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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. So I am temporarily sheltering in place in the old farm in PV, cause something always draws me there for some reason. Maybe because it reminds me of the old farm in Kansas I spent a couple of years living at when I was a little kid with my great Auntie. But I remember in the winter time when the snow storms blew thru the plains it would push you along merrily or punish you mercilessly depending on which direction you were going. yeah fun times I remember the old farm house was steam heated with a big ole coal burner/boiler down in the basement. We had cast iron radiators like this and the little spigot down on the bottom dripped constantly when the heat was going. My grandmother would but a little teacup under the drip. the upstairs one would clank and clang and you could hear the pipes expand and knock like they were ready to bust through the walls. oh, but the warmth those things put out when the system was finally thawed and running was luxurious. I mean when that furnace was stoked we would have to open the windows because it would get so hot the dogs would start panting like they'd been left in hot car with the windows rolled up in July. It was all or nothing in those days! We had a party line and everybody nearby in the county could get on the phone at the same time. anyways, Looks like they were using an oil fired boiler, I'm assuming on account of the 50 gallon drum? It looks like possible fuel storage? But at any rate, the DIY'er in my says that I should be able to convert this old old burner to a wood/coal burner without too much hassle considering all the plumbing and exhaust venting is in place. This would be a fun project and you would need the heavy hammer, the crowbar, the hacksaw and the quality tools in addition to 100 liters of water, 30 pieces of metal and enough wood and or coal to bring all that water to a boil and be able to sustain it. I'd design it with an damper of sorts so you could keep the fire going without having to add fuel constantly. No electricity required for radiant steam heating, right? the biggest challenge would be for sustained usage. It would probably take a lot of fuel to initially get the system running and considering the poor fuel supply near the farmhouse makes the project impractical at best. You'd end of spending most if not all your time sourcing firewood and the occasional coal chunk while trying to travel over encumbered over long stretches with rabid predators constantly nipping at your heels. But I would do it if I could.
  2. HA HA HA... that is so funny! Looks like the wolf is squinting trying to drop a deuce. Been gnawing on too many moose bones??
  3. that is so cool! I'm gonna have to do just that in order to get me a "pet" so does he freak out and just run around every time you come in or does he just stand there frozen in place like an icicle statue?
  4. right you are... totally forgot about that.
  5. I'd be packing a good ole Winchester 30-30 for my long gun and a Ruger BlackHawk chambered in .357 as my sidearm. The versatility of having a lever action could come in really handy in the event you needed to shoot quickly at multiple targets or just many times in succession as the need dictates and the stopping power of .357 is good for anything that may be too close for comfort or that goes bump in the night! @odizzido, thank for that video! It was very informative and I was surprised when the narrator pulled out an old Winchester, the gun that won the west, to compare it the Steyr Scout. That rifle is awesome on so many levels that I'd like to get one for my personal collection!
  6. I agree not having a workbench is a drawback, especially with crafting an new arrow shaft, since you do find broken arrows and feathers are abundant. same with fish hooks, but since there isnt any fishing area in HRV that is kinda a moot point. As I recall back when the game was first introduced we were able to craft arrows, (memory is fuzz) but I if I recall correctly you could do without the need for a workbench. Shouldn't need a workbench to make things like snares or arrows or even the survival bow. For some players, HRV is a scary deadly place. I'm not a big fan for randomly spawning into HRV, but it's full of resources. You can find a 2 liter cook pot in HRV, but you wont find one on TWM. Same goes for the moose satchel. That's worth making the trip to the mysterious fire, 'cause who wouldnt like to be able to carry 5 more kilos of gear. Once you get your bearings, you'll find that there are plenty of caves very conveniently spaced about so you're never too far from potential shelter spots. If you want to approach it from an easier perspective, in order to study the lay of the land, launch a custom game and dial down the complexity from changing the weather to almost always nice and adjusting the wildlife settings to making the animals practically ignore you or run in fear when they see you! Here's a couple of pics of my current lair in HRV you'll find caves like this one scattered all about, especially near waterfalls. If and when I get lost in the fog or snowstorm, I just listen for the roar of the falls. Chances are you will find a suitable place to hunker down in a pinch. I'd say that looks pretty cozy and inviting, dont you? I did walk in here carrying a pistol, my bow and a pot, but I did find or acquire the rest of these goodies here in HRV. To be honest, I actually accidentally found my way up to the signal fire while getting disoriented in a raging blizzard, but that's story for later... Here's my "ManCave," I'm living pretty posh as I got my bag laid out on my moose hide rug. I've got the coveted satchel to help carry all the goodies I've found scouting the area. I've got three axes, a couple of knives, the rifle and an additional pistol. a ton pistol ammo and of course a 2 liter pot.
  7. The Great Expedition has begun! Battery is first of Zapkind to ascend. Battery loves company so invited friend Zap to ascend. Battery takes time to pose for photos. Battery and extra charge reach base camp! Battery must rest and recharge before continuing journey sleep well!
  8. stealth... and I get a "two fer." shot him just before he turned on me right in the ole bung holey o... ouch that had to hurt!
