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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. My good sir, while I admire your tenacity in going the distance in terms of longevity, I do believe you may have already recovered the greatest majority of possible syrup spawns in your current play through. I think you'll probably find another at BR, maybe another two if the syrup lords give you their blessing, but what happens after you recovered all the delicious nectar? Do you keep playing until you hit 500 days or do you start another game?
  2. actually more visual but probably a combination of both all things considered. From a visual perspective, think of it as making sideways figure 8's (basically like the infinity symbol ∞) and your aware of where the barrel is in the ark as it's weaving in and out over your target, as you breathing in and out you squeeze the trigger as the rifle barrel arks towards/over the target.
  3. I am glad that you mentioned that. I grew up as a military brat and one of the perks was learning to shoot. Fortunately with some of the most elite marksman in the world. That being said, we were taught to breath rhythmically and that "sway" was a natural part of the sighting process. Biathlon was a big thing in those days as we were in snow country in the Bavarian Alps . You can imagine how much sway there is trying to fire a rifle standing up after having just raced across 10k of mountainous terrain on cross country skis... And then hitting a bullseye at 50m five times in a row! I was never that good...
  4. yeah, generally there is a shallow cave at the summit. It's usually located just between the tail section and the climbing rope as your facing the tail section. In survival mode, you can often find a corpse in there with a copy of GUNS GUNS GUNS, maybe a climbing rope and some other goodies. It has reportedly been blocked and inaccessible for some players during this campaign event.
  5. whew... There's been quite a few improvements to the rifle since the rifle was first introduced to be fair. But you're right in that the rifle doesn't perform as you'd think a rifle should, especially if you have any real world firearm knowledge or shooting experience. That's probably why I prefer the bow over the rifle 95% of the time. For me, I just wish I could get to crouch while firing the bow lot sooner than having to work my way up to level 5 especially considering that I can kneel to shoot the rifle immediately after finding it. on the other hand, when I want to hunt for sport in the game, I use the pistol and hunt rabbits...
  6. Hear Hear!!! I have dozens of games in my library that have only less than one hour of game play on them. Why? Well as you mentioned there are those I got on sale with the intention of playing them but never got around to it and then there are those games where I was bored after 15 minutes of game play. Others so complex that it took too much time and effort to construct a character just to be completely disappointed in the janky mechanics of the combat/movement system.
  7. I agree, but only if the custom game settings are harder than the Pilgrim game setting. There's gotta be a bench mark minimum to achieve feats, right? Besides, I don't think there's any other game out there right now that allows for feats and achievements while game mods are enabled. Why should Hinterland be the first to break that convention?
  8. No Syrup for you! Me either! was the cave covered in snow and inaccessible?
  9. It's been a tremendously rewarding 146 days in my third and final quest for the syrup badge. For the past few weeks I've been ripping up the island in search of the sugary goodness that has fueled this campaign's madness. My final quest began in DP, where I immediately acquired a rifle and some ammo. I'm off running and gunning, looting and shooting, hacking and whacking, boiling and sewing, upgrading and reading, searching and swearing my way across Great Bear Island. I gotta say that I killed more moose and bear while looking for syrup during this run than ever before. Wasn't even looking for them either. But hey, not gonna pass up those opportunities, right? Food was obviously not much of problem. Explored 82% of the map, didn't spend much time in HRV, but did get the satchel. Thanks community for helping guide me thru that complex maze of caves and rope climbs that seem to define Hushed River Valley. Almost didn't make it out of there, but some prevailed. I avoided the abandoned mine in CH as I didn't want to wait for an aurora to trigger the elevator, nor did I want to get stuck down there, but did hit every building, car and ice fishing shack that I knew of. There's probably case of syrup sitting down in there and nobody has probably ever checked that location, am I right? Checked a lot of caves too, mostly out of necessity on account of the weather, but thorough none the less. PV, CH and ML were the most productive regions for me, probably in accordance with the event's parameters and reasonable to be