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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. @ManicManiac Thank you for the lesson in bushcraft! I almost always travel with meat in my inventory. That's probably the first thing I am going to stop doing.
  2. I activated my recharge stamina perk just for this reason. I can sprint from the red barn in PV to the farmhouse in just about 5 min real time. takes about 4-5 seconds to full recharge between sprints. I give the wolves the middle finger as I sprint by like Usain Bolt! oh, and the side benefit is that I can sleep soundly each night after a full days exertion.
  3. oh.... you're killing me Smalls! Now I just have to know!!! I've only been successful twice in all my forays into HRV and the first time was a mistake and the second time it was only with the help of the good folks here. If you've missed something so obvious as to be a game changer, then I say teach me, Obi Wan! Inquisitive minds want to know, besides nowadays, we all need something to smile about, too. (besides, you can cover your reply with that spoiler alert, thingy)
  4. Disco Inferno! When you positively have to cook every scrap of food in the room!
  5. Frankly, I'd be interested in hearing about your techniques as well. I've gone some time without a furry entanglement but not even close to that long!
  6. @ThePancakeLady, I've interacted with her on these forums many a time, I know of whom you speak and also have noticed her absence. I was not aware of her irl situation and do indeed hope she is fine and doing well. Maybe the folks at Hinterland can help reach out too?
  7. By the light of the silvery moon I want to spoon To my honey I'll croon love's tune Your silvery beams will bring love's dreams We'll be cuddlin' soon By the silvery moon
  8. I've noticed that the condition of the syrup I do find has been degrading the longer my run is taking to complete. I just made it to BR and for example only found one bottle of syrup and two bags of chips. All items were under 35% condition. So maybe it is possible for some bottles to reach 0% condition and possibly disappear? There have been some earlier comments on 0% item conditions where the player's are finding equipment and supplies in a "ruined" state. on a side note... I have over 165 pistol rounds collected and have only found 3 revolvers so far. Been using the rifle a lot more than ever so definitely burning thru rifle rounds... next stop BI!
  9. I was not aware of that. So where is this alternate spawn in relation to my current location? I've only been up in this area a couple of times and really do not know the map as intimately as I know some of the others. And the one other time that I "found" the signal fire was just a fluke as I was wandering blindly in a blizzard just looking for shelter and somehow just managed to chop my way thru some scrub brush and there miraculously stood the mysterious fire! Gotta love those snow shelters!
  10. holy cow, Batman! That's probably why I never go there. Thanks for the map, this is outstanding! Better start brewing some coffee for all that trekking that's still ahead!
  11. Decided to brave the harsh weather at HRV and see about that satchel and some more of that golden maple syrup that supposedly lurks together at the top of signal fire mountain. It's taken all of my skills and stamina, but so far I've managed to stay alive. I now find myself in the Valley Cave next to the Twin Sisters Falls and apparently directly below the mysterious signal fire. I could use some detailed directions on how to get up there. I've only done it once in the past and that was a complete fluke as I stumbled about in a blizzard and don't recall how I got there. There's a climbing rope to the right of the cave that I'm gonna tackle just as soon as I thaw out and the weather gets a little better. Sounds like a good place to start, but I'm not so sure...
  12. Ahh... the ole smoking gun! Put me down for two! This "lighthouse" pic is amazing! love it! - please explain how you achieved this visual delight!
  13. no syrup... alas but i did break open a crate and got new cargo pants. was a suitcase too, with new army jacket. instant clothing upgrade! yay!
  14. lol, i just scrolled back and look at your original post and turns out I could make things out pretty well much to my chagrin. however, I do like the lighting effect in the update version. the pics definitely give off more of an abandoned/ruined/forgotten post apocalyptic vibe. Still think that wolf is kinda smiling at ya!
  15. thanks, me too. I was able to make out that wolf though in the others but had no idea about the first two. what are you doing skulking around like that in the middle of the night? that wolf looks kinda like he knows you? "nice doggy..."
  16. @J80H, good to know. I might just divert when I get up to Mountain Town after all. Thanks for the heads up!
  17. From what I heard, a player had made it all the way to the signal fire only to find the satchel, was not there. That alone is a good enough reason for me to avoid the place. That being said, I'm still having fun playing this event.
  18. @odizzido, Shasta was a regional brand in the Pacific Northwest, Seattle/Tacoma/Portland areas. They may have reached up into Vancouver, BC just based on proximity.