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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. You should jump over to the fan fiction section and check out my story about Five Finger Freddie. I think you might enjoy what I did with the place.
  2. Now that's what I call a Rosey outlook! ...or maybe as the song lyrics go... But these rose colored glasses That I'm looking through Show only the beauty 'Cause they hide all the truth
  3. Stumbling about in the snow the other day fairly early in the morning , look for the carcass of the deer I had shot the day before. I finally located it high up on steep slope so I worked my way up and around as best I could and finally was able to reach my buck. As i was cleaning it, the weather changed and I got disoriented in the heavy fog. I oriented myself the best I could and started heading in the direction I thought was Trapper's. After a couple of multiple sprains, I was out of bandages and pain pills. It was gonna be a long walk back and I couldn't take any more complaining from my character nor could I take any more jerky screen motions as I was starting to feel motions sickness coming on. I decided the best thing to do is just sleep it off, so I found the flattest piece of ground I could find and rolled out my sleeping back. 5 hours later, I woke up to clear skies and this! I made my way over to inspect the hatch. I popped it open and clambered down inside At the base of the ladder, I found a file cabinet and a couple of lockers nearby. there were a couple of chunks of wood, one cedar and one fir continuing to turn to my right there was a shelf in the corner with some gunpowder and a pack of matches to the right of the shelf, on the ground was some more wood, a cardboard box and a couple of flares there was short hallway connecting to another room. it slanted downs every so slightly. newspaper bundles, some tinderplugs and a beat up old lantern were haphazardly scattered about on the floor Peering thru the gloom I inspected the adjacent room. To my immediate left were a couple of lockers... (off camera, sorry!) A wooden crate with some firelogs on it. A file cabinet , couple of metal shelves and and old bed. I broke down the crate, nothing in it... I checked the grate, nothing in it It was hard to see, so I grabbed the lantern. It was rough and had just barely enough fuel to get lit, but it did help to illuminate the dreary drab dungeon of a room. There were some food items, a couple more flares, a box of revolver bullets and a box of rifle bullets additionally a couple of revolver bullets were on lower shelf. Surprisingly the flash light was practically new. The bed was pretty comfy with a +5c rating. The file cabinet held a couple of pieces of charcoal and some more newspapers. Storage container was empty as well. The edibles and the rounds were useful as were the few medical supplies. By far this was the least impressive of the bunkers to be found. The food hatch blows the roof off this place, imho. Have you found any bunkers lately?
  4. that's actually plenty to start with... spoiler alert if you've never been up there... you'll end up popping one of the containers and you'll get some more hacksaws... plus you might find one or two on the way up there as well
  5. This is the story of Five Finger Freddie the Fief of Fuelwood and his Fortuitously Fortified Firewood Fortress! I found a note in one of the lakeside cabins out by the bear cave the other day. I think it was left there by one of the eco-activists the Forest Talkers. It looked like it was instructions on how to spike a tree. The note said to pepper the area in and around the Clear Cut logging area so the crews out there would stop cutting down old growth timber. There was a note scribbled in the margin that this would give Five Finger Freddie his comeuppance... Local legend had it that Freddie had it in for the activists as he blamed them for the accident that caused him to lose his fingers when the chainsaw he was using suddenly exploded when he cut into a spiked tree. Ever since the incident there was bad blood and Freddy was determined to thwart any and all attempts to shut down his business. I was intrigued so I decided I'd go and check this area out. I started off fairly early in the morning, leaving Camp Office and the security and warmth of my bed. It was a normal morning, slightly snowing and I was making good time as I followed the railroad tracks down to the loading area, until the wind started blowing a little harder. As I passed the derailed train cars I did my little hide and go seek dance with the wolves there and as luck was on my side this morning, managed to avoid them out incident. When I was safely passed the two roving marauders I quickly ducked into the tram car briefly to get out of the wind and have a quick snack. It wasn't long before I was back on my way. As I left the loading area, I scurried along atop the snowbanks lining the roadway with my bow at the ready in case I ran into any trouble while on my hike. It was quite and nothing was moving except a couple of bunnies which bolted as soon as they saw me. I passed the logging trailers without incident and as I came to a bend in the road, I really started to notice that the area was littered with stumps. The fallen Cedar and Fir trees had been limbed marked and graded, the orange paint still looking freshly applied on the haphazardly stacked piles of frozen logs. And the once majestic trunks were now laying there in the snow, waiting to be loaded onto trucks that were probably never coming there again. I began to understand why the area was called Clear Cut. As I rounded the final bend in the road, that's when I saw him. Five Finger Freddie! Still clutching his can of paint that he used to mark the timber. How did I know this was Freddie? His mittens were wool and in good shape. He didn't need them anymore. When I took them, I Looked at his hands... three fingers missing on the left and two on the right. I took the paint too, can was half full. Maybe I can use it for something when I get it thawed out? I dunno Having looted yet another corpse without remorse or second thought, I quickly checked my surroundings. I was looking at a wide open area, just ahead was a swath of stumps, stacked logs with many deer and rabbits scampering about. I decided to take this opportunity to shoot a big buck which just came strutting right