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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. @stratvox, so glad to hear your doing well following your recent heart surgery. Speedy recovery my good man!
  2. I find one in the Milton Basin every time I go there. I also find one each time I go to BI via the cave transition from FM. Could these be the new resident moose being referenced?
  3. I can appreciate the thoroughness in which you approached the campaign and the spirit of the chase. my own personal best was 146 days with 84% of the world explored and 11 bottles of syrup recovered. I could probably still be playing that particular savegame, because by then my character too had just about maxed out in all skill sets except fishing. I just couldn't see the point in continuing knowing that the chances of retracing my steps and finding a possibly overlooked bottle of syrup was practically nonexistent. But then I unlike yourself, I just had to have that damn badge. Maybe it's because I'm still peeved over missing out on playing 4DON... You, my good sir, are a better sportsman than I. “What good are our principles if we only stick to them when it's easy?”― Josh Steimle
  4. After having played WE recently and in my last playthrough I encountered a moose in each region of the map I passed thru. Even managed to hunt a few successfully. However, more recently I started a new sandbox and spawned in DP. so far have encountered 3 moose over the span of 126 days. I ran into my first moose within a couple of days of starting my new game. Having already found the rifle, I was able to harvest him only after having shot him 3 times. I decided to stay put in DP for a while and within another 60 days or so, another moose appeared on the bridge. I took him down with a revolver, but that took multiple rounds, about 6 in total. Then just today, have stayed put in DP, what is waiting on the bridge for me? Moose number 3! This was more of a long and drawn out exchange. After a full day of chasing this beast I managed to put 7 arrows in him before finally bringing him down. Lost 2 arrows when he dropped on them and two were broken when I hit him straight up in the antlers. So it seems to me that if you stay put in a region long enough they'll come to you!
  5. Give it away give it away give it away now Give it away give it away give it away now Give it away give it away give it away now Red Hot Chili Peppers but seriously, where? I wanna know too!
  6. When you say shells, do you mean casings or loaded rounds? In either case, you'll never find "loads" but you will find quite a few, here and there. from my observations, you will typically always find some (bullets and casings) in each regions prime indoor locations, for example, like in the gas station on Coastal highway. I tend to also find them at each of the hunter's blinds that i scavenge as well. I think you will discover that you will find lots more rifle ammo as compare to casings. Ammo is fairly abundant in this game, but do check everywhere. In cars, container, lockers and storage boxes. there's also the randomly spawning bunkers in both CH and PV if you want to take advantage of recovering the maximum possible munitions. And don't forget to police your own brass. you wouldn't believe how many casings I lost by "forgetting" to pick up my own spent brass... by the time you've looted the map you'll probably also be hauling kilos of pistol ammo by then, lol!
  7. @JMK I'd be sad too having to process over 75 Kilos of meat... I was planning on sleeping in that day.
  8. Nope, but they sure like to beat the crap outta ya and then you either drop what your holding or the brute knocks it outta your pack. your pistol is probably laying close by where you got your butt munched and maybe something else may have jarred loose as well. Back track if you can to where you were jumped and retrieve your gear but keep the high ground and stay low to avoid that patrolling bear. But if your not so inclined, there is a cave near the PV/TWM transition area by the waterfall. In the back of the cave behind an underground waterfall is a little room. Often that room has a pistol or a rifle and a few boxes of ammo as well as some food. Good luck !
  9. Although it goes against every bit of firearm safety that I've ever been taught or practice IRL, but when I am playing TLD, I intentionally clean my weapon(s) fully loaded just cause that's the way I like to roll! No consequences...
  10. @ManicManiac, your last comment just reminded me of that time when the first story mode episode broke, I had to wait almost 30 days in game time waiting for an aurora to occur so I could continue the story by using that elevator in the dam. Be my luck I'd go down there with a fortnights worth of provisions only to be eventually starved out waiting a month to get out again. ~ You have faded into the long dark....
  11. the light from your flare, gives your post apocalyptic graffiti art a certain neon quality... I like to image there's a rave going on in the garage
  12. honestly not too much aurora, so you might have to stay put for a while waiting for it happen. and then, what if? what if you go down there and then the power goes off while you are exploring... no thanks, give me the heeby jeebies...
  13. Just wanna clarify... the mine in CH that needs an aurora to power the elevator?
  14. and let me apply one of my favorite quotes regarding theories: "If the theory turns out to be right, that will be tremendously thick and tasty icing on the cake." Brian Greene
  15. lol, they probably are closets, but then there is usually stuff in closets. win win either way, right?
  16. Just curious if you guys ever heard of custom setting called "Deadman Challenge?" As I recall, it was a very popular game setting created after the introduction of custom game mode.
  17. no, it does not! in fact, it's not even possible! The event was designed so that you must play multiple launches, hence Hinterland's statement that your stats were combined across multiple save games. You still have a week to play if your so inclined. If you do, I would humbly advise that areas like DP and TWM are very unlikely to have any syrup and a side trip into HRV will prove unproductive as well. (unless your inclined to retrieve the moose satchel.) If I could suggest a route, I would spawn CH and after looting the area, would go to BI via the ravine. From the cannery I would proceed to BR via FM. (only found chips in FM tbh, was a waste looking) After looting the lodge and maint. yard, I'd head to Mountain town via FM. Watch out for that moose in the basin. Up the ropes to loot Milton and then back down as you head to ML. ML to PV via the Winding River and that last dash to the farmhouse for a guaranteed find. I ran this route but started in DP, I also scaled the heights and retrieved the satchel as my own personal side quest before finishing in TWM after scaling the summit. In all my most thorough sweep and at best I found 11 bottles of syrup. Start that new one! Have fun and Happy Syrup Hunting to you!
  18. I think you spelled that wrong. I believe it's "Dinner" Party 🍴 now you see him... now you don't... hmmm, smells good!
  19. Damn that's cold! you are wearing some clothing, right? at least you've been eating well... you better check yourself, I think you're so cold that your balls have become ovaries!
  20. Oh, well... just another week of this and it will all be behind us. Some of the players will have worked for the badge by thoroughly playing the game exploring all areas and will still come up empty handed ie; no badge acquired. Others will have played multiple games in pursuit of the goal and will have triumphed from their efforts. Some will grind it out launching game after game after game looting the same map over and over and over and over again. ...and a few will exploit a meta gaming loop hole and basically cut and paste their way to the achievement. to each his own I say.
  21. next time your enter a cave, pay attention to two different clues as to the cross over point from being technically still outside vs. inside of a cave. you'll notice that when you walk in and head directly to the back without stopping that your speed will suddenly drop and you kinda slow down the pace. At that point you are slowing down you have crossed the threshold are are now inside. Also the coloring of the floor shading changes hues from the lighter icy blue color near the cave entrance to the darker deeper blue stone look. ever notice a corpse near a fire pit by an entrance? don't let that placement fool you as technically you are still outside, so if you drop hides and guts to cure, they actual decay instead. Whilst just a few meters away in the back of the cave, items placed there will cure just fine. I don't even bother using that fire pit as I prefer to go to the deepest part of the cave to set up my campsite.
  22. I propose something a little more draconian.. How about accidental self inflicted gunshot wound? Just another way to fade into the long dark. You hear about it all the time, right? "I was just cleaning my gun when it went off!"
  23. ohhh, so that's how it's done? wow, I guess that is the epitome of meta gaming, right?