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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. Yeah, the old Bleak Inlet parkour course can get so annoying after you're forced to run it a few dozen times. I tried making it a base camp during one of my walkabouts but the repetitive grind of getting in and out through the obstacle course eventually soured the idea for me. So 250 rounds is an impressive amount of fabrication! You now have a good amount of ammo for sure. At least when you leave your weight burden will have been substantially reduced. If you transit via the cave system, I do believe you can avoid any rope climbs and walk out connecting easily to FM and then onward to your final destination! on a side note, I'd strongly advocate honing those archery skills. considering the abundance of birch and maple saplings scattered about the island, you have potential 1000's of projectiles at your disposal. Considering you can shoot a newly crafted arrow almost a dozen times before it breaks and then can still harvest the arrowhead when broken makes the archery component of the game is such a superior weapon to both the rifle and the revolver. Especially when you reach level 5 and are able to crouch and fire. Now when I play a new survival game, I try to gather and salvage as many arrows as I can find because even the broken ones have value.
  2. TimberWolf Mountain Hands down, the single best end destination region imho. I like it the best because there are relatively no man made structures, save the Mountaineer's Hut and the adjacent fishing shack and the fact that the hut has the one and only workbench in what could be considered the remotest area in the game is the bonus because with the crafting ability you can truly live off the land indefinitely. There are some things that your gonna have to bring along cause you wont find much of some things if at all. (Like two liter pots or arrow heads.) However, the natural resources throughout the map are abundant so you can stay well stocked in herbal medicines after the ample supply of salvaged drugs runs out. With the Mountaineer's Hut as your base camp, you have immediate access to abundant sources of firewood fuel, medicinal herbs and non aggressive meat food sources ie, rabbits and deer. There are also two nearby moose spawn locations that seem to see their fair share of horn rattling activity. There are wolves and a bear in nearby proximity, but their "patrolling" pattern typically doesn't bring them to close without you noticing. But when they do, another excellent source of food and clothing resource. Here's a shot of a couple wolfs patrolling across the frozen expanse of Crystal Lake from the doorway of the fishing shack. That's a considerable distance and I typically never encounter them any where near my domicile. I like to just crouch in the door way and wait for them to come walking close enough for me to pop up and skewer them with an arrow! The weather patterns are fairly consistent as well. Usually get a blizzard every three days on average, so you can almost time your foraging excursions to best coincide with the weather. There are ample caves and tunnels in the area providing warmth and shelter as well so when your out and about salvaging airplane lockers and the weather turns sour, you have a quick place to duck into. If your not playing a spartan, resource restrictive setting, the loot from airline containers and wooden crates can be extremely rewarding. No different really from looting a fishing cabin on Mystery Lake, but just as rewarding and usually overly abundant as well. The Summit Provides By the time you have explored the area and managed to haul that booty of looty back to your lair, you will have acquired enough stuff to open a sporting goods store... Your gonna wanna retire up here. Trust me, this is the place to be. The only down side to TWM, no forge here and since no other man made structures, no metal here either... No two liter pots anywhere either. Since you gotta climb in to get here, bring a couple dozen arrowheads, a few two liter pots and all the scrap metal you can carry. After that, all the rest is gravy!
  3. LOL, That is a good comparison. Not too many games you could compare like that, but works here! ha ha Doom being so ahead of it's time brought a sarcastic twisted sense of humor into their games and the difficulty settings were appropriately named for the game. I think Hinterland's sense of humor in that aspect is just a little more reserved and the names they chose for the difficulty setting levels certain reflect that, but you gotta admit though, they are pretty darn clever.
  4. yeah, Will's got an entire crop of rifles growing outta the floor in the Quonset Hut. As you can see he's using old sleeping bags as fertilizer...
  5. Did ya know that you can cut down your pain meds usage in half by exploiting the "dropped painkiller" glitch? In order for it to work you must have two separate bottles in your inventory. works best when each bottle contains at least 6 or more pills. after you are injured, open your HUD and go to medications. select a bottle and drop all but one in a mass drop. Take the one pill remaining and it should work in most cases. pick up your remaining pills and carry on, pain free!
  6. ha ha ha, that made me laugh! Been there, done that! Mark my words, later on down the line after you've played a while, you're gonna be intentionally leaving your sleeping bag at base camp so there's more of a "challenge" to the game!
  7. There are some good songs here, but for me it's kinda the other way around. As I play the game, I thing of song lyrics that somehow seem appropriate. For example, when I am looting a house and find peanut butter and crackers, the first song that pop's into mind is The Talking Heads - Life During War "...I got some groceries, some peanut butter, To last a couple of days But I ain't got no speakers, ain't got no headphones, Ain't got no records to play..."
  8. I understand what you trying to say, but nah, you can't just make that assumption. I say that because your scenario actually mirrors my own IRL experience playing TLD to a certain degree. lol lemme explain, I've got over 2000+ hours in the sandbox. Enjoy the game immensely so I gifted a copy to my 9 year old niece when we all went into covid lockdown. anyway, she's probably got just about that much time playing experience as you describe, but her innate ability to use the bow is vastly superior to mine. I've watched in amazement how she can just point and shoot and hit moving targets as if she had a targeting telemetry computer mounted on her bow! Not to mention the ability to hit down range targets with incredible accuracy. I've watched her put an arc on an arrow and hit a wolf standing on the road by the coal mine entrance from the parked car in DP by the old stone church. And she does it consistently. She tells me her hit percentage is in the high 70's. In contrast, my hit percentage is consistently low 40's. Firearms on the other hand, not so much. She says she doesn't like guns... At any rate, I get what you're trying to say and in most cases I'd agree. Like I said in my previous post, it's your game, play it however you want!
