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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. Hmmm, sounds delicious! I bet the rosehip tea infuses the meat with a nice flavor! Time for all us survivors to meet up at the old town hall in PV and have ourselves a little banquet, eh? I will be bringing the dessert!
  2. If you leave the maint yard thru the opening in the fence and turn right, slowly following the the fence line, you should hear some crows just a little off in the distance fluttering over a deer carcass. Near there is a fallen tree that makes a for a good elevated perch and there's also a moose that likes to roam in that general vicinity. you can clamber up that tree and from that position are out of reach of the moose! There's also a bear that wanders around the fence line back there so be careful. I often climb up on the pipe that leads from the back door of the maint. shed to the opening in the fence, making that elevated vantage a good place to pop that bear, too. Be wary of the roaming wolf pack that patrols the frozen lake, you'll find a hunters blind down there offering some potential cover if needed. The hunting lodge isn't too far away and there's a moose that spawns up there as well so you are pretty close to bagging one of those bigguns! good luck with hunting!
  3. Yeah, she was pretty amazing for sure and it really looked like there was gonna be a three way battle to the finish for a while there. I think however, had she not conceded when she did, the show would have medically disqualified her for health concerns. Had Nathan's shelter not caught fire, do you think we might have seen he and Jordan maybe hitting that 90 day mark?
  4. that green light always reminds me of a UFO visitation for some reason, in addition it always make me think of that movie Maximum Overdrive
  5. nothing more gorgeous than sunset on the ole coastal highway
  6. There's a couple of spots that the moose seems to frequent, one is just off in the birch trees by the furthest hay shed with the tractor just a short way from the barn and the other is up near Pensive Pond. I've run into the moose a few times up near the pond and the fishing shack there makes for a good place to camp out while you are stalking him.
  7. Please don't feel that way good sir! I'm so thankful that you shared your discovery with me way back when, as it has brought me the greatest pleasure these past few years. I don't know if I ever told you, but I was censored by a member of the admin team a few years back when i posted a pic of rabbit hides i had cured on the pegboard in the gas station. Somebody had accused me of using a mod to do so and my work was pulled. It was only after a few email exchanges with Raphael where I had to explain the glitch that I was exonerated and my screenshots allowed to be reposted. Your discovery is probably one of the main reasons why I am still playing in the sandbox! I love you, man! I also love showing off the practical part of said discovery. Here's what caused all the drama back then... I just added the pelt to the center peg 2nd from the top down. with a little jiggling I recently found that I can "layer" to a certain extent. gonna go trap some more rabbits now to see where I can go with this!
  8. Isn't it just amazing sometimes the things that you "see" when you really aren't looking for anything in particular? Details that just pop into view although you've walked by the same spot dozens of times in countless other games?
  9. ...I should have mentioned earlier that if your willing to travel all the way to the broken railroad map, there's almost always a moose just outside the rail road maintenance yard. just an fyi...
  10. Like you, I too have many lairs I like to call home... Camp Office is one of my favorite places and when I find myself in ML I typically also set up shop in Trapper's spending my time fairly evenly between the two locations. In PV, for example, it's almost always the farmhouse. If I find myself in DP, then I like the lighthouse. When I find myself needing to go to the cannery workshop in BI, I like the cannery workers residence with the little fishing shack outside. In mountain town, I prefer the Farmhouse with it's close proximity to the rope dropping down into the basin. On CH, it's almost always the gas station. And for those rare times that I do make the trek thru muskeg and out to the old hunting lodge, I prefer the rail road maint. building. But hands down, my most favorite is the Mountaineers Hut on Timberwolf Mt.
  11. Yeah, me too. I only ever seem to find him on occasion just outside of Trappers cabin. never seen him anywhere else near those rubs around mystery Lake. I'm also having no luck on Coastal Highway as well. Saw a moose one outside the gas station but that was the one and only time.
  12. looking forward to seeing some of your screenshots! Where's your favorite player base?
  13. I should have given you credit for the discovery in my earlier post. no disrespect meant by my omission. you are the Master and I, your Padawan...
  14. Where's your favorite base camp and what do you like to do in the space to "personalize" it?
  15. I think that's been done already, but by all means double down! If I recall when BI was first released, Raphael made some comment about there being another way in or something to that effect. I do believe that sparked a community wide goose chase trying to find this "secret passage."
  16. A tidy lair is lair is half decorated! Nice idea about perpendicular placement. I've never thought about the effect that placement has of casting shadows using light, but the idea is brilliant!