expected, imho. I really was surprised this time around at how much stuff was under other stuff. Like boxes and crates. I usually don't spend a lot of time breaking them down, but when I broke a couple crates down in FM to fuel the furnace and I found 7 bottles of accelerant game on! Lots of times there was nothing, but when there was, it was worth it! The island's frozen denizens were of little assistance. Those few times one of them had anything to relinquish, the condition of the item was marginal or the best they had to offer was a tinder plug. But there was that one couple, frozen in loving embrace amidst crates full of tasty and life sustaining sardines in the cannery outbuilding. I feasted on their tinned fishy. "I hope no one needs this anymore..." I plunder Bleak Inlet, Broken Railroad then Mountain Town. Lootin and scootin... Booty met expectations. As I close the loop thru Mystery lake and Pleasant Valley my final destination is the Summit on TimberWolf Mt. Having met the furious winds and snow head on, I conquer the summit on a rare clear night, pampered in the mysterious glow of an aurora filled night sky. Saddled with a tremendous burden I begin the long bothersome trek back to base camp. Returning home and lighting the fires Ahhh, such a sweet sight 4 flare guns! Found the first one in Raven's Ravine. Second one was at the top of the stairs in the broken lighthouse in Bleak Inlet. Located the third next to a corpse at the bottom of the rope climb outside the maint. yard in Broken Railroad and of course the Summit of TWM. my final count was 11 bottles of syrup and 34 bags of chips. yeah, I know, you only counted 10 bottles on the mantel. I had one that was ruined and I put it in a storage container and it disappeared. my bad, should have known that was gonna happen. anyway, last thing left to do is guzzle all this syrup and pop that badge! Hope your having fun chasing syrup! I know I sure have!
  10. good pic! He knows that you know that he knows your there...
  11. If memory serves, there was some mention of possibly allowing some Hinterland sanctioned modding by Rafael a while back in one of the newsletters. As I recall, they had a catch phrase for it, something like Community Generated Content, or CGC which was to be some community inspired collabrative content that wouldn't compromise the games integrity. haven't heard to much about it since though. So you're probably right, it will be a while before we see any legitimate DLC any time soon. They already disable achievements if a player opts for a custom game setting, so I don't see that as issue really. Anyways I don't think its cheating if I want to change all the deer to look like purple unicorns, do you? oh snap, that's on my wish list now... 🎠
  12. did you get the same bunker in both locations?
  13. Hear Hear!! I've so often walked down those tracks and wished there was a way to repair the damaged areas so a player could use a handcar and quickly travel along the tracks from one area to another. I suppose when legit modding ie, Hinterland approved, comes of age we might see something like that come to fruition. I especially like your spare parts idea to repair the radio station. I bet that would make a good campaign special event if the dev's got behind it.
  14. you are correct that every launch is different. It does appear however that at least one region always gets the 4 bottles spawned. In one run, I got 5 in PV, (4 in the house one in the barn outbuilding.) In another run it was 4 in ML. My cousin stated he found 4 in Broken Railroad. I'm averaging about 10 bottles per launch but I'm also exploring 75% of the map.
  15. yeah they sure like their pot up in Mountain Town. Unlike the folks at DP, where there is naught a pot to be found. I like me some pots!
  16. curious indeed. however, I'd like to know if you were able to reload and did the spent revolver cartridge fall inside the vehicle? Were you able to retrieve it as well? I've often tried dropping things in vehicles and that never seemed to work, except for putting things in the glovebox.
  17. lol, and when ever I hears crows cawing outside in the distance I think I better go and check that out...
  18. FOUND THEM!!!! check out my post...
  19. Looks like they fixed the glitched food bunker issue with PV, at least for this challenge! Outstanding! Did you find any chips or syrup? If they did and the bunker's are spawning then it really is luck of the draw which pair of bunkers you'll get in both PV and ML. I should probably mention to @Luciën finding a bunker is rare enough, even if you know where to look, but if you eliminate the two spots your being showing on the map, then the bunker that did spawn in this challenge is just gonna be placed at another one of the possible/known bunker spawn locations outside of the cropped areas on this map. I'd put my money on finding syrup in the food bunker!
  20. lol, my stamina meter was past the red and I was just nearly ready to fall when I quickly to that pic. good thing for that ledge, eh?