November 2023 Dev Diary


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On 11/10/2023 at 6:01 PM, odium said:

Now we have zombie poison wolves and specific gear to only combat that?



'Zombie wolves'...?

These aren't zombie wolves @odium, they're desperately hungry wolves that have gone slightly crazy due to the large amounts of toxic metals that have accumulated in there brain and blood stream.

Sorry @odium, you've already gotten a lot of hate for that comment, and you're opinion is respected, I just couldn't help but laugh when I saw 'Zombie Wolves'  😂

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On 11/10/2023 at 4:38 PM, Admin said:

The Respirator relies on consumable Canisters to provide its protection, so keep an eye open for those as you explore the Far Territory. We’re also adding Chemical Boots, which can protect you from the toxic pools that pollute the Zone of Contamination (these pools are really hard on regular footwear!), and a Hardhat that offers strong physical protection against head damage. There’s also a Miner’s Coat and Miner’s Pants, which make up a whole set of protective gear, if you manage to find them all.

The mental imagery kind of reminded me of a webcomic I used to read:

Also a little bit of New Vegas:

Very much looking forward to seeing and trying on the new clothing/gear.

Edited by ManicManiac
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It just struck me: "There are poisoned wolfs which are vicious because of lack of food". Does it mean that one have to pack many, many lunches when entering mine, because there will be no deer, no rabbit, no nothing to shoot and eat for the player?

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3 minutes ago, acada said:

It just struck me: "There are poisoned wolfs which are vicious because of lack of food". Does it mean that one have to pack many, many lunches when entering mine, because there will be no deer, no rabbit, no nothing to shoot and eat for the player?

I hope not,,but I don't think they'd expect us to drag food for miles  to last X amount of time..


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2 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

I don't think they'd expect us to drag food for miles

I am not so sure with anything now. Currently is my character at the Airfield. It is there for 2 ingame weeks. I think I had 2 days of clear weather. I am in the mood to expect anything now.

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1 minute ago, acada said:

I am not so sure with anything now. Currently is my character at the Airfield. It is there for 2 ingame weeks. I think I had 2 days of clear weather. I am in the mood to expect anything now.

There is a bit of uncertainty about the new area, I must admit to being concerned myself.. I've started a new side run  so I can take that one there first.. 

That's lousy luck ,and frustrating..I hope it gets better for you.

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18 minutes ago, acada said:

I dont expect any luck. Today I am packing my things and going to depot to try whether it is sustainable to live there.

I must admit that forsaken seems very son had a run there and spent a lot more time indoors than out... if it wasn't blizzards then it was glimmer fog... he finally deleted the save .


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On 11/11/2023 at 12:08 PM, odium said:

the game that i played in 2015 and fell in love with, the game that captivated millions of paying players allowing development to continue.  that game didnt have zombie wolves and imaginary fog.  i dont even recall aurora wolves being around that far back.  i will always play and love TLD but it has grown away from the core primitive survival game it began as, i dont see how you can dispute that

I am a far more recent player but I have to agree. There seems to be more focus on industrial landscapes, less on nature. I do not like the industrial sites myself--I avoid them as much as possible as I do not enjoy playing in them. Fortunately there is enough of nature left for me to enjoy playing in while avoiding the industrial landscapes.

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Thank you for making TLD even better. 

I absolutely love any additions which make the experience more challenging. Scurvy is awesome! 

I've been reading the thread and would like to say a few words.

I haven't visited any of the new regions added in TFTFT (although I'm planning to), and yet I have really enjoyed the new content.

My point is, nothing is forcing me to travel to the new regions (except curiousity), so I can't possibly complain about them. Knowing that those regions are out there is like an added bonus! 

I think everybody has a favorite region, somewhere they feel right at home. We use most of the other regions in order to find useful stuff or as means of travel. We can't love all the regions, we might even hate some of them (yes Mountain Town I'm talking about you🙃).

I understand some players' concerns though, as they're worried that the new stuff might change their favorite region's environment.

Speaking of favorite regions, how awesome is Ash Canyon? I mean seriously, I just wanna live there FOREVER.

Thanks again💙


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2 minutes ago, James Hickok said:

I think that will be the case there. You can hunt moose and bear in FA and haul it to the MIne via travois. 