  17. that's funny, but very functional. sometimes I make bug out piles, where I drop one of every item that could be used to outfit my character into the same pile. The resulting "stack" of items looks pretty cool as they "layer" themselves in a big pile!
  18. I line the old cans up along the top of an old fence or put them on stumps and use them for target practice. Seems i miss a lot???
  19. Yeah, I think your onto something here. Maybe flip another pot over and use as a domed lid? so your dish, is it kinda like a pulled pork dish except its a big chunk of bear meat or moose chunk that is slowly simmering for hours in a tasty tomato sauce? maybe crack that can of pork n beans in there and make a chili of sorts? Love the idea of cattail shoots prepared in fish oil. So are the cattail shoots soft then or kinda crunchy like a water chestnut? Some crackers would be good with this meal. make little crispy sandwiches, yum!
  20. It's been called the "curing in place glitch" and you can manipulate hides to dry into place where you set them. the way it works is that you leave a hide to dry on the floor until it gets to 99% cured and then you pick up the hide and hold it up against the wall, or a window or a door. sometimes even the ceiling... As you hold it up it appears red because you cant technically place it there, so if you just stand there and wait, and you just stand there and wait... and wait... once the curing timer hits 100% the hide turns its normal color and is frozen in place. In the pictures above, it was actually mid afternoon when I placed the nearly cured bear hide against the wall. Sometimes you have to wait a very long time for the magic to happen. Different wait times with each different animal hide. Rabbit pelts, for example, cure extremely fast, so when you hit the 99% you have to move fast cause it will dry in place in mere minutes. But in the case of the bear hide, I musta stood there hold it up against the wall for 10 hours or so in game time. Since it does take a while to do, i typically leave the game running and go do something else to kill some time, otherwise it's like watching paint dry... boring! After killing some time, I came back and checked on my progress only to find the sun had gone down and the screen was just black with this red hide glowing in the middle. I thought it looked pretty cool and no sooner had I taken the screen shot, the hide cured and I was plunged into darkness. Subsequently lite the torch so I could admire my "handiwork" and was pleased with the way the placement turned out.
  21. nice! we cant hang clothing from the walls, but you can do hides! check this out... when this becomes this!
  22. let me preface this post by saying I love to cook and bake. I musta been a cook or baker in a previous life 'cause irl I'm able to take a handful of ingredients and usually can make something delicious! I've gotten a lot of practice in the kitchen these past few months be quarantined and all, lol. That being said, I was looking around my pantry the other day and had to chuckle as I realized that many of the items I had in stock were similar to what was in the game... Even my dutch oven cooking pot looked similar to the 2 liter pot in the game. so that got me to thinking... Cracker Crust Peach Pie total prep time 15 min total cook time 40 min - varies depending on altitude Ingredients: can of peaches can of condensed milk box of saltine crackers 1 cup herbal tea 1 granola bar 1 chocolate bar in a pot, break up saltines into small crumbs. Combine a little of the syrup from the can of peaches with the herbal tea and moisten the cracker crumbs. Add the tea mixture and knead until a doughy consistency is reached. spread evenly along the bottom of a pot and approximately 1/3 of the way up the side of the pot. place on moderately hot cooking surface and let "bake" into a pie shell. When it looks done, firm but not yet crispy, immediately remove from the heat and set aside. Drain the remaining syrup from the peaches and pour into another pot. Add the can of condensed milk to the syrup and over medium heat, slowly bring the mixture to a low boil while stirring frequently. Continue cooking the mixture until it reduces to a pudding like consistency. In the mean time, take the well drained peach slices and arrange them evenly in the pot containing your now cooled cracker crust. while your sauce is reducing and getting thicker, break up the granola bar into small morsels and chop the chocolate bar in to small chips. When your sauce has reduced enough and has reached a pudding like consistency, pour directly into the pot containing the crust and slice peaches. Immediately top with granola and chocolate shavings. Cover and let sit til cool. With the fire still going, now's the time to make some fresh coffee or a nice cuppa tea! Once the pie has cooled Enjoy! Makes 6 servings Looking forward to trading some recipes. Join me next time when I make orange glazed bear kabobs! Do you have an apocalyptic recipe that you'd like to share? Would love hearing about it if you'd like to share. Thanks for reading!
  23. i find that firing at a deer from the crouched position at close range using the revolver, especially broadside, usually results in an instakill. not so much when shooting head on, but they almost always die from bleed out after running away. Next time when your bored, try creeping up and shooting rabbits with the revolver, those are always one shot kills.
  24. @past caring, oh... "...plants facepalm firmly..." sorry that I missed the obvious! i gotcha now! thanks for clearing that up, good sir.