Username origins?

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Technically this should go in Misc Topics but no-one ever goes there ;). If this looks familiar, it is, there's an archived thread like this and it seems like a good way to pass time while waiting for the next Dev Diary.

I was wondering what stories are behind our choices of usernames and/or profile pictures...

I'll start: mine is pretty simple. Just Conan, which is my name, and jaguar, which has been my favorite big cat since I was about five years old, and has been my email address for as long as I've had email, which is why it's lowercase :D. I've used it as my handle for just about everything because I'm sentimental like that.

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Well after trying about twenty usernames and all being taken,I ran out of ones I'd remember so I used my own name lol..   hoping I don't forget that ever😁

My profile pic I chose as it looks like my last dog... His face never really aged with the rest of him ,and I think he was the cutest thing I'd ever seen💗

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Sebastian is my name and 1992 is my birth year! Why is a timberwolf in my profil picture? I really love them in tld and I come only so close to him because he is bugged, actually dead but he stand 😅. By the way I really love wolfs in real life, so beautiful animals 💓

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My favorite food is French Fries, though I figured that the username French fries would be taken on most platforms, so I thought up of something random to put before or after "Fries" that would at least roll off the tongue well, and I believe my actual thought process for coming up with "Smellyfries" was: "Fries smell good, fries are Smelly, ah! Smellyfries!" 

Originally I wanted to make a username with the name "Waffle" or something similar, but a group of friends had already claimed that name, and I didn't want to confuse them even more with another username with "Waffle" integrated into it, so as stated earlier, I thought of my favorite food instead. 

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About a million years ago I was working as a pixel artist (mostly doing early pre-smartphone phone games and occasional GBA games). A lot of my work in the first year was just reworking existing graphics - dull gruntwork - so I adopted the name artmonkey (from codemonkey) for our lunchtime LAN gaming sessions, and as that was the early days of me having an online presence it kinda stuck. My profile pic is from a comic I worked on a little more recently - the story was a kinda trippy crime caper, and the client wanted the credits page done in the style of police lineup pics - I really loved my pic (once I'd coloured them all), and I've been using it everywhere ever since.

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Fun Topic!!

Mine is pretty obvious -- I am the firstborn in a set of twins (alltho' it really should be TwinA, as that's how it was written on the hospital card before we were named). I changed the "i" to a "y" because the correct spelling was already taken in the first forum I used it on -- which may have been an early EA forum?? or some random hockey BBS chatroom on AOL (yeah, I'm old). 

My pic is a favorite by Albrecht Durer ... I had the print hanging over my computer for ages and it seemed appropriate to use here

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My username? Pretty self-explanatory. 

I love Pancakes. Truly my favorite food of all time, as @Raphael van Lierop found out while I pestered him for years on social media and on these forums to please please please add them to the game. Now that we have them, I suppose I could change my username to "TheHappiestPancakeLadyEver", but that's just a lot to type out. 🥞🥞🥞🥞🥞

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  • Hinterland
1 hour ago, ThePancakeLady said:

My username? Pretty self-explanatory. 

I love Pancakes. Truly my favorite food of all time, as @Raphael van Lierop found out while I pestered him for years on social media and on these forums to please please please add them to the game. Now that we have them, I suppose I could change my username to "TheHappiestPancakeLadyEver", but that's just a lot to type out. 🥞🥞🥞🥞🥞

Not that pestering me a lot is the path to getting things you want in the game, right? RIGHT? 😅

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For me... it goes all the way back to my teenage years and the early days of the internet. :D 
It just seemed like a cute alliteration, it sort of just rolled off the tongue, made for a catchy online handle, and I was an angsty teenager. 
It doesn't really describe my actual nature or demeanor... just something that teenage me thought sounded cool. :D 

(and I've used it ever since)

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9 minutes ago, Raphael van Lierop said:

Not that pestering me a lot is the path to getting things you want in the game, right? RIGHT? 😅

It isn't. He that giveth can also taketh away. (Cries quietly at the thought of no Pancakes in a Canadian game...) 😳

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My name is after a character in a book by the late great Fritz Leiber, I’ve run a website on him since 1994 and had the pleasure of contributing to a couple of collections of his stories..


the avatar is a still frame from an animation I produced (I’ve always been an animator/ editor and latterly Director all my life), the animation was  part of the work I did on some recent videos for the fabulous old goth / punk band , The Damned…

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I'm The Gnome, my first ever role-played character in my first AD&D session. It was not his name of course but this dude lasted quite a bit as an arcane illusionist and a master thief! My friends at that time ended nicknaming my character THE Gnome, that's simple... '91 is when I first connected to the Internet, not my year of birth at all !

And it seems I lost my favorite thumbnail, I'll replace it asap!

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I like pencils haha. I normally go with ThePencilWielder, but if the Pencil username is available, I go with that. I always liked sketching although I was never good at it 😅

I enjoy stop motion animating with Lego, hence the minifigure profile picture. A pencil to brainstorm, a camera to animate with, and coffee. :coffee:

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Mine's taken from my professional musician side. My main stage rig is my old '79 Stratocaster (I got it used in '84) through the 50th anniversary Vox AC15 (model AC15HTV). So yeah, stratvox.

If you'd like to know what it sounds like: 


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For years and years I went by Ross (First name) Bond (James Bond) I'm British.

Then I was hacked and it took me years and much saving to return to the internet and I took up this name-

You know...the same one with Returns added to the end.

It was amazing how many of my old friends online got it and were like-

"Duuuuuuude, where you been!?!?!" without ever meeting me irl. 

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My username is a song title from my fav band.  Not everyone gets the reference tho .. one person I played against online assumed Go let it out  was a toilet reference 💩 😂😂

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My name is Lune but that was typically taken places so I ended up deciding on always Lunerse for lune universe (cause lune means shape of crescent or moon, moon is part of the universe) and i thought of it as a cute sounding squashed name or LuneTheSheep depending on the place
And my icon is just a part of the reference for my fursona/character which is a sheep/monitor lizard hybrid

...That's about it

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