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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. Right? I did find a good balance launching a custom game giving me all the hardships of a Loper run but with a bumped up loot setting and that turned out to be pretty fun.
  2. Yeah, it's that selective editing that leaves out the "real" story. There musta been hundreds of hours of video content from the contestants that could have been utilized that would have made the series better. I would have liked to see deeper character development myself as that would have made the series more interesting and a little more personable. Still surprised at how it all turned out in the end, right?
  3. Indeed a good shot. Unfortunately the comedic value surrounding the resulting bite in the thumb by the wounded squirrel overshadowed the huntress skill with the bow!
  4. Actually none of the other seasons, just this segment now airing in the past week. I usually don't watch the show myself, but this series takes place on the Arctic Circle and I originally thought one of the contestants was from Vancouver, BC. Turns out I was mistaken and he was from Vancouver, WA. So far the content has been fairly decent, your right the video editing is crap though. For these folks to be "trained" survival experts is kinda laughable and some of the "bushcraft" ie, shelter building is strictly amature. Most of these survival experts are good at short term survival, but fall grossly short on long term survival preparedness. One of the funniest segments so far was when one of the contestants shot a squirrel with a bow, only wounding it, and when she picked it up it bit her in the fleshy part of hand between her thumb and forefinger and clamped down hard. They werent wearing any gloves and that little squirrel got a good bite and wasn't planning on letting go anytime soon. Good entertainment. lol
  5. just imagine how soft and warm that would be with the barrel fire going and hot cuppa! date night with Rosie Palmer...
  6. So I always wanted to be able to prop my rifles up against the wall or in a corner. You find a couple of them that way in the game, and I always wanted to be able to that. Even put it on the community wish list thread once or twice. Even asked Raphael on the mailbag once about it as well. He responded nicely saying it was something to consider in the future but they were busy with story mode back then and really I was just happy playing the game and enjoying the community. wouldn't you just love to be be able to do this in you game? yeah, me too! So after the latest rounds of updates, I'm really liking the improved rotational item placement manipulation tool we got with the last batch update. Having to put all my stuff back out on display after retrieving it from the save storage locker was a pain on account of how full it was. But after a few hours of reorganizing my space, I found I could get a little creative when placing items closer together or kinda stacking by rotating an object and jiggling my mouse while simultaneously clicking my mouse fast. I was rotating a rifle and suddenly it went green in midst rotation and i instinctively clicked.... So although not exactly propped up against the wall, but pretty cool never the less! Only thing is you gotta be either a super hero, a wizard or a descendant of King Arthur to be able to pull one of these rifles from the stone floor...
  7. That is so ironic. Seems to me that a huge majority of programming that I see on Netflix originates from Canadian based companies. Maybe someone will link some episodes to YouTube?
  8. yeah, cut my teeth video gaming to Gran Turismo! Losing my Favorite Game soon became one of my most beloved songs! Nanu Nanu to you!
  9. just started watching a new reality survivor show called Alone, premiering on Netflix. premise is simple, 10 contestants seek to survive on their own in the Arctic while lugging around 65 pounds of camera equipment. Winner gets half million dollars. One of the contestants is from Vancouver, BC! lol, I hope it was somebody on the dev team! anyways, auroras, bears, wolves, moose and plenty of snow and inclement weather. Looks like life imitates art! If you've seen show, chime in and let me know what you think. I really enjoyed the first episode so far!
  10. lol, apparently so! I did find lots of "ruined" or near ruined items. I always was under the impression that the decay cycle doesn't start until the item is handled. mostly anything organic was decaying but the hardware items were mostly in good condition. Well looks like one of the containers was full of sticks... thousands... lol
  11. So I dusted off one of my oldest game saves the other day. Character is at 800+ and is a compulsive hoarder. So with all the updates I just thought I would boot it up and go get all that free spray paint. But first I wanna check out my old digs... There was some stuff left on the shelves but there were lots of holes throughout as well. Check the desks and file cabinets mostly all empty... I go and check that red storage chest and this thing is packed with over 700 kilos of stuff. I head over to another area where I camp out and the one I find there is loaded with over 500 kilos of stuff. I'm like what? found every stick, match book and broken arrow. It's like christmas except the condition on most stuff was like 8%... bad santa!
  12. @Dr. S., thank you sir for the heads up! appreciate it!
  13. In the workshop as guessed. Yes, aware of the broken stairs, use it often. So the route to the right up past the cannery workers residence, is that rope always there or was that the one I would have deployed when I was up there? Been so long since I played this map, I dont remember if I deployed a rope or not... 😨
  14. Cool, thanks! curious, was there a rope climb in the cave or am I getting that confused with HRV?
  15. Been a while since I played this particular character but I find myself in the cannery in Bleak Inslet and I'm ready to leave. Only thing, I can't remember how in the heck do i get off this map? Aren't there two ways outta this region? I guess I should'a sketched some of the map on my way in? I hoping for a little direction on the best way out that also avoids multiple fangy encounters. There's a T-wolf pack just outside the door now circling the docks waiting for me to show my face again. Of course I will be traveling slightly over encumbered on account of all the bullets in my backpack. 😉 If you dont mind helping a fella out, please provide me with some directions on how to get outta here. Thanks, any assistance greatly appreciated
  16. Not so much long term character like so many here, although I gotta couple I could tell. But back in the day when I was first introduced to the game I remember launching some "test" games where I would just see how much punishment my character could take before fading into the long dark. I remember deliberately going out on the thin ice and breaking thru just to see how many times in a row I'd have to fall in before I finally died of hypothermia! Or from how high up Will could jump and still walk away. Surprising was how much punishment ole Will could take before he died. lol
  17. not unless you just happen to wear a ragged pair of mittens and you finger happens to stick out! lol 👈
  18. Right? I mean I used to always follow the wolves out on the ice on Coastal Highway and watch them chase down a deer. Then I would duck walk over and pop the wolf and get a little two-fer. You always see bones in a bear cave, it would be cool to watch a bear hunt in this game indeed.
  19. yup, I got 13 cans so far looting ML in a new run I just recently launched. seem's a little out of balance, but they do line up quite nicely on a shelf!
  20. I used to have that problem as well always being over limit almost all the time. My suggestion is to first go thru each category and start dropping items that you really dont need. Start with your fire making supplies... matches, although very light start adding up quickly, same goes for tinder plugs, copies of newspapers and stacks of papers. How often do you really use the magnifying glass? useable yes, but mostly just dead weight... Leave the skill books at base camp too. Next check your medical supplies. How many bottles of antiseptic are you carrying? those things are heavy, too. Same goes for clothing, sometimes the heavier bear coat is more than sufficient and you can drop a sweater or a second layer of pants. Adjusting your clothing choices can shave pounds off your character. Biggest place to save weight in my opinion is in your tools section. If you are carrying a can opener, hatchet, knife, and crowbar do you really need all four items? dont forget that heavy hammer comes in handy but heavy is the operative word here. Flares are heavy too, especially when you have multiple of both kinds. lastly but not least, check how much water and foodstuffs you are carrying. Sometimes you dont think about it, but a gallon of water weighs 8 pounds. I try to limit that to a couple of bottles max. Hope this helps you to stream line your loadout! Happy Trails
  21. Yup, all orange now... Just rounded up 9 spray cans in ML and all were orange.