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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. gotta love the way the sunshine cuts thru the dust and vapor in the air... almost like you can reach out and touch it. so what does that look like in 4K?
  2. yeah, he starts bitching just as soon as it gets .10 kilos over! what a wimp...
  3. Lol, your player name reminds me of the other survival game title, THE FOREST. In that game you crash land too, and you have to take on a group of mutant cannibals... Well, the bright side, if I'm not alone, then at least I have most of their arrows now!
  4. Damn, Jimmy! I love what you've prepared here! So looking forward to dining at your table! I am taking off my crown and crowning you as the new Frozen Gourmet! I would have never thought of using beef jerky in that way, simply genius.
  5. probably a good thing you didnt have to cook a bear just after cooking an entire moose! 😉 Cabin fever for sure then! lol buy hey, just as an fyi, if I remember correctly, there's something about shooting the bear and then immediately entering an "interior" cell that somehow negates the effect of your shot and he lives to see another day. Not really sure if that is correct or not, but I've been led to believe that usually the bear bleeds out from a single wound over time otherwise. maybe somebody reading these post can clarify on that?
  6. Congratulations! That satchel is game changer. Don't let anyone tell you that being able to carry an extra 5 kilos isn't worth the effort! Where you gonna cook all that meat?
  7. Interesting enough, I pulled 27 intact shafts and 1 broken one from the carcass. It got me to thinking, though, since all the updates that placed the lost and found boxes in the regions, could this have been the return of every lost arrow? I checked my stats to see if there was any correlation between bear kills and the number of arrows found and it may be possible that I just got back all the arrows I had "lost" during gameplay since I had launched this particular character. I'm over 800 days on this character and have 39 bear kills recorded. I know for certain that I've killed a dozen bears using firearms only and the rest were with a bow. 39 - 12 = 27 hmmm.... (brain explodes) 🐻
  8. gotta love that level 5 crouching archery perk! I usually arm my self and crouch before leaving a building just in case of patrolling wolves. in this case he had just walked by the door and didn't hear me or see me as I was leaving the building. It was an almost point blank shot and he just plopped over instantly!
  9. I'm camping out in the cabin just above the fishing village on CH, when I inventory my supplies and I notice I'm getting low on provisions, so I decided I may as well go after some game. I leave the cabin and start the morning looking for and it doesn't take long that I spot him. The bear hasn't noticed me, so I take the opportunity to seek higher ground. I quickly clamber my way up a nice outcropping of rocks, crouch and mountain goat my way over the side, presenting myself with a clear shot! I can hear him huffing and puffing as he slowly trundles his way towards me, not noticing that I'm perched on the side of this rock with a clear shot. (look at that snort of breath) I let fly and POW! He doesn't even bother to retaliate, rather he tucks his little tail and scoots off like a frightened rabbit. As he flees, I shoot another arrow and watch and it strikes him again, but before I could nock another arrow, the bear bolts over the ridge and out of sight. It takes me a while to work myself down the rock face, sustaining a little damage in the process and warily begin to follow the quickly disappearing blood trail. Imaging my surprise when I cross over the ridge and find this... so if your wondering where your arrow went, I think I found it...
  10. I think a lot of folks got the game early during early development and just never played it. I personally gifted both of my nephews the game on Steam and only one of them even gave it a go and he gave up playing with in hours saying it was too hard and boring... I got my copy in August of 2015 and I can honestly say that I was just waiting til Fallout 4 released, I didn't play TLD for almost 6 months after that. There's probably more to it as well, I'm not sure that Steam stats are all that accurate either.
  11. @LkP you are correct, list found may not be up to date... At the very least this list will put a player in close proximity to the prize, right? Appreciate your fine tuning the details. thanks for contributing!
  12. sorry to bother y'all, but after I did a little more digging, I came across this list of known moose spawn points. So from what I understand, Look for the tree rubs where possible. If they are present, one will eventually spawn, but don’t camp the area. Ensure you are entering an region (or leaving the region) and come back to check. If you setup camp right where the Moose should spawn, you’re unlikely to ever see it. If you do see one, take it down because it could vanish at any point and not return for days. So I just wanted to share what I found... Mystery Lake Trapper’s Homestead Cabin (North of Unnamed Pond) – Tree Rubs Train Loading Area River (Northern Access) Mountain Town Milton Basin – Tree Rubs St. Christopher’s Church (Pond to the East) Broken Railroad Hunting Lodge – Tree Rubs Hunter’s Blind (Northeast) – Tree Rubs Forlorn Muskeg Pond (Northeast Corner of Map) – Tree Rubs Muskeg Overlook (To the South) – Tree Rubs Marsh Ridge – Tree Rub Coastal Highway Coastal Townsite Desolation Point Stone Church – Tree Rubs Matt’s Truck Hibernia Processing Timberwolf Mountain Wing (East of Crystal Lake) – Tree Rubs Landing Gear – Tree Rubs Pleasant Valley Lonely Homestead – Tree Rubs Pensive Pond Hushed River Valley Monolith Lake – Tree Rubs Moose Overlook (West) – Tree Rubs Bleak Inlet Hunter’s Blind (Northern) Washed Out Trailers (Northern)
  13. @ManicManiac, nope, just looking to hang a moose hide from the wall of my base camp. and I am getting hungry for something else besides the usual fare of bear meat, wolf and venison. I've managed to harvested two moose in my current walk through and have retrieved the satchel in HRV. I've fabricated my moose cloak and satchel and have long since eaten the meat from those two and only kills. given the moose migration and spawn mechanics as you've explained them, If moose meat were the only option to long term survival, I'd have been dead long time ago, lol!
