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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. yeah, that's a good point... but then how would we get our "using the force" pics? lol
  2. i see what you did there... lol
  3. I have to agree with @UTC-10 on his observations regarding taking down a bear. I've managed to kill a few bears and honestly can only think of 2 or three times that I've ever managed an one shot instakill. I have however, managed to take a few down by shooting them multiple times from the same vantage point so time spent and distance traveled was minimal. To this end, I have had the best luck in shooting him from a higher elevation, say looking down a steep embankment where you have both a straighter sight advantage and the element of surprise. Also if you utilize a car for example you can shoot the bear, duck into the car avoiding being mauled and then after he is done tromping around being pissed, when he starts walking off, you jump out of the car and shoot him again. It's a fun little dance that will keep your heart rate up! At any rate, good luck and happy hunting!
  4. Well, it looks like you are correct. I decided to see if I could validate your statement, so I launched a new PV sandbox and made a bee line for Skeeter's Ridge. Hatch right where it was supposed to be. Food cache as well. Had a flashlight in it, which wasn't there in either cache in my last walk through. I didnt bother trekking to ML to see if the food hatch popped up over there in it's usual spot but I probably will sooner or later. on the bright side of all this, If they dont fix this glitch anytime soon, then at least we all know where we can find a guaranteed prepper's cache full of food, water, stims etc. Especially considering the close proximity of the downed charter flight's wreckage just on the other side of the hill there's enough supplies to loot from the aircraft, the basement by the burned out house and the bunker to keep a player alive for quite some time.
  5. Curious about the mechanics behind bunker spawns for both ML and PV regions. I recently discovered the food bunker in ML although I wasn't looking for it. Turns out you can see the hatch from the train loading area if the weather conditions are favorable. Having found it so fortuitously I decided to seek the bunker in PV. After trekking to PV and scouring the area for days I finally discovered the randomly spawning bunker up on Skeeter's Ridge, within view of the burned down house with the exterior accessible basement. Turns out it was an exact duplicate of the food bunker in ML. Needless to say, I was pleased to have found it but more so was entirely disappointed that it was merely the same thing. Are these random spawning bunkers always the same in both areas? or is it just a fluke that both were identical. I was hoping on something different from one area to the next, or is this just how these bunker spawns work?
  6. Right? or at the very least allow a player to descend while over encumbered. at least that would make sense since gravity is pulling you down already any, so maybe you could run out of stamina sooner having to work harder to keep from falling.
  7. I am happy to report I was able to locate the PV hatch just a stone's throw away from the burned down house with the accessible basement on Skeeter's Ridge. However with equally great disappointment I discovered to my dismay that it was an exact copy of the food hatch that I discovered in Mystery lake. I've taken a couple of shots of the outside as it certainly "sticks out" when you finally locate it.
  8. yes, i see it now. thanks! does the low setting then mean battery is less likely to be found? since your settings are "No Rifle, No Revolver" does that automatically affect whether or not batteries actually spawn? I'm probably assuming too much about the programming here?
  9. Hey, I was just curious, but is it possible to create a custom game with an Interloper level difficulty but still maintain/keep battery availability at a high level like in a Voyager or Pilgrim play setting?
  10. Glad you liked it. Too bad it was that particular one, for besides the legendary firewood bunker, this layout is the smallest and least impressive, imho. Since I found this one, I'm gonna head over to PV to see if I can locate that one as well. Wish me luck! btw... I was reading the other day on the German language thread where one of the players launched 58 games spawning in Mystery Lake before the fabled weapons bunker appeared! I guess they were in super virus lockdowne and they had nothing better to do, lol.
  11. If you were standing in the tram looking out the door, you would see the hatch from that vantage point. It did look like it was "uncovered" didn't it? The way the snow was still partially laying on the uphill side does indeed make it look like it was just swept off. Considering the prevalence of earthquakes in the lore, it would make sense that a tremor would cause a mini avalanche uncovering the bunker.
  12. So next time you are sauntering along the railroad tracks in Mystery Lake, just pause long enough by the old tram to look up along the hillside provided the weather is in your favor! If you see that black dot between the trees next to the rock face, you know you've struck gold! there it is, just below the power line, between the trees. looks like a rock and if it's snowing you might not see it at all. As you make your way up the steep embankment, be ready for a sprain or two! Check out the Fire Lookout nicely framed between those trees. Next stop after I check this hatch out! I've no idea why a prepper would put their cache in such an obvious so everyone can see it location, considering all the rest are so far off the beaten path that most of the time I dont even bother going to look for them! But this one, just can't miss it if and when it does spawn. Dropping down inside, the place is dark and gloomy. I hear the constant drip drip drip of water. This place must be the food cache, cause that is all that is down here. I was surprised to find a bottle of gunpowder. Those shelves look pretty bare if you ask me. Nothing in the file cabinets besides a can of soda and an old ragged vest. The whetstone was very much appreciated. Like I said, small single room. There's some canned goods, some water and an old busted up lantern. Nothing in the grate, I checked. I guess they were getting ready for a nuclear holocaust on account of the radiation sticker on the wall. Well I guess it could have been worse, could have found the firewood bunker, LOL Stay tuned as I clean up this space and get it ready for how you'd expect to find a true Prepper's Cache!
