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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. yup, 1 hour increments... that's why I said " You will have to make sure that the items you are cooking have sufficient amount of time before burning up to a crisp." I understood what OP was asking for, but wasn't sure if they've ever tried do so using the currently in place mechanics. I agree it would be nice to have a "read til cooked" button, but it's kinda already in place, right?
  2. you can do that already... after you put your food on the fire or stove, just open your inventory and select the book you want to read. don't exceed hour to read. You will have to make sure that the items you are cooking have sufficient amount of time before burning up to a crisp. Not so much a problem when you first start out, but as your cooking skills increase the actual cook times get less. With water it's a lot different, especially when using the two liter pots. You can generally select two hours of reading time and still get all your water before it boils away. I also use time during cooking to mend my clothing or fabricate something using a workbench, sharpen my knife or axe or clean my firearms.
  3. Although they do serve the same purposes, I've noticed that paper seems to have a better success rate at igniting under some conditions as compared to wooden tinder plugs. Depending on where you are with your fire craft skill set, you may get different outcomes when attempting to light various materials. For example, using a tinder plug and a piece of reclaimed wood, doesnt always ignite satisfactorily, but a newspaper and reclaimed wood will. Your results may vary depending on your fire making skills. I've got the fire starter badge, but rarely elect to use it when launching a new sandbox. Depending on how long you can keep your character alive, there does come a point in game progression where your fire starting ability allows you to start fires without the need for tinder or even accelerants.
  4. This has happened to me a couple of times now, once in survival mode and the other just now as I was replaying Wintermute. I'm on PC, if that might also be relevant. I'm in my inventory and am harvesting cloth on some low level items, this one today was wool mittens in case that is important later. I select the item and click harvest, the tearing sound starts up and the radial timer starts and when the item has been harvested the screen just resets to my clothing inventory and the tearing sound just keeps looping and the radial timer just keeps spinning. I'm unable to exit the menu and unable to escape, however I can select other items in the inventory and the background does change but the tearing sound and spinning timer just keep going. The only way to stop it was to launch task manager and shut down the program. Has this happened to anyone else? Is it just me with a random glitch or should I be submitting a troubleshooting ticket?
  5. I can't believe this wasn't an Instakill? Practically sunk that shaft thru his skull up to the feathers and still got pounced upon. Managed to stick him with the knife a couple times more before he took off. Damn thing ended up running nearly almost two valleys over from where I shot it. Wouldn't probably have even found the carcass if it wasn't for "ech-crow location." At least I got my arrow back
  6. As I was getting weary of snaring rabbits, I decided to just line up the remaining snare sets in a straight line, didnt care if I caught anything or not... Imagine my surprise when I check the trap line the next morning. 5 out of 8 traps filled. definite increase in catch percentage, 62% if my math skills are correct. I think this goes to prove, it doesn't make a lick of difference on how you set your snares up. just set up anywhere that you find rabbits and they will just keep on coming... At this point I felt some serious ju-ju rabbit magic had begun to manifest itself in me... I am becoming the Rabbit Master, the Hare Whisperer, the Bunny Bopper... Time for one more foray. Using my darkest rabbit magic, I laid my snare set out in a octagon and invoked the incantation ORYCTOLAGUS CUNICULUS, which I had found scrawled in one of the survival guides I recently found. Fortunately there was an aurora that night night which provided the necessary earth energies and in the morning when I went to check, I found 6 of 8 traps filled. My highest fill rate yet of 75% I wish I would have found that guide when I first started on this quest. I retreat to base camps to begin the laborious process of harvesting and cooking. The next morning as I awaken I am rewarded! Run and be free...
  7. where are you in the story? Have you already been to the Hunting Lodge and found the rifle? Since the game doesn't progress until you do, you can always do some side quests for the old man while you also take that time to craft a survival bow and some arrows. I think there's just enough coal laying about the rail yard to get a good crafting session going and you can fabricate the necessary arrowheads. Once your armed with bow n arrows, combined with the rifle, you just need to find a good vantage point and then ruin his day!
  8. Battery croons Otis Redding to Zap Sittin' in the mornin' sun I'll be sittin' when the evenin' comes I'm sittin' on the dock of the lake Watchin' the clouds, blow away I'm sittin' on the dock of the lake Wastin' time....
  9. LOL, I was wondering what happened to you after we drank that old bottle of peppermint schnapps
  10. Continuing on with this achievement/badge attempt, I have made a few observations regarding placement and subsequent yields. Traps that are moved daily and reset always seem to be more productive regardless of placement. I don't think it matters at all if you get all creative in your snare placement and or deployment pattern. Here's four separate layouts i tried over this week of game play. I dropped 12 traps in kinda a staggered fashion and as I expected a good harvest. 7 out of 12. Not bad at all I'd say, 58% fill rate if I'm doing the math right. Sustained two ruined traps in the process. I again picked up all traps, moved a short distance to the side and redeployed the 10 functional snares. Next morning, same routine... up and early to check snares. 5 out of 10 once again. 50% fill rate. I think I'm starting to see some kinda of pattern here? For some reason at this point, I just started rapping some DMX ; Y'all gon' make me lose my mindUp in here, up in hereY'all gon' make me go all outUp in here, up in here I was just thinking about harvesting and cooking five more hares... So of course, I pickup 'em all up and reset my rigs for another day. Yes, a pattern is certainly starting to emerge... 5 out of 10 traps filled... again 50% fill rate. Did loose two snares so now down to 8 functional traps. Still almost 3 times more than I started with so not worried. By now there is so much gut curing that I'm not gonna run out anytime soon. Okay, time to regroup, redeploy and go spend the rest of the day cleaning and cooking rabbit meat. Another glorious morning as I check my snare line. What do you know? 4 out of 8 snares filled. again a 50% fill rate... lather, rinse, repeat...