to me. I drew my arrow and my shot was quick and deliberate. At that range I fully expected to take him down but he bolted instead heading straight up into the middle of nowhere. Can't let this one go I thought to myself, I only have three arrows and I cant afford to loose this one. It's still fairly early in the day as I start tracking the wounded buck. As I am weaving my way amidst the stumps and logs I do a quick survey sketch in my journal of the Clear Cut area. As I looked around I noticed more of the spray painted markings. As if on cue, the blood trail I'm following veers abruptly up to the left and I follow in pursuit. The snow continues to fall and the blood trail I've been following is slowly being blanketed by fresh powder. I come across this strange marking on a stump. Beyond it lies nothing but steep hillside and old growth trees, that and my precious arrow. Continuing upwards, I find a tree with two markings on it. Odd, first time I've seen any paired like that. Wonder what it means? reacquiring the blood trail, I'm led straight up hill, the going was steep and treacherous and the sprains were numerous. Good thing I had a plethora of bandages... Had to wince thru the pain on occasion but I think I would have OD'd if I took any more pain pills. This sign on that tree musta been a warning? I probably should have paid attention. But I did find the deer... but not my precious arrow! As I skirted the along the hazardous incline, high on the ridgeline, the thought of avalanche was heavy on my mind. But then coming back down is when I saw it... Nestled between the rock face of the ridge, tucked away behind some tall cedar trees, way up in the middle of nowhere, I spied a hatch?!? I made my way over and began to laugh as I got closer. Oh Freddie, didn't know you had that kind of sense of humor. No one, and I mean no one ever suspected. I let myself inside As I look up after descending into the gloom of the bunker, I'm hit by the smell. The smell of seasoned cedar and fir. There's no way to describe it, kinda like pine needles. The earth smell of cedar, the oils having natural insect repelling properties and antifungal to boot. Used for centuries as far back as the days of Pharoh in ancient Egypt, the pungent smell of pine wood although locked up tight for who knows how long, the air still felt and tasted fresh. I start to look around as my torch sputters and begins to die, as I do, my eyes grow wide with amazement. I grab a lantern off the file cabinet. It's in pristine condition and full of fuel. It ignites on the first try. I am speechless as I begin to look about the room. Every bit of space is packed. The wood was all sorted and stacked into perfect piles. Branches and sticks nicely arranged Cedar in one stack Fir in another even the reclaimed wood was sorted and stacked. Back against the wall, near the lockers was gut curing under stacks of paper... perfectly preserved and ready to be used. And then the light revealed the creative genius that was Freddie.. I never would have expected this magnificent work of art! My attention now turns to the shelves. The shelves were neatly laden with all things fuel and fire related. There were liters of fuel for the lamps. Flares, fire logs, tinder plugs and newspaper bundles. Axes and knives, sharpeners, the works. The storage lockers were empty. And the file cabinet containing various odds and ends, bits of metal, crow feathers, pieces of cloth. The gloom beckons as I peer down the slightly slanting passageway. I traverse the space and look back, noticing the a couple of climbing rope bundles and it would appear the floor is practically carpeted with rabbit pelts! wow! Entering the main chamber I pan my gaze from left to right On the left side of the chamber theres a set of lockers. The floor is softly carpeted with numberous deer hides and perched on a tree root artfully attached to the wall so as to appear it had broken thru, a new lamp and refill bottle of oil. on the ground lies a brand new sleeping bag and next to it perched on the grate of the air duct, yet another lamp in addition I find a resource book and salty meat snacks. The adjacent file cabinet has another lantern, fuel and some flare gun shells. I don't have a flare gun but they are bound to come in handy I'm sure. I pop open the grate to reveal ZAP power bars and a couple of firearm cleaning kits. Looking back to the floor I see the wolf pelts on the ground have been arranged creating a nice little seating area where I find a nice collection of knives and axes. Each blade was honed to utter sharp perfection. The previous tenant here was serious about keeping his sharps sharp as evidenced by the multiple guide books about the subject strewn about as well. In the corner stood an abudantly stocked pantry of goods. Everything you could possible want or need just ready for the taking. Freddie apparently only stocked the good stuff. All the sodas were local favorites made with good ole sugar. None of that nasty high fructose corn syrup to be found. I dunno where he got it from, but he even had dehyrdated vegetarian meals on hand. Now that was a pleasant find indeed! Not sure how much bottled water was there, but it must have been close to 50 liters. The shelves were full of everything you could ever want. From pain pills to stims, antiseptics to antibiotics. The bounty was bountiful. Just no TP... Stepping back a bit, revealed a very comfy bed, complete with extra sleeping bag for additional comfort and warmth. Ole Freddie musta had quite the sweet tooth considering all the snacks he had tucked in around his pillow. The rabbit skin mittens on the edge of the bed didn't fit, on accounts there were made by a guy with five fingers for a guy with five fingers... Under that comfy bed were countless skill books and survival guides. I'm really looking forward to doing a little light reading when I get all this stuff back to Camp Office. Before exiting the room, I check the lockers... Jackpot! As night begins to fall, I gather up some of the abundantly stocked firewood bundles and exit the hatch. There's a fire pit in the lee crook of an old tree, my kindling is so try it catches the moment the flame of my match touches it. As the fire crackles and my venison is grilling on hot rocks, I step back to admire The Fabulous Find of The Fief of Fuelwood, Five Finger Freddie' s Fortuitously Fortified Firewood Fortress!
