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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. that's not what he was asking. He was asking if the fires are randomly spawned or do they spawn in the same place all the time. just to clarify...
  2. @Karl Grylls said "Sorry again for not posting here despite i fired the idea, but the actual state of the game doesn't motivate me to collect the books just for screenshots." @Screenshot Pilgrim said " I think expanding the functions of books in story mode, as you suggest, is a good idea. " I think we can all agree that we'd like to see Hinterland expand on how books add to the flavor of the game, but that's something we probably aren't going to see anytime soon imho. I think perhaps that an event, perhaps similar to the syrup run where all skill books are recovered and returned to a specific location may likely be more plausible. What did you call that, the Ranger's Journal or something like that? Currently this idea constitutes more of a personal quest to keep playing in the sandbox fun and interesting and really the only way to share the fruits of our labor and the enjoyment we get out of playing the game is by sharing our screenshots. Plus that way I know Screenshot isn't lying to me when he says he's got 10 copies of the Sewing Primer series... lol Looking forward to seeing this idea grow to fruition with everyone's continued contributions!
  3. Hey I'll leave you with this one til after fright night is over. Meet Larry Lubowski, Local Librarian of the TimberWolf Mountain Regional Book Repository! Larry soon read the entire library cover to cover after his first week on the job. He was often prone to fall asleep at his post after having become bored from reading the ingredients list of his snacks and crackers. His job was to launch a flare whenever a book was checked out. When I found him, his pistol was still loaded...
  4. That is some badass bushcraft stealth you got there! I wonder if you shot him in the face at point blank range, would that wake him up or kill him? so what did you do?
  5. The Sitting Dead Pensive Pond paints a pretty picture below this poor fellow who slumped to his demise within mere walking distance of an enclosed shelter. His hatchet was sharp but his bag was empty. Working my way towards town, I duck into the barn to get out of the wind for while. Don't know what happened here but the dude was wearing a brand new pair of boots. As I'm looting the boots from his cold and frozen feet Astride pops off saying "I hope nobody needs this.. "
  6. @Screenshot Pilgrim regional branches of the library is a good idea. I kinda do that already anyway, but not deliberately if you know what I mean. Keeping the cover art intact is probably the most perplexing and frustrating aspect of this endeavor so keeping the single book transit limited to the region in which it's discovered makes perfect sense. Even doing that is still a serious amount of walking time in this quest, that's for sure! So glad that the newspapers and stacks can be carried in bulk. Somehow that cheapens their value in my mind so I'll probably just be dropping them in piles or stuffing them in the file cabinets. If there was still power, I'd be transferring them all to microfiche...
  7. yeah, he's still up there although no longer clutching the revolver in his hand. Still loaded with 3 rounds... I posted that shot up above in case you wanna get another look
  8. It never fails that when I'm slogging thru PV the weather turns nasty but somehow when I can make out the silhouette of the grain silo and farmhouse in the gloom and doom, my pace seems to quicken and my moral tends to improve as I know I'll soon be outta the cold and into the comfort of my warm bed
  9. @Screenshot Pilgrim I now know why you've decided to use the farmhouse in PV to house your library. It all started making sense as when I popped over from CH and started looting Thompson's Crossing. Heck the first house alone across the street from the town hall had 1 of every cover laying about in addition to a couple of open books as well. Wasn't until I decided to ransack the church, that I finally had the epiphany and the realization struck me that it would be so much less walking involved if you could just stay on the map. Why bother crossing regions one book at a time in order to make a collection when it's already basically sitting in one house. Brilliant! Here's me praying for guidance Now I'm preaching to the choir; (in my best Hans and Franz voice...) "Hear me know and Believe me later! I am here to pump you up!" For those of you who'd like to follow today's sermon, you'll find a hymnal in the seat back in front of you... I just keep hearing Kansas singing in the background 🎶 "Carry on, my wayward son There'll be peace when you are done Lay your weary head to rest" 🎶
  10. Outstanding! That particular file was the last I needed to collect to complete the achievement. I remember limping in on a sprained ankle desperately trying to evade that wolf that patrols down there. Good Times!