I once dragged 200 pieces of coal from CH to FA on Interloper. Took me 3 trips back and forth going slooooow moooooode. im crazy like that sometimes xD

There is wood and sticks in forsaken isnt there?😊.      

I can't go into forsaken and there's very little wildlife in transfer pass...  

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12 minutes ago, James Hickok said:

I dont think so - not enough food. (if you mean the train depot in the transition zone). 


The key of surviving in FA is to live in caves. And circle around them. I only use the hangar if i want to craft something. I only use the broken chopper if the moose spawn is there. If i stay in the cabin its the one in the centre (kinds) island on the lake. Rest i just loot and leave. 

You live in a cave and its surroundings, hunt and kill everything, eat some, leave half and go to another cave - repeat. If you stay in one spot you will run out of food. 

I know you have to move around to find resources but he gave up because he couldn't go anywhere for most of the time... at one point he was stuck inside for nearly a week because of the weather.. it's not a place where you can just roam around in when you can't see anything..

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1 minute ago, James Hickok said:

Yeah game can be like that sometimes. 

last week i was stuck in PV cave for a week - same reason. 

Pv is definitely famous for its blizzards😁.  But on pilgrim it shouldn't be that bad in forsaken..

He doesn't play tld very often ,and cases like that are why he doesn't..  to be honest it's not fun for anyone if they're going to get stuck inside with nothing to do for days on end..

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11 hours ago, Amir said:

Thank you for making TLD even better. 

I absolutely love any additions which make the experience more challenging. Scurvy is awesome! 

I've been reading the thread and would like to say a few words.

I haven't visited any of the new regions added in TFTFT (although I'm planning to), and yet I have really enjoyed the new content.

My point is, nothing is forcing me to travel to the new regions (except curiousity), so I can't possibly complain about them. Knowing that those regions are out there is like an added bonus! 

I think everybody has a favorite region, somewhere they feel right at home. We use most of the other regions in order to find useful stuff or as means of travel. We can't love all the regions, we might even hate some of them (yes Mountain Town I'm talking about you🙃).

I understand some players' concerns though, as they're worried that the new stuff might change their favorite region's environment.

Speaking of favorite regions, how awesome is Ash Canyon? I mean seriously, I just wanna live there FOREVER.

Thanks again💙


Have you discovered Hushed River Valley (HRV) yet?

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2 hours ago, Leeanda said:

Pv is definitely famous for its blizzards😁.  But on pilgrim it shouldn't be that bad in forsaken..

He doesn't play tld very often ,and cases like that are why he doesn't..  to be honest it's not fun for anyone if they're going to get stuck inside with nothing to do for days on end..

Did he spawn in FA?  If not, he may want to stick to the easier areas or ensure he is carrying plenty of supplies and building up caches along the way when he does venture to the more difficult areas.  We certainly want him to enjoy his game time!

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2 minutes ago, hozz1235 said:

Did he spawn in FA?  If not, he may want to stick to the easier areas or ensure he is carrying plenty of supplies and building up caches along the way when he does venture to the more difficult areas.  We certainly want him to enjoy his game time!

Yes it was a one map challenge,or rather exploration..  

He's not a true fan of tld... no idea where he gets it 

I'll say one thing though,he made a lot of mistakes and somehow got away with them..😁

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2 hours ago, Leeanda said:

Yes it was a one map challenge,or rather exploration..  

He's not a true fan of tld... no idea where he gets it 

I'll say one thing though,he made a lot of mistakes and somehow got away with them..😁

FA is a harder map for a one map challenge than one would think.  It has quite a bit of stuff on it, but the weather can make it tough to explore the map and enjoy doing it.

I don't know the age of your son, but I've found that very young people tend to get frustrated with having to keep track of so many parameters.  The glimmer fog effect just adds to that "tedium", IMO.  Having just one location to avoid it in a zone the size of FA seems rather unbalanced to me and it discourages exploration of the zone and, to some extent combined with the frequent blizzards, encourages staying in and around the hangar for prolonged periods. 

Another thing I really don't like about FA myself is that there's no two-slot (or more) indoor cooking place anywhere in the hangar or airport area and there are few places where a fire outdoors is sheltered for very long.

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