  9. yeah, technically everything you described is... as Yoda best said it, "There is no try. Only do!" Think of it this way, if you were IRL and only had three arrows, would you risk breaking one or loosing one by repeatedly shooting it for practice? And when you say that any skill acquired didn't really affect the game, I'd have to say technically correct in terms your stats in the game didn't change. But, you as a player however probably improved because of the practice and that will/should/did affect your gameplay. But in the end, who cares. it's your game, play it however you want!
  10. I'd rather give my wife my full attention and be called a cheater, than to piss her off for neglecting her and spending the next couple of nights on the couch...
  11. piddy3825

    Fire Barrels

    little late coming on this thread, but yes, sometimes the light cast off by fire barrels and some fireplaces seem to be overwhelmingly bright. Except of course if your in Hibernia trying to get some crafting done when the light from the barrel doesn't even penetrate the darkness far enough for you to find the workbench without light a torch. Seems like the brightness is somehow amplified in both the gas station in CH and the Mountaineer's Hut in TWM particularly. I agree this should be remedied if possible. So far the only way I've found to manage this glare is to turn down the brightness setting beyond the already low setting I have it on, making interior spaces practically pitch black even in full daylight. Never the less, those two locations are still two of my top favorite home base locations.
  12. outstanding that you have saved so many images from yesteryear. That look is so much more immersive that the current setup. too bad they cant leave things that worked well enough alone. sometimes an update just isn't all it's cracked up to be. Thanks for reminding us with this awesome relic!
  13. I love this game! Glad to know that big brother is watching out for me... as of this evening, 2505.9 hours played...
  14. I didn't even know this was a "thing" that players actually do in this game. I understand the concept of quitting a game and reloading a prior save especially if you've been killed or damaged somehow, but never really thought it applied here since the game automatically "saves" when injured or killed kinda defeating the ability to do so. But I think I understand how a player might wanna get a do over especially when faced with certain circumstances or occurrences that could have dramatically different results depending on the player action taken. Especially since those circumstance might not present themselves again, ever. I guess I might be guilty of this practice myself in that I make it a regular habit to create a new save by entering and exiting a building multiple times to create a new save point in anticipation of the potential game killing glitch that I occasionally seem to encounter. I started doing this after my 800 day survival run character got stuck under/inside a car after I had entered the vehicle crouched. Had I just turned off the game, I would have kept that character alive and would have only lost the progress I would have made on that session of gameplay. But I didn't and then did make the mistake of saving which of course was the coup de grace on that game. So, player, save scum all you want, it's just a game and it's your game!
  15. havent noticed anything weird with the HUD display, but have had similar recent experience with the moose in DP. First one appeared on the bridge around day 3 of my spawn into DP. I already had the rifle so I popped him with two rifle rounds. roughly 60 days later he spawns back in on the bridge again and this time it takes me 12 pistol rounds and 3 arrows to drop him. each shot fired scored a hit, go figure. Later in the same game a third moose spawns this I bring him down in record time, 1 rifle round and two arrows drop him. I dont think it has anything to do with your run time, I believe a lot of it has to do with shot placement. 8 pistol rounds into his antlers isnt gonna hurt him much let alone kill him. But when I got lucky and put an arrow right into the front of his face after I already shot him with long gun, he went down pretty quick!
  16. I think you've raised some salient points about continued gameplay in survival mode pending the constant waiting for story mode to develop. What is there to do when it's just you and an open sandbox? Sometimes it feels like repetitive work just going thru the motions of surviving for yet another day. I can see why as you said, you feel like your waiting for the fun to come and it never does. I've been feeling that way a lot lately, especially after the buzz of syrup quest wore off. ...with the whole covid thing and the story line development delays, I think it's about time that Raphael think about opening up to allowing for some sanctioned modding and encourage the submission of some user generated content. i bet there's a ton of talent out there ready to throw in now.
  17. Didja know you can generally find rifle ammo in the pipes scattered around outside Hibernia? And if you crawl up the pipe inside the plant you'll find a little secret space with food and possibly the magazine Guns, Guns, Guns up inside the boats in storage there.
  18. The night was brilliantly lit by the Super Moon. It was a good omen for the day ahead... First came the insult! Then came the injury...
  19. from the looks of things, your doing all right... love that sunset picture on Forlorn Muskeg!
  20. well said! too many "victims" out there today who always want to blame their own failures on someone else. Game on!
  21. I get that all the time... except it's usually after I have already shot him once... following the blood trail and he suddenly just winks out of the picture only to be found later in a completely remote part of the map! There's some doubters here on the forums that will tell you this sort of thing never happens, thanks for providing definite proof of bear teleportation!
  22. I'm not gonna say it's easy to avoid frostbite, but you gotta pay attention to the signs and prompts for the condition that the game gives you. I got it once or twice when I was lightly clad being wet and hypothermic while becoming lost in an unexpected blizzard. it sucks and I ended up abandoning my game as it happened early on. I would encourage you to carry on and try to keep your character alive. I haven't looked at the wiki in a bit so I checked and here's what they had to say when I looked today, let me paste this from the fandom wiki: Frostbite is caused by wearing frozen clothing for an extended period of time, or by having warmth lowered to freezing level with part of the body exposed (not wearing clothing). Each instance of frostbite reduces your maximum condition level by 10%. Frostbite is currently the only affliction to have no cure. Players should take care to pay attention to their 'frostbite risk,' so that frostbite can be prevented A player can only receive 5 instances of frostbite at the same time, resulting in a maximum of 50% reduction in maximum condition It is possible to have frostbite multiple times on a single appendage.