  11. Yeah, when I was little we lived out in rural Kansas in what could have been considered a one horse town. We had a general store, with one gas pump and a PO Box where we could collect our mail. We were easily an hour from the nearest anything and the Book Mobile, an old converted bread truck, would come every two weeks and the folks would come from miles around to check out books. Got my first paper library card when I was 6 and started 1st grade. I remember checking out Treasure Island and reading that book cover to cover more than once.
  12. nice composition with the 3 different light sources! Well done! What brings you to this cave during an aurora? Doing the archivist challenge? or just summitting for treasure?
  13. Welcome to Books on Tracks Terrence Tremblay, the transit tram technician, twin to Tom Tuttle of Tacoma originally came up with the idea. The owner of Great Bear Rail quickly agreed and so the Books on Tracks project was launched. Besides running VIP's and workers from one place to another, the tram also served as a vital resource to the rural communities and work camps around the island. Books, newspapers, periodicals along with other reading materials and supplies now made available to those even in some of the most remote areas and the project was considered a big success. stopped cold in it's tracks when the event struck, the Books on Tracks project became forever stalled. A good effort on their part and a worthy plan. preserved in time as the day it was abandoned. A nice little assortment to stumble across, snacks too! dont you just hate it when somebody just dumps all the newspapers on the floor? lazy clerks... so did they just bring half the encyclopedia's? Looking forward to doing some lite reading by the red glow of a safety flare...
  14. @Screenshot Pilgrim just wanted to confirm open books must travel independently. ouch, I lost three in the process experimenting. I added 1 open to 1 hatchet cover and they both turned into the sunny book. I put two open books together and same thing happened. It would be nice to have the variety, but I'm not expecting anyone to put that kinda effort in to it, if you know what I mean. I've been having a lotta fun in the sandbox chasing books the past few days, I just wish I could bash a wolf or two with a book and make it hurt...
  15. yeah, i get that, but these screenshots have absolutely no relevance to the thread. You didn't even make any commentary. why spam the page with this irrelevant clutter?
  16. Work's great especially with those rabbits and ravaged deer carcasses! I tried it after reading your post and now I'm just working on timing to get equal halfs, but shortly after I was able to divvy up 1.5 kilo's of venison into two .7 kilo portions. Magnificent!
  17. dude, nice work but this thread is about collecting books... you should take this to share your screenshots...
  18. yeah, I'm reluctant as well, but I do believe I found a couple of skill books scattered about. I think in one of the ice tunnels there's a open cavern with one in it. I think I might found one once by the moose satchel as well. Still that region just constantly kicks my ass... btw is it possible there are more than 2 Guns, Guns, Guns books?
  19. I say extra points for the most open books adorning "the Library." Not sure if putting these together with other books changes them, probably does, so that's a lot of extra walking too if that's the case. Nothing better for a library than to have a reading room, eh?
  20. what have we here? I was hoping to find a copy of guns, guns guns, instead i find a gun? how well, good score either way!
  21. I think we all recognize this guy, right? It's Jack the rabbit herder! How did he die you ask? He was exsanguinated by Bunnicula! Bunnicula leaving the scene of the crime...
  22. lol, dead ending indeed! Yeah, can you imagine you've been stumbling around in the dark for god knows how long, you finally see a faint glimmer of light in the gloom only to be blocked from escaping by this metal gate. Arrghhh!
  23. He looks so loveable in this picture. hard to imagine that he's about eat your face off, right? but once they've tasted hooman blood, they never wanna eat deer again...
  24. Correct, I am aware of the rope spawning outside of the lookout in BI, which I often deploy in order to climb down into BI proper from the lookout. But to clarify, I was referring to the down climb from Raven's Ravine so you could reach said lookout. Sometimes I would find a rope in the cave by the parked log rail car in the ravine between the derailed cars and log bridge and the broken train trestle crossing but that is an iffy situation at best. I'm betting Hinterland has all the ropes deployed all ready in this scenario already.?
  25. You might wanna high light that Raven's Ravine transition to Bleak Inlet requires you to bring your own rope. All the other rope transition areas already have a rope intact so not necessary to BYOR. Just a suggestion.