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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. The moose spawning randomization and migration algorithm seems to be working, probably much better than the dev expected since there's almost no way to predict where those damn moose will spawn. I suppose that is why a couple of guaranteed moose spawn locations were introduced during one of the last updates. There is one for sure now at the Forlorn Muskeg to Bleak Island transition just down to the right after leaving the cave. There's supposed to be another one, but the location escapes me. I remember reading about here in the forums but can't remember which thread otherwise I would have left you a link. I bet @ManicManiac has a idea as to where this other location may be. Perhaps he will chime in on this thread. My own experience has been varied, but since Winter's Embrace, where I found a moose in just about every region I transitioned, I have been running into Moose with increasing regularity. In my current play through for example, I randomly spawned in DP and almost immediately a moose spawned on the bridge. Of course I managed to successfully take it down and subsequently another moose spawned roughly 45 days later. I ended up taking two more moose at approximately 45 day intervals between harvests. So 4 moose harvested within 170 days of game time on the bridge in DP. Subsequently I decided to camp out in DP long term to see if some kind of pattern would continue and now I'm at 250 days in my run and I haven't seen a moose in DP since.
  2. Desolation Point Who wouldn't want to live in a lighthouse? I'm currently playing a vanilla voyager game in DP and have spent 230 days in the region. The only thing I miss is having a fishing shack... So far I've had 4 moose show up on the bridge and that has kept me well fed and clothed. Plus when I want religion, I just gotta cross the street to get to the old church. 🙏 oh, btw, only averaging a blizzard every 3-4 days
  3. You didn't say how long you've been playing TLD and that "experience" does impact your gameplay from time to time. Some of us on here have been playing since day 1 and honestly you learn something new each time you play the game. I saw myself in your lamentations as I could relate to practically every situation you described in your post! lol For me, it was just the other day, I discovered an accessible area inside Hibernia fish processing where you climb up in a pipe to get to some boats that are stored up there and I found an awesome stash of loot up there. Who knew? apparently everybody else but me! Yeah, so I can relate when you run outside without your clothes on as I like to take my boots off before I go to bed. then I run outside without any shoes on... anyway, good stuff OP!
  4. pretty neat video right? I'd like to see a greater diversity of wildlife as well, and cougars in TLD would be very fitting considering that something like the world's biggest concentration of wild cougars something around 4000 cougars call British Columbia home with apparently a quarter of those residing on Vancouver Island. But considering the cougar population density, there's only been approximately 5 cougar related attacks on people in the last 100 years. Apparently there is more than enough deer to keep them satiated and they really tend to avoid contact with people. If your thinking that they should be introduced as yet another predatory threat to the player, then I would have to say no.
  5. I've owned it since then myself, so now I'm really curious as to what I may have been missing. If your so inclined to share. let's start another thread though if we do! Let's call it "What have I been missing?"
  6. Now, I am wondering if there is anything else out there that I have been overlooking?
  7. thank you for the explanation. so, the reason that I can't get any more arrows is because I've been boinking the fletcher's and arrowsmith's daughters! HA HA, I'm good with that, time to switch to guns!
  8. I went back and took another look, found some food in one of the boats overhead and an empty plastic container. I don't suppose that's where they were hiding the maple syrup during Winter's Embrace? thanks for the heads up! lol
  9. all these years playing this game... never actually checked up here until today. Copy of Guns Guns Guns! Score!
  10. Most excellent sight picture illustration as provided by @ajb1978, so if you're sighting like this you should be able to score a "hit" when ever you aim at your target. That being said, years ago when the rifle was first being introduced there were quite a few discussions on the bullet mechanics and bullet flight trajectories. One thing that was often brought up was the optimal flight path of the bullet which seemed to be best when aiming into the middle of the screen. In other words, always make sure your target is at the center of your screen as that is where the bullets go. So if your aiming off to the left or right and not centered in the middle of the screen, your shot has a high probability of missing. I'm not sure if that has been tweaked by the dev team or not, but regardless, my suggestion for improved accuracy is to always move your position so as to place your target into the center point of the screen regardless of your position or elevation in relation to your target. And lastly long range shots are just a waste of ammunition in this game. If you want long range action, stick to the bow, your results will be so much better in comparison.
  11. We used to do some community collabrative events a few years back and those were fairly fun and entertaining. So, I'd be amenable to doing something like a tournament, but wouldn't be very interested in just trying to outlive the next guy to be honest. Now I could see a series of events or challenges that were objective based, like for example a race against time to be the first person to collect 4 flare guns or something like that. Matter of fact, with custom game settings, you could design your own tournament @SirSharper !
  12. just curious, how do you get so close? custom game settings?
  13. one minute we're quaffing fermented peach juice and the next time I see you, you're hosting a tea party for bunnies like the mad hatter did for Alice?!? what the hell was in that can of hooch?
  14. The power is on, the lights are on, the beer is flat and the chips are stale... I don't care! See you there! Party at the ole Town Hall tonight!!!
  15. Have you ever seen wolf prints like these in the snow? Looks more like some crazy tire tracks
  16. I love finding the bunker as well. Curious since you mentioned the clothing bunker in PV and ML, did you locate both bunkers in the same game and were they both the same bunker?
  17. Oh, I know it well... next time you see a floating object in game, pick up a rock and pretend to "aim" you'll hold out your left hand, now snap a screen shot and it looks like you are using the force to keep the item levitated.
  18. is this a metaphor for getting stoned? Or do you need a new pair of glasses? double ought rabbit rounds?