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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. Everyone has a little secret they keep... I set the fires when the snow gets deep
  2. Oh, don't you know it! Item placement has gotten a lot easier since the last update but certainly leaves a lot to be desired. I understand your point about the lost and found boxes... definitely a blessing in disguise. I recently revived an old saved game, where I too tried to restock the gas station on CH only to find 85% of everything I had ever touched and placed in the world all to be stuffed into one interior box and one exterior box. Literally took days to empty them both out and sort thru all the stuff and put it back in place.
  3. I'd love to see some screenshots if you have any to share! The colors of the teas can be very vivid, especially when you have 6 two liter pots making teas, soups and coffee on the 6 burner stoves in the game. I've also found that chopped reishi and rosehips look very cool when placed on plates and in bowls.
  4. Yeah, I only use the rifle in early game play as you usually find it and some ammo fairly quickly when you first start out. But soon as I can find a survival bow and an arrow or two I quit carrying the rifle for that same reason, weight reduction. The rifle does come in handy while you're waiting for birch saplings and maple saplings to cure before you can craft yourself a bow and arrows. Typically I can find a used survival bow and a few broken arrows in addition to some intact ones almost immediately after spawning if you know where to look. That being said, the range of the bow and the ability to strike a mortal wound is significantly further imho than the rifle is, which of course seems counter intuitive IRL but seems to be a fact in TLD. I just recently made an extraordinary long range shot killing a bear in the process, it was so surprising I had to post about it...
  5. no... not advocating anything of the sort. that in the words of @past caring, would be cheating... I'm taking about common sense mods that would allow for some common sense gameplay making this game even more immersive. Things like craftable tanning racks for curing hides... Wall sconces to put torches in and maybe some hooks I could hang a lantern off of. lol, on the other hand, I like the way you think. Sure, a functional TV so I can watch nature videos during an aurora would be awesome!
  6. hmmm... I don't think a mod that allows me to move a box or crate so I can bridge the gap on a broken stairway to be "cheating," I'd call that "immersive". Same goes for a mod that would allow me to place items on the top shelf of a 4 tier metal shelving unit in game. How is that a cheat? But then again their are some game purists who wouldn't want to change anything and I can respect their view and still disagree with their semantics.
  7. I feel your pain! The novelty of the cannery parkour course is quickly exhausted and does become tedious and boring very quickly after having to do it with each and every visit to the workshop. Honestly can't wait til modding TLD comes of age so that we can move a ladder or jump up on a crate or whatever without having to repetitiously climb that damn rope... Unfortunately @dahemac that's not gonna be changing any time soon.
  8. Chatting with some gamer friends the other day and the subject of base building and decorating became the main topic of discussion. We compared various open world games we've played where crafting and base building are big components of the game but somehow the conversation kept steering to TLD where just staying alive becomes the main focal point and everything the player does is merely to keep from dying and seeing how long they can live. That posits the question, how much time and effort do you spend in decorating your home base, knowing that if you mess up and die all that work and time spent just disappears? For me, once I've got some decent clothing and have acquired a bow and some arrows, I spend my time looting the map for the region I'm in and haul all the goodies to that location I call base camp and layout my lair. Once you have 10 pots, 18 lanterns, 12 rifles, 32 wolf hides and 16 hunting knives you don't just put all that stuff in a locker. Or do you? So , how do you play in the sandbox? are you a decorator or do you just stuff everything into storage lockers? Where's your favorite base camp and what do you like to do in the space to "personalize" it? Looking forward to hearing about your play style and what you like to do to keep the sandbox fresh and interesting?
  9. ♫ It's gettin' hot in herre (so hot), so take off all your clothes I am, gettin' so hot, I wanna take my clothes off ♫ cook like nobody is watching you!
  10. you have discovered cannery doggo! Yay!!! you have your own pet now! Just leave him be and he will zoom around, so much fun!
  11. ok, just curious on account I found 13 just in ML alone. I was wondering if I had missed any, guess not
  12. @hozz1235, right? I now have a few alcohol pads at the ready... and don't even get me started about how dirty my keyboard has gotten...
  13. @Dan_, now worries! and yes I did get a Roomba, but not thru Newegg. And yes, love the little robot! I'd recommend one to anyone who has hardwood floors.
  14. Yes, indeed! right across the river from Portland Oregon. One of our local residents was a contestant on Alone - The Arctic in season 6. ...and yes, sigh... at least I'll get free shipping with Amazon...
  15. Vancouver, WA USA I used to purchase computer parts from Newegg here in the states, but last time I was on their site to make a purchase my credit card company flagged them as being "suspect" and blocked the transaction for my safety. I was buying a Roomba at the time, lol
  16. well to be honest, my geekage could be better... When I get together with my buddies (many of whom are in IT) and they start talking tech, my eyes do glaze over a bit, but I'd like to think I'm tech savvy enough to build my own box. At the very least able to put part A in slot B correctly so that the thing works when I turn it on, lol. That being said, where I'd really love is some recommendations on is where to buy? So many choices, you know?
  17. Day 815 my powers are continuing to progress unabated I am now able to kindle fire with my mind!
  18. oh, now there's a name I hadn't heard in a while! Used to watch his videos all the time back when I first started playing. Is he still producing content? Speaking of which, I wish I would have had captured this on video. Wasn't so terribly surprised at getting the kill, but more so surprised at the sheer distance from where I took the shot. but as my old pappy would say, it's all about elevation and windage
  19. lol, what? did you spray paint a spot ever 5 meters? Maybe one orientation arrow that points you in the right direction. with auto walk now, you should just be able to point your character in the appropriate direction and just walk til you get to land. Back before paint, I would drop tinder plugs, before I that I dropped rose single rose hibs in line and they never faded or got covered in snow. you may wanna give that method a try seeing you probably used up every can of paint on CH, lol 😉
  20. keep on fighting the good fight and soon you too will thrive amidst all the chaos!
  21. right? suddenly the trio of spots that looked like a roving wolf pack have miraculously disappeared!
  22. I had to laugh at myself the other day whilst playing in survival mode. I was walking along the tracks in ML heading back to camp office from FM, as I kept noticing these far away looking dark spots doting the landscape. It was difficult to discern what I was looking at, was it a wolf? was it a rock? Some new part of the landscape that I haven't seen yet? Maybe it was the lighting and the grey overcast morning being depicted was contributing to my visual confusion? wasn't until I got to the open area by camp office and suddenly the sun came out and the world was brighter and the glare was dazzling. I stopped to blink my eyes as the sheer sudden brightness on my monitor blinded me to the point my eyes actually hurt from the glare. that's when I noticed that the "black spots" in the landscape were actually bits of dirt and dust that had accumulated on face of my monitor's screen... 😢