  11. I know I'm coming in on this thread a little late, but now that my state has been on lock down for over two months I can honestly say I've had enough of sheltering in place. I think I am suffering from pandemic induced "cabin fever" and there's only so much physical isolation that I can take. I am so looking forward to being able to go out with friends for dinner and drinks and have a full evening of "close proximity." Will we ever see those days again, stadiums full of people eating hot dogs, drinking beer and rooting for their favorite teams? this is really i how feel about it all...
  12. Or start using three seashells?
  13. I had just redeployed a series of snares and found this bunny contemplating his path. “Be brave, little rabbit. Take a chance.”― Cherise Sinclair, Breaking Free
  14. Party at the town hall tonight, dancing round the fire listen to the radio play those old forgotten songs...
  15. Having followed through with the saturation snaring plan, I peppered the area with 17 snares and took my biggest harvest to date of nine hares. Lost 3 snares but definitely worth the trouble, still got 14 so not gonna to much. besides, these things are kinda heavy. I decided test a little theory and did not move any of the snares after having retrieved their yield. I removed the broken ones and they headed back to camp where I laboriously spent the remainder of the day harvesting and cooking. After a another good nights sleep on a full stomach I'm up early in the morning and head out to check my trap lines. Ok, still had some production, but only five rabbits. And wouldn't you know all in the traps that didn't hit the day before. I'm assuming that one you catch a bunny you have to consider that snare to be sprung and you have to pick it up and reset it or else it just wont work. That could be the reason why a player might see "diminishing returns" if they don't actively reset a trap that has been sprung? Makes sense to me. I'll have to experiment a little more with it, but honestly it was a good break in my game play not having to harvest and roast bunny's all day. I now have one full file cabinet full of cooked rabbit. one a side note, I was happy Mr. Wolf thought he had a easy snack coming, cause he was a delicious change of pace for dinner.
  16. You would think so wouldn't you? But from what I understand, those cairns were fixed into location and placed in the regions that existed at the time. Way back during the early access days if I'm not mistaken. Since it sounds like only a third of the batch are even worth going after to check out for a message, it's probably not worth the programming time to do so. I guess if they really wanted to it might be possible for the dev team to write some kind of code that would reposition and or randomly spawn some of the 165 cairns into the new locations, but I think the sheer magnitude of that sort of undertaking probably isnt even a consideration given the current plans for game.
  17. I'm sure the mechanics have been altered quite a bit since the early access days, but yes, I too recall similar circumstances on Jackrabbit Island. You'd think with a name like that it would be practically covered with rabbits! On a side note, I went to University in Bellingham, WA. I ended up meeting a biology grad student there who lived on one of the islands in the San Juan Island chain located just off the coast of Washington state and between Vancouver Island, Canada. You had to either take a ferry service or private boat to get there. He invited me to come along for one their annual "Rabbit Round Up," events where they had a fair with rides etc. The whole weekend was structured around culling rabbits. Literally thousands of rabbits caught, killed and processed. The rabbit population there was "accidently" let loose and with no 4 legged predators on the island the rabbit population literally exploded into the millions. Not sure what it is like now a days, but if your interested in a little history follow the link below.
  18. I am your Padawan... You are Master! I certainly had some productive harvests but no where near that kind of daily yield. But I think the most I've ever set up is maybe 12 traps at best. I spent a little time at a workbench and crafted what I could which basically doubled my snare sets. First night out 5 fresh hares and one ruined set. The way I look at it, that's five more traps in a few days... I think I will follow your lead and see where it takes me. As always, appreciate your insight and input Master @ajb1978
  19. First off, Kudos for having seen them all. I've logged many hours over the past few years playing and probably still walk right by some of the more obvious locations. I'll have to check out this Travel Guide, thanks for the tip!
  20. my auto hot key is a good ole steel ball bearing with a little plumbers putty on the bottom. I just plop it on my "w" key and away I go... it comes in pretty useful when walking into a head wind, but alas, I've become distracted once or twice when the wind shifted causing my character to practically sprint right over a steep embankment.
  21. I had an errand to run so I did a quick one day run out to ML and of course set my 3 snare rabbit harvesting system up before I retired for the evening. The next morning I jumped out early and briskly proceeded to inspect my traps. The CH bunnies aren't so easy to fool. One is better than none, although the pesky buggers did mange to break one of the snares and escape to tell about it. I will put this attempt in the rabbit's win column.