  13. @Willy Pete, Hey check this out... I think this is my best one-shot instakill ever!
  14. oh, how right you are! I just recently launched a custom game based on Interloper criteria but upped the difficulty where I could to add a little danger and adversity. Wouldn't you know it... Randomly spawn into HRV, during a blizzard! Wouldn't you know it, I'm boxed in a with no where to go but... Wouldn't you know it, blocking my path is Bear!
  15. @Dum_Gen, yeah I get the situation but still this relative lack of responsiveness still is disconcerting, perhaps even annoying given the circumstances. ( tongue in cheek, but I get about 20 notices a day from all my service providers, regarding what they are doing during this virus crisis). I'd just like to see or hear more about is going on or likely to happen to my most favorite game, you know? I think keeping the mailbag answered on a weekly basis couldn't possible be that daunting of task for the Hinterland Team, regardless of the circumstances. I'm working from home too and your right there's a few things you cant do from home. If anything at all, if I was in Marketing for Hinterland, I'd be using this down time to keep the interest up and the community rallied up with contests or something. just a little something!
  16. So what's next with TLD? I've been playing since inception and now during Virus Lockdowne am playing more than ever. So now that I am all caught up on story mode and challenges, what's next? Maybe I'm just not looking in the right place, but is there still pending content for this game or is this saga coming to conclusion? I'd love to see some further development in crafting and improvements in the way items are placed etc. I'm good on the story side of things, I just love the sandbox!
  17. Nice shot is probably just what it was. I don't think there's any particular association algorithm that randomly pops in gives a player a guaranteed one shot kill shot on the first shot taken after finding a rifle for the first time in a new game. Because that would be pretty darn cool and good to know, right? Although, I had something similar happen to me after I found a rifle in the cabin near the bear cave out on the ice on Coastal Highway. In my case, I remember having already found two or more cleaning kits so I cleaned the rifle to 100% before I even got outside. As I was trekking back to the gas station thru the mist I hear the bear nearby and as he charges me I crouch, aim and fire! BOOM!!! Drops like a sack of potatoes! I was stunned to say the least. Since then, I tired that same tactic a couple of times only to have been mauled subsequently. on a side note, my most recent moose kill took 4 arrows and 3 pistol shots before he when down...
  18. nope... i decided to leave a sleeping bear asleep. I'd wake up pretty pissed if somebody shot me in the ass with a flare gun!
  19. that is a great angle and a great shot. This is definitely one of a kind. nice eye!
  20. The other day as I was leaving the farmhouse in PV early in the morning to head up to Pensive Pond do to some fishing as I needed some lamp oil... I end up running into the bear just outside the front door. I put an arrow in his rump then retreated inside. I came out the back by the enclosed porch and put another shaft into him before closing the door. In his frustration and rage he bolts off towards the hay shed down by the road. I grab my pistol and decide to track this beast so I follow his blood trail from a discrete distance and watch and wait. I'm far enough away that I can see him but not close enough to be noticed. I duck walk all the way down to the hay shed where I decide to rest for an hour in order to warm back up. As I leave the shed, I see the bear, still nearby and reacquire the blood trail. The wind is blowing now like a banshee and my temp is dropping quick again so I bolt back to the safety of the hay shed. Again I hunker down and pass time about an hour. I can still hear it blowing so I wait another hour. I figure the bear is probably gone by now but when I emerge from the shed, I see his carcass laying in the little clearing where the orchard ends and the wooded area begins. I figure that took about 4 hours. A couple of days later, I still need some lamp oil, so I get up and leave early in the morning to Pensive pond to do some fishing. When I get to the fishing shack I run in Bullwinkle and our dance begins! I loft an arrow and it strikes true. The moose turns to charge and I jump into shack and close the door. I hear him tromping around and he suddenly runs away. I leave the relative safety of the shack to climb the rocks looking down over the docs. Fortunately for me the weather is calm and sunny so I hunker down and use the rock face to my advantage. Over the course of the next 8 hours I shoot this Bull with 3 arrows and 3 revolver bullets each time with him chasing me up on the rocks. Each time I came and looked for a blood trail I find nothing. Not a drop. I'm thinking is this thing wearing armor or what? It's now getting close to dusk when I come down from my rocky perch and sprint back to the shelter of the fishing shack. Across the pond up on the bank, this Bull just looks like he isn't going down anytime soon. I decide to shoot my last arrow at him and as he turns his back to me the flight I had just loosed finds it's mark and he drops like a rock. In case your wondering the dots that look like they could be blood are stones. Btw, really love this arrow retrieval fix. I did manage to recover all four of my precious arrows. So why this big disparity on bleed out times? Has the bear just been nerfed down so much he is almost a guaranteed one shot kill? Does it even matter how many times you shoot either animal? Is there a significant difference in how much damage and arrow does vs. a pistol bullet or a rifle bullet? Does the impact area make a difference? Say lung shot vs head shot? Or shot to the body? The three pistol rounds would have been lungs and or stomach. the arrow on snow was in the right side behind the right front foreleg. It was the butt shot that finally brought him down. aftermath... Hmmm... yum! Grilled Moose, it's what's for dinner! sleeping warm and comfy tonight on my new moose hide rug!