  14. No worries. you have been very informative, indeed. So many other things seem predictable in this game, I guess I was just hoping that a pattern could be established. I've even launched custom games where I increased all the moose settings in an attempt to increase the number of sightings only to be disappointed in the obvious lack of moose sightings. However, your recent explanation does support my own observations. so one more question if I may, is there any particular spawn location that is more often populated than naught?
  15. ok, you seem to be well versed in the spawning and migration mechanics of the moose. Can you elaborate on how many spawn locations there are on the entire map, per region? Does the moose migrate between spawn points in the region it is in, or does each migration take it to another region? So riddle me this, how many days in game then does it take for the moose to make a complete loop of the entire island? If what you say is accurate, (and I'm not doubting that it isn't) then we should be able to figure out how many in game days it takes for the moose to circuit the entire island. From that perspective, I should be able to camp out in a "popular" location and the moose may show up there sooner or later and hang out for 4 days before moving on?
  16. you could try... you'd think that a close up point blank head shot would do the trick, right? I don't know how many times I took a near point blank head shot on a bear and still got mauled.
  17. time does seem to move at a slower pace when your in the sandbox. I've got one save game where i have finally broken the 800 day mark and believe it or not, I launched that game over well over two years ago. There is no way your doing it "too slowly." Just like an alcoholic in recovery, take it one day at a time. As the old saying goes, the journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step. As you explore the world, you will find that various areas have differing wild life patterns. In terms of the least amount of daily wolf involvement, I actually prefer Trapper's Cabin in Mystery Lake. Once there, you'll find that there is very little wolf patrolling in the immediate vicinity, although you may hear their howling in background. As you progress from day to day, so will your skills. If there is one area, that I would concentrate my efforts in, it's Archery. Read as many skill books as you can. Craft as many bows and arrows as you can. Every arrow strike that hits wildlife adds a point on your journey to level 5. Level 5 is a game changer as you are now finally able to crouch and still shoot the bow! Now we are talking stealthy hunting and stalking. And so much easier to shoot a charging wolf when the situation demands it. If your at the forge now, I'd craft a shload of arrow heads in anticipation of crafting all those arrows down the road. I usually make about 40. In my own game play, I don't wait til my arrow breaks, once it gets down below 10% I'm thinking about breaking it down and harvesting the components. That way you get the arrow head and three feathers right away so you can almost immediately craft a new one when convenient. Good luck and happy trails!
  18. @pdxaeroman outstanding! please describe the route you took to get there. I have always wanted to get up there myself and take a look around. Thanks for the screen shots btw! lol, reminds me of that scene in DUNE where Paul says, " they tried and failed?" and the reverend mother replies, "they tried and died!"
  19. I think I know what your looking for and I think if you utilize the custom game mode settings, you can find your ideal "balance" just as you stated in your wish list above. The custom game setting was designed with a sharing feature in mind in that you can configure a game setting, capture that code and share those particular game parameters with the community. Since the inception of that feature into the game, I don't recall seeing or hearing very much about folks sharing their custom game settings. Part of that could be due to the fact that achievements are disabled in custom game settings, so if your trying to get a merit badge for snaring 100 rabbits or drinking 250 cups of coffee or whatever, those achievements aren't going to happen. On the other hand, having personally launched dozens of games using custom settings, I do believe it's possible to create an environment that is even harsher than the normal Interloper setting. That being said, I've honestly had my share of frustrations with custom game settings. Sometimes the features you want really dialed in don't seem to materialize and sometimes they do, it seems to be a hit or miss situation. Maybe it's the ambiguous way the settings work, I'm sometimes not sure if I am making it harder or easier... more items or less... more items in containers... less items in container... I've ended up with some interesting scenarios, but the one that stands out the most was when I some how turned off wolves accidentally and didn't know it while at the same time making the bear and moose super aggressive. Plus they could sense me from far away. the deer would bolt as soon as got anywhere nearby and the bear and moose would attack whenever they saw me! I didn't realize anything was amiss for a few days of in game play, I thought I was just getting lucky not running into wolves, lol. So be sure to spend some time tweaking those settings and see what you end up with. Have fun and good luck!
  20. curious, does that open the cans? so how do the cans look when you pick them back up and look at them in your inventory?
  21. ah, you gotta watch out for those cunning black bears! He lulled you into a falls sense of security using the ole "sleeping bear trick." You'd think that old trick wouldn't work so well anymore but it does. The first time it happened to me, I was in Desolation Point being harassed by the wolf that patrols the checkpoint turnstile leading to the processing plant. I ran by as fast as I could and having run out of stamina, I quickly ducked into the cave and was stopped dead in my tracks. There he was, the biggest bear I'd ever seen in game. I swear I could hear him snoring... The bear didn't move and neither did I. I stared at his sleeping form and as I regained my stamina I crouched and slowly retreated back out of the cave. I retreated to the nearby car and relative safety. At this point I figured I could just shoot him from car but I no longer could see him from that vantage. So I crept back up as far as I could, which was pretty darn close and while he still slept drew my bow and shot him! I turned and sprinted towards the safety of that abandoned car, only to be savagely mauled just outside the door. As I sought refugee in the car, I realized I had no bandages...