairs to my new gear. File cabinet was empty, all four drawers. After having done a few repairs, I'm pretty much wearing everything I found down here! As I turned about, one more time to take it all in, I once again come face to face with nuclear warning sticker. Goes to show you how long this bunker has been in place? All in all, the clothing bunker has been one of the best to find, especially in early game. Not withstanding the many clothing repairs required to bring it all up to like new condition. But for a survivor who was in tennis shoes, wearing nothing more than a crappy old vest, a sweatshirt and some worn old blue jeans this bunker find is a definite game changer early on. I don't recall ever having come across the Expedition Parka unless I found it while looting the summit on TWM. I appreciate you taking the time to read about my exploit here. If you enjoyed the post, glad you liked it! Thanks for coming along on the adventure!
  3. When I'm at Camp Office and the dead guy spawns upstairs... I just put all the empty cans i don't want inside him.
  4. your post reminded me of the time I lost my first long play character. I'd been playing this survival sandbox for literally 6 months and had just reached 486 days when I "accidentally" fell off the bridge by the maintenance yard while exploring when the Broken Railroad update came out. ...ahhh, the sadness was real!
  5. I'd just rather not see the badges in my achievement ladder if there's no way to ever complete them. Hinterland should code it so that it appears as a special achievement category for those who obtained it and not part of the mainstream achievements. That way if they do something similar like it in the future, they already have the basis in place to track and record player progress and achievement.
  6. I am so happy to meet a kindred spirit. I was hesitant to point out that I've logged over 2200 hours since I purchased the game back in August of 2015. Regardless of what I paid for it, this game has been worth every penny spent. I'm also grateful to have been part of this outstanding community of players, all of whom have weathered thru the frustrations that this game sometimes throws our way. Still playing and loving it! on a side note... I just hope OP didn't spend $60 USD on Fallout 76!!!
  7. You should jump over to the fan fiction section and check out my story about Five Finger Freddie. I think you might enjoy what I did with the place.
  8. at the very least they would provide you some protection from the elements and predatory wildlife for a bit.
  9. Yeah I've noticed that too, although technically the bullet is not in the chamber but rather still sits in the magazine. Bothersome never the less to find a round in an "unloaded" weapon be it in game or irl and in addition not very immersive. Here's to hoping it gets put on their to do list of minor fixes.
  10. Little shout out to @Dr. S. for diagnosing the problem! Thanks! I guess I shoulda RTFM!
  11. Introducing the latest affliction with the next update, making this the hardest part in the game to navigate Acrophobia!
  12. Of course they do make some very nice leather shooting gloves, I've got a nice fitted pair I wear when shooting skeet and I have some fingerless archery gloves as well so I get you've got a point that it would be nice if the character was wearing gloves if he had them... so if they are gonna spend time putting gloves in the animation, lets hope they make a separate animation for every type of gloves or mittens in the game. Now on the other hand, as both a bow and a modern rifle hunter, I can honestly tell you, that I wear gloves in cold weather when I am out in the field walking and stalking or when just sitting and waiting in a blind or tree stand. But when it comes time to do the shooting, my gloves come off both hands regardless of what the weather is like. hard to get your finger thru the trigger guard wearing a big fat pair of ski gloves. Let alone pull back on a recurve bow with a 40 to 45 pound draw weight wearing mittens. Just saying, the animation as it sits works under those circumstances. you might just wanna put your weapon away for now while your walking and keep your finger poised on that number 2 button just in case! 😉
  13. don't you need tools to repair the hacksaw? if i recall, 1 metal weighs .10 kilos and the blue tool box weighs a 1 kilo. the red, .75kilos. 1 metal repairs the hacksaw 25%. why not repair to 100% and then only worry about it when it gets down to 40%. beats carrying an extra .85 to 1.10 kilos of dead weight?
  14. as the saying goes... “You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time”.
  15. @MrWolf, well thanks for the reply. Looks like it must just be me?
  16. Day 791 My powers continue to increase amidst this isolation. I can now levitate the dead... bwwwaaaahhhhaaa, RISE!!!! RISE!!!! RISE!!!!
  17. Just happened again. newly launched game. anybody else have this happen?
  18. A first for me too. I've found the weapons cache, food and medical caches but this one was different. I liked the slope as it kinda gave you a distinctive sense of moving from one space to another. In retrospect, my only issue is that I felt the hallway should have sloped upwards instead of down keeping the ladder area as a "cold well" considering that the hatch had to stay open and cold air was wafting in constantly from above.
  19. Hello right back at ya! Always good to see some new folks on the Forums who love TLD as much as we all do here. You piqued my interest when you mentioned modding. Be sure to check into Hinterland's upcoming User Generated Content project that they are working on that will open up modding to the TLD community. Their plan is mentioned in the latest newsletter. Looking forward to hearing more about your modding ideas!
  20. Found a new Nat Geo video on YouTube about wolves I think you might enjoy. check it out!