  6. probably not... I will have to check that out next time I play
  7. Nice! She looks like she's had a rough time. I kinda got the feeling that she was contemplating having to chop off her own arm...
  8. yeah, me too. I've tried resetting the keys to almost every other unused key and no joy. haven't seen any other posts yet regarding this issue either.
  9. Just curious what you all think about the fatigue meter? Is it just fine as it sits or should a little tweaking be in order? Seems to me that there are some activities which in my opinion should really tire the player out dramatically but somehow fall short of what I would expect. For example, I harvested pallets using the blunt big hammer as my only tool from practically sunup to the point it was too dark to continue and only barely dented the fatigue meter. Probably just down 30% or so. Definitely not enough to allow me to sleep more than a few hours before walking up again in the dark. I kinda figure if you were swinging a hammer and smashing stuff all day, you'd probably be a lot more tired? Same goes for when I am chopping wood, be it with the axe or the hacksaw. Since the hacksaw takes twice as long to cut wood, shouldn't you be a lot more tired? Yet, If I climb more than one or two ropes in the same day I'm nearly instantly exhausted? I dunno...
  10. As I'm humming old Offspring lyrics in my head... "...gotta keep em levitated!"
  11. lol, I'm using a steel ball bearing and a bit of plumbers putty. I just plop it down on my "w" key and let it go...
  12. Nice catch! Aren't they looking to hire? Seems to me they could use a man of your talents.
  13. I once waited almost 30 days in game for the aurora to appear in episode 1 so I could use the elevator in the dam. I think it's just a waiting game sometimes...
  14. Because I wasn't looking for it before back when episode 3 came out, I never looked for the prepper's cache in story mode. So I decided to do a quick revisit in story mode today and can confirm, no bunker on Skeeter's Ridge. Basement was still there.
  15. Perhaps the author of that mod could "interface" with TLD when the time comes for their User Generated Content project! This is exactly the kind of stuff I'd love to see being made available by the modding community that doesn't change the gameplay. With the latest updates in place, I'd say the folks at Hinterland have been listening intently to what the community has been asking for and are making things happen. It probably wont be long before we can start sitting in chairs and reading books while the pot boils on the stove!
  16. yes, it is indeed. apparently if you leave game running and are on the start screen, time goes by and the weather changes and everything. I was temporarily distracted after having launched the game and when I got back to my desk, I was able to capture this screenshot. Glad you liked it!
  17. Appreciate the heads up @RossBondReturns, here's to hoping that they do indeed get it fixed asap!
  18. I've only found that cache once, just out of curiosity, where about was it when you were starting to find it more often? Wasn't it also a static location like the one in ML?
  19. yeah, apparently that is currently glitched into place since the episode three update. they will probably get around to fixing it sometime, the when is a good guess?
  20. you know, I'm not sure if that's true or not. I can tell you however, all my revolver shots hit their target as I checked my pistol stats after each time I fired it. Shots taken and wildlife hits matched each time. So, if you're right, then I wasted three rounds and huge amount of time remaining precariously crouched on a rocky ledge while waiting for him to wander back into "range" of the revolver. The irony would be, that the very last arrow in my possession was the one that killed him. The one I didn't use all day because it was my last arrow. lol I guess the next time I run across a moose and have the opportunity, I will only try to kill him using the pistol.
  21. I just happened to be there today myself. Looking directly from trappers, cave's right in the middle of the frame. Have a good trip!
  22. Battery: "how do you communicate with a fish?" Zap: "I don't know." Battery: "Drop it a line!"