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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. singing to myself quietly... "nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide..."
  2. Battery visits Carter Hydro, say "hello" to mom and dad Battery takes tram ride, wheeeeee
  3. I agree something to indicate you've already checked it would be useful. Aside from that, I would however just like to know how many cairns are in each region if any. At least that way I'd have an idea of how many I need to be looking for. Might actually count them all for a change. oh, that is a low low number, isn't it. only about a 1/3. Kudos to the backer's who actually submitted content! I appreciate your thoughts and contributions. I know this might be a lot to ask, but were you able to screenshot the ones with messages? I would love to read them, even if I didn't know where they were located.
  4. Well played good sir! Thanks for the tip, gonna have check it out next time I'm in the neighborhood. So, just out of curiosity? How many stories were told?
  5. This is the glen just kitty corner across the tracks from Camp Office. Another 3 for 3 harvest. I opened the door and made a bee line for these traps. It's early in the morning and I was hoping to avoid any other furry entanglements... I made it back to camp office unscathed. I took my time harvesting and noticed for the first time you can harvest by hand. takes like an hour and half but it can be done. at least saves on the wear and tear of your sharps from that limited supplies/use perspective. It does make the day go by pretty fast, 3 rabbits take 4.5 hours to harvest by hand, then there's still the cooking time. that's a good two more hours and before you know it another day has gone by. I did use the time there to make some deerskin pants. I was a lot warmer when I headed back to main camp. Found another good spot slightly up hill from Clear Cut. Keeping the streak of 3x3 going for now. again early in the morning to avoid fluffy. So far so good. Funny thing I noticed is how little frozen the carcass's are when I mad dash from the door of camp to the killing fields. I guess the game mechanic is that they snare the moment you step outside from an interior cell of some similar save event. At any rate these were frozen under 8% when I found them, so that's a pretty fresh kill imho.
  6. piddy3825


    It certainly was. I recall at one point we were talking boats and thawed harbors if memory serves. I think you're right that the idea has probably been discarded by now. I think we might possible see something like this in TLD2 or some related offshoot. Dont forget that in this story the world has been subject to a great cataclysm of sorts. The world has been plunged into some perpetual ice age and it isn't probably going to get warmer anytime soon. I think @UTC-10 is right on the money when he says "Changing the environment would be an enormous undertaking." However, I do see the appeal of a short thawing season... Like they do at the extreme poles. about 6 weeks a year of just above freezing, just enough for some berries and grass to grow to keep the local deer herd fed and healthy.
  7. Nope, I haven't. I just happened to find the actual 165 of 165 as I was transitioning from PV to ML via Carter Hydro and Environs. I only know of a couple of players who have actually found them all. I was very surprised however, to have run into so many cairns in mine tunnels and some of the interior cell caves if memory serves. I would have never thought to go look for them in those locations if I were actively trying to attain the achievement. But I do click on them when I do find them, in most cases disappointingly so, as the greatest majority still remain unwritten stories. From what I understand, it's not the Dev Team's fault that so many are unwritten but more so the lack of content from the Backer's themselves. I can certainly appreciate their generous support but in hindsight, would it have been that hard to say a few words? So can anyone tell me where is #1 located? I'd just like to know without having to go looking for it. Also, how many of these do actually have messages in them? I do rather enjoy finding the rare message inspired Cairn as I am trekking across Great Bear Island. But not enough to make it a point to try to find them all... I think its been a few years since the cairns were introduced. With the updates have they been repositioned into the new areas as the world has expanded? I honestly cannot recall if I've seen them in the newer regions like Broken Railroad or Bleak Inslet. My hat's off to anyone who has found them all. Would certainly love to hear from anyone who's managed to "Count Cairn!" As always, love to hear your comments and feedback. Thanks for reading!
  8. Well, I'd have to disagree to a limited extent. When you saturate an area with snares you might fill a majority, on your first couple of days, but you will see diminishing returns as the local hare population is culled. It does take a couple of days for them to respawn just like deer or wolves. So spreading your snares out between known rabbit locations does help to keep the snare count steady imho. But you are correct in that the effort is tedious, which is why I like to move from one location to another every other day or so. At least I get a change of scenery and the opportunity to bag a deer or wolf on during my excursion.