  9. nope. didn't even know you could do such a thing. it was just an old save file from quite some time ago, from at least well before Bleak Inlet.
  10. Announcer Voice: "And here after intensive scouring of the land, we find the elusive solitary arrow tree."
  11. We've had some great community inspired "challenges" over the years, so this could be fun. Would this challenge just be an individual thing or are you thinking of running a contest?
  12. Latest update to this ongoing saga... Finally got around to crafting a Moose hide project... Decided to go for the satchel and when I selected the item, I was presented with the timer selection option. Hmmm, did they fix it? I'm wondering. I had my choices between a sewing kit and the fishing line, big time difference between the two options, so I choose the less time consuming option utilizing the sewing kit. 10 hours with sewing kit vs. 20 hours with with fishing line. Decided to break it down to two 5 hour crafting sessions, set the first session and clicked go! Soon as I get started, sewing kit is ruined with 4 hours time remaining, pop open a new sewing kit and finish up. Nice! (or so I'm thinking...) I take a little break, eat some food and drink some water. looking good on the stats, still got a lot of daylight left so I decided to finish up and proceed to do so. Another 5 hour stint and satchel completed. As I got to outfit my new satchel, I notice that somehow I've taken damage? My health bar is down like 15%? what? how does that happen? I figure okay another crazy little glitch, I figure I will sleep and recover. Nope. Wake up with no change on the damage bar indicator. Eat and drink, all topped off and check all my stats, no injuries, no sprains, no bites, no burns, no food poisoning, no dysentery, no chlamydia, no nothing. Still short on the health bar. Defies explanation.
  13. Voyager. I think that game setting provides a good balance between loot and wildlife adversary. I'm more of a hoarder... I like to salvage as much as I can find and then schlep it all back to base and decorate my surroundings!
  14. I figured it probably was just a bug related to this old game save... My work around is just to eat and drink until fully charged and then start crafting later in the evening so when it becomes too dark to see the crafting cycle ends. But that can backfire too, like if your working that outside bench at the fishing village and it's a full moon... nothing like crafting yourself to near half death!
  15. Outstanding! I'd rather find that than the rifle anytime!
  16. @MrWolf, thanks for the heads up! I figured it probably was just a bug related to this old game save... My work around is just to eat and drink until fully charged and then start crafting later in the evening so when it becomes too dark to see the crafting cycle ends.
  17. gotcha... 'cause I was just up there and popped all the lockers and by the time I had it all consolidated I was carrying over 120 kilos. I dont think it's possible to carry anymore than 60 kilos and still be able to move. I upgraded all my gear and left carrying an extra 20 kilos of gear, leaving roughly 65 kilos of supplies behind. I think it will take me at least three more trips to the summit in order to completely strip the place clean.
  18. Battery and friend laugh at foolishness of those who seek ZAP! Been waiting for you here!
  19. no haven't tried launching a new game yet. I didn't want to spend the time and effort to try to acquire, skin and cure a bunch of hides just to find out. I figured I'd ask and good people like you could give me the low down. the game your in, was that a post update launch? if so, that's probably the case. at any rate, I can work around the issue just by starting my crafting late in evening and it auto stops when it gets too dark. otherwise it's straight up crafting marathon leading to complete exhaustion and dehydration like some amp up tweaker on a 5 day binge...
  20. Haven't crafted anything but arrows lately so didn't notice if something was out of whack or not, but when I went to craft a new pair of deerskin pants the timer indicated 12.5 hours using a sewing kit and when I clicked on it, I just started crafting non-stop until it got too dark to see, crafted straight for 9 hours??? I wasn't given any time setting, looked like just all or nothing. What's up with that? Is there no longer a time selection? Is this a glitch? I am playing an old save game that was started well before this last round of updates so not sure if this is happening with newly launched games or not? Am I missing some step in my old age or is this the "new and improved" method?
  21. Love coming back to Coastal Highway... I see my old pals already lining up to "gre-eat" me !
  22. @UTC-10 and @ajb1978, I managed to go check out the interior and although I was disappointed in the "size" of the space, the loot was outstanding! I got a brand new rifle and a box of bullets for my efforts in addition to some much need foodstuffs! If memory serves, I think the cavern used to lead upwards to a little alcove looking down on the main chamber where you'd find the backpack along with the rifle. Back then I always had the impression that the corpse laying in the main chamber had fallen from said alcove. I like the idea that the rubble could be moved especially then providing an alternate route into TWM. The idea of climbing thru narrow openings with precarious handholds while trying to hold a torch or lantern appeals to me.
  23. Thanks for the heads up @UTC-10 and @ajb1978, appreciate the info and now am looking forward to checking out the back side of that cavern. I'm thinking make a big fire before ducking through the falls and stripping down to my skivvies before ducking thru. That way at least my clothes are dry when I get to the other side? Then I can dress warmly real quick take a peak around before disrobing again and heading back to the warmth of waiting fire.
  24. ALL the gear? you make it sound like you cleaned out every container and did it one trip...