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Even though this was via "Secret Long Dark Twitter News Agency" yet again, it is at least something. Hopefully the "feature set" for Tales P2 means comprehensive listing this time round. Also, if I'm reading that correctly the new hotfix should be imminent. Hopefully snowshelters will be addressed too.

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2 hours ago, Jeremy4200 said:

So that's a no! We don't even have part one yet!

That's the way it always is sadly..   there are a few streamers who use time capsule runs ,like lmg though ,so spoiler free😊

Personally I gave up trying to avoid spoilers ages ago.  It's still not the same as playing it for yourself . 

@ManicManiac is doing a journal on here that he's keeping spoiler free too out of courtesy for console users if you want to read his thread.  It called Memory lane.

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3 hours ago, Jeremy4200 said:

So that's a no! We don't even have part one yet!

I have a fools hope that they drop 1+2 for console together to get us caught up.  it seems like that would be the best long term option to please a large console fanbase, especially if they intend to keep this format for years to come.  otherwise I think console players will begin to tire after having all new content spoiled and dangled in front of their faces for a month, multiple times a year 

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Also sucks that this is my favorite survival game to play . I'm done with watching YouTube now cause I want to play it myself. Hinterland you made a great game but have dropped the ball for not making it ready for all platforms at the same time . 



















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14 hours ago, Jeremy4200 said:

Also sucks that this is my favorite survival game to play . I'm done with watching YouTube now cause I want to play it myself. Hinterland you made a great game but have dropped the ball for not making it ready for all platforms at the same time . 



















It is very difficult to release a game for all platforms at the same time and if you think it is easy I invite you to create a small game, adapt it for all platforms and release it at the same time on all platforms, and you will see that not even one little game is easy to do.

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1 hour ago, mayimbe said:

It is very difficult to release a game for all platforms at the same time and if you think it is easy I invite you to create a small game, adapt it for all platforms and release it at the same time on all platforms, and you will see that not even one little game is easy to do.

True I know that Sony has it's own independent review process that often hinders or limits releases porting to the PS system.  Mods for Fallout 4 and Skyrim are a prime example where they restricted modders from adding new assets and that negotiation delayed the PS release of that feature by a few months.  There are a lot of hoops to jump through working with the various companies platforms... but that being said I am very eager for it to reach console even though I also play on my laptop.  my laptop is not a gaming system and the experience is subpar LOL not to mention all my badges are on console.

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8 minutes ago, Pyroxene said:

I have heard that the preliminary release date for Xbox and PS4/PS5 was the 15th of February 2023. However, I checked the Playstation Store and I couldn't find anything (17th of February). Will the release date be postponed?

It's now march 15th..  .....hopefully.

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Yeah, my feeling from what I've seen is that fixing the mac version ended up eating a lot of resources, esp developer time. As the note released last week said, they've ported it to a new version of the runtime (er, unity runtime that is), now uses metal (I have some knowledge of what goes into that; my firm is trying to get the webgpu project up and running across dx12, metal, and opengl/vulkan for use in ad hoc scientific computation networks; I will only say that this shizznit is far from trivial), AND is now available on the M1 and M2 arches, which by itself is a major deal; supporting new hardware architectures is never a minor task. I suspect there was a lot of work comms going between Unity and Hinterland for this, and we may all end up getting some benefit from this as I suspect the next major release (i.e. March 30th with a new region etc) will bring all the other platforms up to a more recent revision of unity and hopefully will help fix some of the issues that we've seen many people talking about here with the Forsaken Airfield release, such as wind noise. 

As was said in the release: 


The current target date for Xbox and PlayStation releases of TALES FROM THE FAR TERRITORY is Wednesday, March 15th. This will bring Steam, Epic Game store, Xbox, and PlayStation versions to parity. Please keep in mind, Xbox and PlayStation will need to approve these new versions, which may affect the release date. We will provide confirmation closer to launch. 

As everyone knows console store approval is an ongoing thing; I'm happy to see Hinterland being clear about what this means. The important detail is "versions to parity", which hopefully will mean that we're not going to see a two to three month delay for the console versions after this as TFTFT progresses for the rest of this year.

Another important little detail (at least to my software industry hindbrain) was this paragraph: 


We are currently targeting a launch for TALES FROM THE FAR TERRITORY, PART TWO on Thursday, March 30th. This will be for the Steam, Xbox, PlayStation, and Epic Games Store versions. The work on Part Two is nearly complete, and will be entering the Testing phase soon. Please keep in mind that the release date may be impacted by development realities.

Seems to confirm the idea that they're hoping to be able to release at least nearly simultaneously across all supported platforms going forward, and that they're hoping to be able to recover the time lost to dealing with the mac port issues going forward. It's pretty clear that they've got a platform team as well as an actual game dev team, and now that the platform work is more able to go into maintenance mode rather than active dev mode that they're expecting testing (which was almost certainly waiting for the completion of the mac support; not much point in running test suites when you get to run them all over again later), they'll be able to pour a lot more into the game development itself and get that action out the door.

Speaking for myself, I hope it's smooth sailing for them; it looks like they've spent a lot of time and resources into paying down technical debt and are ready to proceed with enlarging the game.

ETA: If in fact @Raphael van Lierop got the resource allocation so correct between the platform and game teams that they're able to both wrap up the mac and console platforms and pivot the devs to game resources to be able to put the final spit and polish on the next release a couple of weeks afterwards, that speaks quite highly of his organisational ability.

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fixed bad date, plus one more comment
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