  9. Today is a good day to catch some pesky wabbits! I am surprised at my early morning Trifecta as I begin my attempt to bring the Hare population in Mystery Lake into check. This definitely looks like a good start. Got a little hungry so I figured I'd grill up some rabbit chucks caveman style on some hot rocks. Plenty of wood around here and nicely secluded too. couple of pesky wolves about too, but not to worry as I can hold my own. I'm just bored enough right now with virus cabin fever, that I'm gonna try to finally get that rabbit snare achievement badge. My goal is to do so in by moving daily from one rabbit hunting ground to another. I figure if each area is fresh daily, then the odds of multiple snare successes should be in order. My own personal best for a single harvest was 7 hares, on Jack Rabbit Island of course out on Coastal Highway. I'd like to think that by moving a lot I should at least get 2 per night although 3 is typically minimum in order to meet daily caloric requirements. At least I can be crunching on some cattails. So, have you completed this achievement? Would like to hear your strategy and advice you might be inclined to offer. thanks for reading!
  10. Hello @Ice Hole, What do these things have in common? "Cause they both give you a charge!" Zap must be a very diverse manufacturing company? eh?
  11. I wrongfully assumed then that you had looked at the timeline of the post. It was days before the newsletter...
  12. @odizzido yeah you realize we all saw this too...
  13. Well it would be a shame if they end up leaving it like this. Is it always the food hatch as well or just the location? either way knowing where it is and always being able to find fortunately doesn't impact game play too dramatically. However, that being said, imho, if the cant fix it or dont want to fix it back to randomly spawning I do hope they just disable it completely in that case.
  14. @MrWolf Thank you good sir! It's the little things that get me rattled sometime. Appreciate you!
  15. I must be doing something wrong, trying to take a screen shot of item in inventory. PC user in case that matters. anyways, hit f10 as usual while looking at item in inventory on screen. pic yields screen shot of whatever i was looking at before i opened my inventory screen. am i doing something wrong here, cause i cant figure this out... appreciate any assistance given, thanks
  16. Johnny! Tell what they could win! "There's fabulous loot to be had behind one of these lucky doors!" So which one will you choose? Will it be Door # 1? Or Would The Survivor prefer Door # 2? Or Venture for Door # 3
  17. It really lives up to the name "Pleasant Valley" when it's calm and beautiful as in your screenshots. Makes me wanna go visit...
  18. in my best Homer Simpson voice... DUH! yeah, i was trying to put it on in the wrong slot. thanks for pointing it out as I was probably running a fever on account of that cabin fever virus that's been going around!
  19. yeah, I was just checking cause I ended up finding the food bunker in ML first in my last sandbox. I the went to PV and of course found the food bunker again on skeeter's ridge. This duplicate bunkering has only happened to me once before when I found the hunters bunker in ML and then found the hunters bunker in PV. Having found both bunkers and being duplicates at that, was a bonus of course considering I now had 4 extra rifles... lol I was glad to see that randomization was still taking place in ML regardless that PV is stuck spawning the same bunker over and over for now. Thanks again for the heads up!
  20. So this has happened to me know a couple of times, once on an old save and today on a brand new sandbox. So I found a balaclava in a locker, took it into my possession and proceeded to repair it too 100%. After a few initial sewing failures, I finally manage to finish the project. I go to put it on and when I look for it the item it is missing from my inventory. I get out of clothing mode and check inventory and there is balaclava showing up in the clothing pocket of my backpack. Good thing I already had two toques, eh? This happening with anybody else?
  21. Found it! And thankfully it was not a food bunker, but a let down none the less as it was the firewood bunker! YEAH... so not exciting but I did get some decent ear wraps out of the deal.
  22. @Paphalophagus, just wanted to let you know, I did finally trek to ML and the bunker typically visible by the Tram was not there. (it was food bunker in my last sandbox) I also checked a couple of other spots known for spawning bunkers but could not find any. Will continue my search efforts as I am curious as to what I will discover.